

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
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Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
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The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
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29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

Great news! Robert Bauer of Perkins Coie resigns as White House counsel. ObamaFraudGate, aka Watergate 2, unfolds before our eyes.

Posted on | June 2, 2011 | 9 Comments

Bob Bauer resigning as White House counsel; deputy Ruemmler to move up to top job


9 Responses to “Great news! Robert Bauer of Perkins Coie resigns as White House counsel. ObamaFraudGate, aka Watergate 2, unfolds before our eyes.”

  1. Leonard McCauley
    June 2nd, 2011 @ 11:21 am

    Donald Trump takes credit for forcing the Fraudulent Birth Documment…Everybody knows it was a Combination of Orly Taitz, World Net Daily and the Final Sword Thrust was Billy Graham’s Boy! I will take some credit, because I fought the Battle as hard as I could, too.

  2. Starla
    June 2nd, 2011 @ 11:48 am

    From: https://citizenwells.wordpress.com/2011/06/01/obama-sarkozy-and-g8-leaders-focus-on-internet-not-government-over-spending-and-debt-reason-found-in-george-orwells-1984/#comments

    A Comment By: usapatriots-shout

    June 1, 2011 at 10:31 pm

    “OBAMA UNBEATABLE ? ? ? ? HA, HA, HA!!!!!!!!!”

    With the elections just around the corner, the illegal incumbent is getting ready to attempt to snooker America into making the same mistake twice. I wrote in a past commentary “Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.” This time America better make certain Steve Dunham is eligible before allowing him to run in any state.

    I sincerely hope, Obama will be indicted, arrested and tried. Nevertheless the Communist/Progressives are fighting violently to keep this fraud in office. They will commit any crime, tell any lie or spend any amount of money to perpetuate this fraud. They are already putting up the big bucks while Sotoero is already campaigning on your and my tax dollars.

    The blarney spinners are already attempting to mind fluck the American public with the idea Obama is so great he is unbeatable. The only people who think the bungler is unbeatable are the people being paid to spin the lie. The only way he got elected in 2008 was by cheating. Won’t America be so proud to keep a CHEATER IN THE WH. If any state lets him run again without strict and proper vetting—then, the only way he could win is by cheating. Honestly, the majority of Americans in all colors do not want 4-more Obama years. In spite of all the kings horses and all the kings’ men and all the stolen tax payer money to pay for his illegal campaign—HE WILL BE VERY BEATABLE!

    Read the polls—most people say they would vote for anybody but Oblabla. That means if a Donald Duck or Elmer Fudd ran, either one could get elected.

    Timing seemed to be on Barry Sotoero’s side in 2008 when little was known about him while people were upset with Bush over the Iraq war. This time it is different. Though the forger in chief has still failed to produce all his documents at a $2,000,000 expense to the taxpayers, we now have a real clear insight to who and what Soebarkah is. It is real clear George Soros, NWO, the Rothchilds are using Barry in trying to take down America. Except for a few die hard Obama junkies—most of America doesn’t want to go where Obama wants to take us.

    Let’s take a look at Barry Sotoero aka Barack Hussein Obama’s unbeatable American leadership qualities, his long track record of failures, and the global destruction he has caused.

    Isn’t a lawless, arrogant, apologizing/bowing Marxist war mongering teleprompter only reader everything Americans want in a leader? Don’t Americans just love his race card baiting, denigrating any one who disagrees with him, dividing of America,100% jihad Muslims support, his support of murderers of innocent Americans like Nidal Hassan of Fort Hood, his support for a mosque at ground zero, plans for trials in New York for Sheik Mohamed Khalid, while LTC Terrence Lakin is court martialed for honoring his oath to protect the Constitution from within and with out.

    Isn’t America grateful for Michele Evita telling children what they can’t eat and what they must eat, making a war on McDonalds, changing the food pyramid while she stuffs her face with lobster, Kobe beef and pastries made by the 5 star WH chefs. My how Americans loved doting on Michele’s vacations in Spainwhere a large portion of the beach had to be shut down so she and daughter could dip in the ocean.

    While Americans have lost their jobs, homes, and their families the Pharaoh and his queen of the Nile spend $200,000,000 per day vacationing in India visiting the Taj Mahal. Were not Americans impressed that no pharaoh, emperor, Shaw, king, prime minister nor leader of any country in all of history has traveled in that much lavish. We know the American tax payers were so glad to foot the bill. Of course Americans were so pleased that in the face of the highest national debt in all of America’s history, the President and the first lady showed no concern for the “sacrifice Americans had to make” to pay for all their UNNECESARY lavish trips.

    The people are especially proud most of the trillions of national debt were accumulated under Obama’s watch, the historical first black usurper. It was so easy for Barry to get the stimulus approved, then the bail outs, then the BILLIONS and Billions of aid sent to all the Middle East countries that are burning churches, synagogs while murdering Christians and Jews daily. America can’t wait to enjoy another four years of hardship so Palestine can get fat on pastries while America’s homeless increase, employment decreases, gas and food prices soar, the thousands of tornado, flood, and hurricane victims are still in need of assistance. Barry had no problem to send several million to Haiti.

    We the people love being told by Soebarkah to make sacrifices while he jets around on air force one at a cost of $181,757 per flight hour (not to mention the additional travel costs of Marine One, Secret Service, logistics and local police overtime), that’s a lot of frequent flier dollars going into Obama’s carbon footprint.

    Under the above-the-law-usurper, we so love watching the miscarriage of justice as one bought off judge after another threw out cases challenging Obama’s eligibility based upon standing and not merit. We truly appreciate our constitutional rights violated by having our bodies scanned and genitals groped at airports in the name of “security”. We feel our rights are so very well protected when witnessing the DOJ ignore our rights by refusing to investigate the Black Panther voter intimidation case.

    Wasn’t all of America really impressed seeing the smooth criminals operation of Obama, Pelosi, & Reid bribe, intimidate and lie to ram rod the worst alleged health care plan down the throat of America in spite of the millions of citizens who protested, spoke up at rallies, called, wrote, and faxed their political representatives. America looks forward to the continued high cost of the major effort it is taking to repeal this malevolent Plan. Yes, Hussein is so desirable, America could not bare being without him for another four years which is all it will takes to keep him in office for another 40 years.

    This regime hasn’t even got a clue. The one lesson I learned after the 2010 election is Soebarkah didn’t learn a thing. He simply made a little speech and has continued doing exactly as he was told to do by his freedom-destroying-constitution-shredding puppet masters. What non-hopey-changey platform are they going to use this campaign? “Obama hasn’t finished his work and needs another for years to destroy what little is left of America after he so seriously devastated our country in just less than three years”

    No candidate is MORE BEATABLE THAN SOEBARKAH. If Mickey Mouse is the voting choice over Barack Insane Soetoro, America will vote for Mickey Mouse. WE know Mickey is a NATURAL BORN CTIZEN AND HAS ALWLAYS REMAINED A TRUE AMERICAN PATRIOT.”

    ©2011 Therese Daniels

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    “Maybe that’s the reason GOP Freshman Jeff Landry (R-LA) announced today that he would skip the meeting with Barack Obama at the White House. Shouldn’t we be concerned when Obama calls members of Congress to the White House? Hmmmmmm………..

    GOP Lawmaker Turns Down White House Meeting: “I Won’t Be Lectured to” By Failed President


  3. will bryan
    June 2nd, 2011 @ 12:21 pm

    Bauer is only stepping down to defend any lawsuits against Obama during the campaign, just like hi did in the last one. When the campain is over, he’ll be right back a White House counsel, get it. Conflict of interest, you say. Tough. No one is going to stop any of Obama’s illegal activities. Not the FBI, not the courts. Suffer.

  4. Leonard McCauley
    June 2nd, 2011 @ 4:10 pm

    With all the info presented to him, Bob Bauer knew full well his tenious position from the beginning…Anyone Stupid enuff to believe his Client, with all the mountains of Evidence available, would never pass the Bar Exam.
    Bob Bauer should recuse himself from further BHO dealings and stand ready for prosecution of Conspiracy to defraud and commit Treason against “We the People” of the United States…He was, and still is an Officer of the Court…And has betrayed the Public Trust.

    June 2nd, 2011 @ 5:05 pm

    HOPE SO,

  6. SC Warrior
    June 2nd, 2011 @ 10:19 pm

    Hey, willy, aren’t you counting your chickens before they “roost?” This prez has messed up so many different ways, that his “rap(per)” sheet looks like a “litony of larceny,” for a prisoner!

    In 17 months, America will know one hell of a lot more than it did last time! So “cackle,” while you can, but he’s in for a very tough life! We are spreading the word, in so many ways!

    We’ll make him suffer with anguish over what he’ll have to face, when ALL AMERICANS finally learn of his treason!

    He’s the most ignorant human on the planet! To let Soros, the illuminati and the other “harpies” force him to “obey” and use him like a “t-o-y!” So, beware, “crude and rude!” The pendulum is swinging back to Patriotism! And Orly has your post!

  7. Florence Stone
    June 3rd, 2011 @ 1:18 am

    I think the rats are going to start abandoning the sinking ship. Who will be next?

  8. will bryan
    June 3rd, 2011 @ 5:55 am

    sounds like you smell de-feet already.

    No one is going to do a damn thing about Obama. No one is listening. Even after attacking Libya without Congressional approval, not even the courts or congress has the balls to stand up and demand that the laws be followed. 60 days, let’s make 150 days. Obama smacked down the Supreme Court in his first SOTU address and they have been cowering since. Again suffer!

  9. john
    June 4th, 2011 @ 7:12 pm

    Hey Phil, does that stand for “Scared Chicken Warrior”? Just curious.

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