

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita CA, 92688
Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
Donations no matter how small will help pay for airline and travel expenses.

The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
Mail donations to:
Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, c/o Dr. Orly Taitz
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688.
Contact Dr. Taitz at
In case of emergency, call 949-683-5411.

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

Great news!!! According to the FBI Hussein Obama/Soebarkah/Soetoro/Bounnel (or whatever he is) can be arrested as a domestic terrorist: he is using fake IDs, committing white-collar crimes and holding illegal courts. Call Robert Mueller, director of the FBI, demand immediate arrest of Obama on all of the above charges

Posted on | February 8, 2012 | 19 Comments

Domestic Terrorism
The Sovereign Citizen Movement


Some examples of illegal license plates used by so-called sovereign citizens.

Domestic terrorism—Americans attacking Americans because of U.S.-based extremist ideologies—comes in many forms in our post 9/11 world.

To help educate the public, we’ve previously outlined two separate domestic terror threats—eco-terrorists/animal rights extremists and lone offenders.

Today, we look at a third threat—the “sovereign citizen” extremist movement. Sovereign citizens are anti-government extremists who believe that even though they physically reside in this country, they are separate or “sovereign” from the United States. As a result, they believe they don’t have to answer to any government authority, including courts, taxing entities, motor vehicle departments, or law enforcement.

This causes all kinds of problems—and crimes. For example, many sovereign citizens don’t pay their taxes. They hold illegal courts that issue warrants for judges and police officers. They clog up the court system with frivolous lawsuits and liens against public officials to harass them. And they use fake money orders, personal checks, and the like at government agencies, banks, and businesses.

That’s just the beginning. Not every action taken in the name of the sovereign citizen ideology is a crime, but the list of illegal actions committed by these groups, cells, and individuals is extensive (and puts them squarely on our radar). In addition to the above, sovereign citizens:

  • Commit murder and physical assault;
  • Threaten judges, law enforcement professionals, and government personnel;
  • Impersonate police officers and diplomats;
  • Use fake currency, passports, license plates, and driver’s licenses; and
  • Engineer various white-collar scams, including mortgage fraud and so-called “redemption” schemes.

Sovereign citizens are often confused with extremists from the militia movement. But while sovereign citizens sometimes use or buy illegal weapons, guns are secondary to their anti-government, anti-tax beliefs. On the other hand, guns and paramilitary training are paramount to militia groups.

During the past year, we’ve had a number of investigative successes involving sovereign citizens. A few recent cases:

  • In Sacramento, two sovereign citizens were convicted of running a fraudulent insurance scheme. Operating outside state insurance regulatory guidelines, the men set up their own company and sold “lifetime memberships” to customers, promising to pay any accident claims against their “members.” The company collected millions of dollars, but paid out very few claims. More
  • In Kansas City, three sovereign citizens were convicted of taking part in a conspiracy using phony diplomatic credentials. They charged customers between $450 and $2,000 for a diplomatic identification card, which would bestow upon the holder “sovereign” status—meaning they would enjoy diplomatic immunity from paying taxes and from being stopped or arrested by law enforcement. More
  • In Las Vegas, four men affiliated with the sovereign citizen movement were arrested by the Nevada Joint Terrorism Task Force on federal money laundering, tax evasion, and weapons charges. The investigation involved an undercover operation, with two of the suspects allegedly laundering more than a million dollars from what they believed was a bank fraud scheme. More

You can help. First, “be crime smart”—don’t fall for the bogus claims and scams of sovereign citizens. And second, if you have information on any suspicious activities or crimes, please contact us.


19 Responses to “Great news!!! According to the FBI Hussein Obama/Soebarkah/Soetoro/Bounnel (or whatever he is) can be arrested as a domestic terrorist: he is using fake IDs, committing white-collar crimes and holding illegal courts. Call Robert Mueller, director of the FBI, demand immediate arrest of Obama on all of the above charges”

  1. Chito Papa
    February 8th, 2012 @ 7:51 am

    It’s like the Conch Republic in the Key West, Florida. Key West has successfully seceded from the Union and issues it’s own passports. They are said to be recognized by Germany, Sweden, Havana, Mexico, France, Spain, Ireland, and Russia.

  2. Abgespacktes Feld
    February 8th, 2012 @ 8:11 am

    > They are said to be recognized by Germany, Sweden, Havana, Mexico, France, Spain, Ireland, and Russia.

    No, they aren’t (recognized).

  3. Scott
    February 8th, 2012 @ 8:57 am

    Didn’t Obama seeks extension for Robert Mueller as FBI director? Wouldn’t Muller ignore this as a favor? Mueller has been said to be conservative but is he? Lastly wouldn’t Muller already be aware of all this?

  4. AF
    February 8th, 2012 @ 10:57 am

    Is this post for real or did you get hacked? Can you expand on this?

  5. West Coast Carl
    February 8th, 2012 @ 11:54 am

    Is Mueller a conservative? Maybe in general, but when confronted by the 0commie agenda or questions about his bona fides, too many – WAY too many – conservative politicians suddenly become ‘pragmatic’ and ‘practical’ rather than conservative and patriotic. Constitution be damned, out the window goes their conservatism. They simply cannot stand up to the 0commie Regime.

    It’s deplorable and they are despicable.

  6. uwho
    February 8th, 2012 @ 12:41 pm

    I don’t understand this article, it’s talking about Obama and then it goes on to Sovereigns being domestic terrorists. What is this about??

    I don’t see why this is such a bad thing, If I could divorce this rogue government I WOULD!! These people are NOT terrorist, they just don’t feel that they need or want this governments services. Frankly I DON’T EITHER. I WISH TEXAS WOULD SUCEEDE. I’m sure there is some bad eggs with the sovereigns as there is in any society but I don’t believe they are domestic terrorist. Heck by Odumba’s definition being AMERICAN makes us a terrorist. What part of that is not treasonous?? Who is the terrorist here?

  7. 2discern
    February 8th, 2012 @ 3:13 pm

    The comparative value is the point of the article. Barry is using fake ID, fraudulent SS#, no documentation of anything therefore he is a terrorist by DHS standards. Of course, since the judges are corrupt, Napolitano likes her job from the usurper, Holder as attorney injustice, the FBI has had numerous filed reports (Doug Vogt for one)that barry soetero is a fraud.

    They do nothing. The CONgress does nothing. The CIA does nothing (they own him), the DoJ, zilch.

    What does that spell? Amerika-USSA. Barry can force the Catholic church to perform abortions (murder)by his illegal signature on a bill that Apollo project drew up for CONgress to approve. The cesspool of DC is so toxic, the fumes of evil permeate thicker than smog. Of course, EPA won’t regulate that kind of slimy smog they’re into more job killing and saving a lizard while babies are legally killed. Oh, wow that is just what Nazi Germany did. An edit to kill other humans.

  8. Frank Coniff
    February 8th, 2012 @ 7:39 pm

    Um, hey stupid. The CIA wouldn’t be able to do anything anyway. They don’t operate on US soil.

  9. David Gurney
    February 8th, 2012 @ 8:00 pm

    We may have to wait until Christie becomes AG.

  10. ken
    February 8th, 2012 @ 8:17 pm

    it sounds like if i call Mueller they will arrest me….am i reading this right?

  11. Donna
    February 9th, 2012 @ 12:51 pm

    Jerome Corsi went to FBI with lots of prove of the birth certificate issue just after his book came out “Where’s the Birth Certificate” ..but they said it was too political and wouldn’t touch Obama.. humm..something smells fishy here….

  12. James A Davis SR
    February 10th, 2012 @ 8:24 pm

    Don’t worry about the FBI Obama has that in his hip pocket.I know Ms Taitz wish that i would never comment but what i say i truely believe it.I donot believe that that if a person is always trying to put forth a positive statement,that does not meanit is true.If you check Bibical prophecy it is to the opposite.It is not going to happen.War is coming.The only ones that survive is the ones that have prepared for it.You may ask ,are you prepared ?I have been trying ever since Obama was elected to be prepared and i am not sure that i am but willing to go with what i have.

  13. Anonymous
    June 2nd, 2012 @ 12:49 am

    A few points.
    Regarding the CIA they have, since the end of WWII a “special relationship” with the UK in general but especially MI6, England’s SIS. So CIA operates in the UK and the SIS operate here–that is the CIA use SIS either alone but more often with a US Intelligence Officer in tow. More often it’s the British SIS in tow to sign off on whatever is being done inside the US. Fairly common knowledge.
    About the FBI. If you submit a formal complaint they may “run” your name to see who you are and at the very worst you may be put on a watch list similar to what TSA use at airports to ID the bad guys–again, fairly common knowledge.
    However, what is not common knowledge is that since EEOC thousands of federal law enforcement agencies hire from the fill the quotas every one says don’t exist. So the problem is gust like the former USSR or Germany during WWII these folks cannot be touched (they cannot be fired and rarely are given the same treatment you and I would get) that creates two problems: 1. Many of these folks have been around long enough to become supervisors and B. with extremely low IQ’s they cannot even trained up the a competent level. So the next time the EPA or FBI pull something very strange(like the EPA arresting a Japanese farmer for running over a Kangaroo rat–and in the proses took his tractor and nearly every thing he owned)it usually turns into a mirage, i.e., you see it and you know it’s there until you get up close then all you got is an agent or supervisor or both that normally operates outside legal parameters and usually will not be touched.
    My advice the is do what you think is necessary have witness and try to cover your ass as best you can.

  14. The Psych
    June 2nd, 2012 @ 12:59 am

    A few points.
    Regarding the CIA. Yes they do operate in the US, it’s technically not legal (they use British SIS, MI6, to get around that particular law) and to be fair the UK uses us over there in a like manner–they have a law similar to ours. Fairly common knowledge.
    About the FBI. If you submit a formal complaint they may “run” your name to see who you are and at the very worst you may be put on a watch list similar to what TSA use at airports to ID the bad guys–again, fairly common knowledge.
    However, what is not common knowledge is that since EEOC thousands of federal law enforcement agencies hire from the fill the quotas every one says don’t exist. So the problem is gust like the former USSR or Germany during WWII these folks cannot be touched (they cannot be fired and rarely are given the same treatment you and I would get) that creates two problems: 1. Many of these folks have been around long enough to become supervisors and B. with extremely low IQ’s they cannot even trained up the a competent level. So the next time the EPA or FBI pull something very strange(like the EPA arresting a Japanese farmer for running over a Kangaroo rat–and in the proses took his tractor and nearly every thing he owned)it usually turns into a mirage, i.e., you see it and you know it’s there until you get up close then all you got is an agent or supervisor or both that normally operates outside legal parameters and usually will not be touched.
    My advice the is do what you think is necessary have witness and try to cover your ass as best you can.

  15. The Psych
    June 2nd, 2012 @ 1:00 am

    A few points.
    Regarding the CIA. Yes they do operate in the US, it’s technically not legal (they use British SIS, MI6, to get around that particular law) and to be fair the UK uses us over there in a like manner–they have a law similar to ours. Fairly common knowledge.
    About the FBI. If you submit a formal complaint they may “run” your name to see who you are and at the very worst you may be put on a watch list similar to what TSA use at airports to ID the bad guys–again, fairly common knowledge.
    However, what is not common knowledge is that since EEOC thousands of federal law enforcement agencies hire from the fill the quotas every one says don’t exist. So the problem is gust like the former USSR or Germany during WWII these folks cannot be touched (they cannot be fired and rarely are given the same treatment you and I would get) that creates two problems: 1. Many of these folks have been around long enough to become supervisors and B. with extremely low IQ’s they cannot even trained up the a competent level. So the next time the EPA or FBI pull something very strange(like the EPA arresting a Japanese farmer for running over a Kangaroo rat–and in the proses took his tractor and nearly every thing he owned)it usually turns into a mirage, i.e., you see it and you know it’s there until you get up close then all you got is an agent or supervisor or both that normally operates outside legal parameters and usually will not be touched.
    My advice the is do what you think is necessary have witness and try to cover your ass as best you can.

  16. The Psych
    June 2nd, 2012 @ 1:16 am

    A few points.
    Regarding the CIA. Yes they do operate in the US, it’s technically not legal (they use British SIS, MI6, to get around that particular law) and to be fair the UK uses us over there in a like manner–they have a law similar to ours. Fairly common knowledge.
    About the FBI. If you submit a formal complaint they may “run” your name to see who you are and at the very worst you may be put on a “watch list” similar to what TSA use at airports to ID the bad guys–again, fairly common knowledge.
    However, what is not common knowledge is that since EEOC thousands of federal law enforcement agencies hire from the fill the quotas every one says don’t exist. So the problem is just like the former USSR or Germany during WWII the “party members” these folks cannot be touched (they cannot be fired and rarely are given the same treatment you and I would get) that creates two problems: 1. Many of these folks have been around long enough to become supervisors and B. with extremely low IQ’s they cannot even be trained up to a competent level. So we see some very bizarre orders and/or very strange enforcement activity–all in the knowledge that they cannot and will not be touched.
    My advice then is do what you think is necessary and right but have witness and try to cover your ass as best you can.

  17. The Psych
    June 2nd, 2012 @ 1:19 am

    A few points.
    Regarding the CIA. Yes they do operate in the US, it’s technically not legal (they use British SIS, MI6, to get around that particular law) and to be fair the UK uses us over there in a like manner–they have a law similar to ours. Fairly common knowledge.
    About the FBI. If you submit a formal complaint they may “run” your name to see who you are and at the very worst you may be put on a “watch list” similar to what TSA use at airports to ID the bad guys–again, fairly common knowledge.
    However, what is not common knowledge is that since EEOC thousands of federal law enforcement agencies hire from the fill the quotas every one says don’t exist. So the problem is just like the former USSR or Germany during WWII the “party members” these folks cannot be touched (they cannot be fired and rarely are given the same treatment you and I would get) that creates two problems: 1. Many of these folks have been around long enough to become supervisors and B. with extremely low IQ’s they cannot even be trained up to a competent level. So we see some very bizarre orders and/or very strange enforcement activity–all in the knowledge that they cannot and will not be touched.
    My advice then is do what you think is necessary and right but have witness and try to cover your ass as best you can.

  18. The Psych
    June 2nd, 2012 @ 1:28 am

    A few points.
    Regarding the CIA. Yes they do operate in the US, it’s technically not legal (they use British SIS, MI6, to get around that particular law) and to be fair the UK uses us over there in a like manner–they have a law similar to ours. Fairly common knowledge.
    About the FBI. If you submit a formal complaint they may “run” your name to see who you are and at the very worst you may be put on a “watch list” similar to what TSA use at airports to ID the bad guys–again, fairly common knowledge.
    However, what is not common knowledge is that since EEOC all of the 225 odd intellegencies in the US have been hiring from the bottom of the list as it were in order to fill the quotas they claim don’t exist. So the problem is just like the former USSR or Germany during WWII the “party members,” these folks, cannot be touched (they cannot be fired and rarely are given the same treatment you and I would get) that creates two problems: 1. Many of these folks have been around long enough to become supervisors and B. with extremely low IQ’s they cannot even be trained up to a competent level. So we see some very bizarre orders given by some of these people and/or very strange enforcement activity–all in the knowledge that they cannot and will not be touched.
    My advice then is do what you think is necessary and right but have witness and try to cover your ass as best you can.

  19. The Psych
    June 2nd, 2012 @ 1:31 am

    A few points.
    Regarding the CIA. Yes they do operate in the US, it’s technically not legal (they use British SIS, MI6, to get around that particular law) and to be fair the UK uses us over there in a like manner–they have a law similar to ours. Fairly common knowledge.
    About the FBI. If you submit a formal complaint they may “run” your name to see who you are and at the very worst you may be put on a “watch list” similar to what TSA use at airports to ID the bad guys–again, fairly common knowledge.
    However, what is not common knowledge is that since EEOC all of the 225 odd intellegence agencies in the US have been hiring from the bottom of the list as it were in order to fill the quotas they claim don’t exist. So the problem is just like the former USSR or Germany during WWII the “party members,” these folks, cannot be touched (they cannot be fired and rarely are given the same treatment you and I would get) that creates two problems: 1. Many of these folks have been around long enough to become supervisors and B. with extremely low IQ’s they cannot even be trained up to a competent level. So we see some very bizarre orders given by some of these people and/or very strange enforcement activity–all in the knowledge that they cannot and will not be touched.
    My advice then is do what you think is necessary and right but have witness and try to cover your ass as best you can.

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