

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita CA, 92688
Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
Donations no matter how small will help pay for airline and travel expenses.

The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
Mail donations to:
Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, c/o Dr. Orly Taitz
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688.
Contact Dr. Taitz at
In case of emergency, call 949-683-5411.

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

Great new poll! nearly half of Americans agree with me in that Obama did not provide valid documents.

Posted on | March 18, 2012 | 11 Comments

Do all these Americans agree with Sheriff Joe on Obama?
A brand-new scientific poll is out on the results of Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s probe into the authenticity of Barack Obama’s birth certificate and the president’s eligibility for office.

You’ll be stunned at the percentage of Americans who agree with Sheriff Joe …

Click here to read the full article.

Please, read the latest Wntzell poll!

Nearly half of Americans agree with my work and findings in that Obama does not have valid papers!

please, help me finish the work with several legal actions in conservative states and my campaign to defeat Senator Feinstein. Her approval went down to only 40%. Our open primary is coming June 5. So far according to the most respected polling organization Rasmussen -Pulse I am the top scoring challenger to Feinstein. Washington Lobbyist Elizabeth Emken, who was endorsed by the GOP leadership is polling dead last with only 2% of the GOP vote and only 1% of the total vote. Please, help me beat the corrupt establishment in both GOP and in the general election. CA is a huge state with nearly 40 million people. I already spent over $6,000 for the ballot pamphlet ad, which will  enlighten voters about Obama’s lack of a valid birth certificate and a valid Social Security number. ads were place in Washington Times and several websites. More needs to be done  It would be important for me to keep up the lead and be invited to debates with Feinstein.

Please, donate at my campaign website RunOrlyRun.com and OrlyTaitzforUSSenate.com Please by 2 of my DVDs: one of theHistoric trial in GA (it also contains a video of me addressing Arpaio and forwarding all the evidence to him and Arpaio’s press conference) and the DVD of the historic testimony at the ballot law commission in New Hampshire. Each DVD is $22.50 and $2.50 for shipping and handling. DVDs are in a commemorative case with my autograph. Please write a check to Orly Taitz for US Senate or donate on my campaign web site.


11 Responses to “Great new poll! nearly half of Americans agree with me in that Obama did not provide valid documents.”

  1. Veritas
    March 18th, 2012 @ 5:09 pm

    Just in time! Look at what is on DRUDGE:


    …document creates widespread worry

  2. CatskillMountain
    March 18th, 2012 @ 5:17 pm

    The GLOBE is at it again!

    Current March 26, 2012 edition.

    Soon there will not be one person in America, either naturalized, native born citizen, Natural Born citizen, or Illegal Alien that will not have heard!

    (pages 16-17)


    Lawmen search for TWO mystery men who faked documents for Prez.

    “This could lead to impeachment.”

    …”likely to decide the political fate of the president once and for all!”

  3. CrispinFetchit
    March 18th, 2012 @ 5:42 pm

    This is why, if you, spend enough money on advertising, you will beat Dianne Feinstein!

    Go Orly! Run Lady Liberty!

  4. Russell Bennett
    March 18th, 2012 @ 10:57 pm

    About half the people in the US. Don’t knuw about Sheriff Joes investagation or the work that Orly Taitz has done.Most of them think Obama has won every case.This is how the Press has misinformed the Public.

  5. tom
    March 18th, 2012 @ 11:57 pm

    The Usurper aka B.O. Jr, has stated that in 1982 , authorities found that there was insufficient documentation available in order to proof who his father was

  6. steve m
    March 19th, 2012 @ 12:20 am

    This shows multitudes of Americans want justice and truth regarding Obama’s fraudulently obtaining office, but we’re unorganized, we’re w/o a clear detailed strategy and agenda for best utilization of power through our numbers,
    we seem to need desparately a powerful leader to help
    organize this epic movement…

    Elizabeth had a brilliant idea to call out/ ‘request’ a retired veteran General or Colonel or ? to lead a charge voluntarily and help organize our movement!
    We need top retired brass to help this cause for truth, there’s a major logjam to break as far as media still stifling and belittling all fraud evidence, even Breitbarts’ Editor Ben Shapiro to my astonishment and wnd’s, claims all ‘birther’ Obama fraud evidence is bogus and he discredits it all as a losing waste of time!
    Obama and company knew way back they needed a strong forcefield to guard against their crimes, what better way than to have preplanned and coerced media strategically to be Obama’s proxy defenders that instantly squash any and all instigators of fraud, rendering ‘birther’ issue a toxic, racist, hot-potato issue that only the bravest and strongest of the strong will persue, like Orly is doing still!

    Orly, how about calling-to-arms a retired veteran top-brass motivated patriot with a burning desire for justice to volunteer in leading us to victory?

  7. Bart Piscitello
    March 19th, 2012 @ 7:04 am

    The two leading candidates that could lead a march against this usurper are Douglas MacArthur, and or, Georgr Patton.
    Unfortunately, both are dead and buried; the only sound from both is that they are turning in their graves.
    Even ole pres Ike is rattleing in his box.

    The only leader that is doing something worth her salt is Dr.Taitz.
    She is the lone voice out there after all the blowhearts fell by the wayside, including Trump, o’rielly, Hannity and possibly Arpairo.
    A retired military man to lead the charge is fruitless; they relish their pensions and comfort.
    Look at the example of Lt col Terry Lakin.
    Our military morale, confidence, and ability to follow the constitution has fallen to a 250 year low.
    If you can name a military leader who will raise the colors and lead the charge, I say name him and let’s get on with the elimination of an invalid usurper.
    In the meanwhile, the only battle going on out there is Orly Taitz; shooting paintballs which are not making any impact because there are not enough voices shouting for her cause; which should be ours.
    But remember this, paintballs, lawsuits, speeches, advertisments, travel, townhall meetings, etc,etc are all ineffective unless they are en-masse.
    That means that many, many.
    The more that is put forth, the more effective the result.
    Saturate your worthless congressmen, and remind them of their neglected duty to follow the constitution.
    Donate those hard earned dollars to Orly Taitz, for there a valid challange is being made.
    The republican party is failing to pick up the challange, the congress has failed, the courts are corrupt and the WWII, Korean, and Viet-Nam vets are not interested in a bloodless coup.
    The patriotic fiber of this country in complacent in keep the status quo.
    Not enough people realize the consequences of the on-comming days.
    Helicoptors, and riot police in MI.
    A sign of martial law.
    The NDAA pact.
    It’s here.
    Wake up people, wake up and donate as this may be your last and only hope to ignite some sort of movement that will awaken the sleeping giand that we once called America.

  8. stevem
    March 19th, 2012 @ 11:47 am

    A top retired military Colonel or General of ANY branch has very special credentials second to none:
    unlimited resolve, unparalleled leadership experience, undeniable respect and immediate commanding of attention of entire bipartisan sentiments, highest clout with massive upper echelon contacts, deepests engrained strength and courage to scatter away any fear or intimidation tactics and get straight to truths, pent up sick to his or her stomach sense of call to duty in seeing this Countries’ sacred Constitution arrogantly hacked away chunk after chunk before his or her very eyes, yearning to issue a payback and sentence a restoration back to our founding fathers legitimate and sacred American ideals,
    prove to the world that our checks and balances will always root out any and all enemies- foreign AND DOMESTIC!

    This is the IDEAL warrior for this impossible mission that has our Country in a stranglehold
    and showing signs of systematic Marxist/ Socialist transformation through massive corruption and deliberate destruction of the Constitution.

    We need a MODERN DAY Douglass McArthur or
    George S. Patton 2.0
    to assist Orly Taitz in Obamaforgerygate and
    demand Congress ceases their abbeding and addresses and investigates these frauds and corruptions, then follows through with appropriate tough justice and remedies!

    He or She does exist and will answer their own

  9. john
    March 19th, 2012 @ 7:23 pm

    Stevem, you are a treasonous, cowardly insurrectionist. If you hate America and the Constitution so much, why not move to Russia?

  10. Elizabeth
    March 24th, 2012 @ 9:28 am

    Stevem.. I am impressed with all you said as being very profound and truly the answer to this dilemma of leadership.

    Dr. Taitz is leading intellectually as well as physically with court cases and she is making a dent in the wall of ignorance.

    I had thought of the retired general? Kerchner? is that the name? Of course, none of us know anything about his code of honor as far as leading and organizing masses of patriots, but I assume he led masses of military… same thing. Isn’t he the head of a Tea Party? It’s been a while since I read about him at Post&Email.

    As for little john, I would suggest to you, in a kind way, that you allow some light into the dark tunnel of your narrow-minded thought processes.

    It really would make you a far better person and you just might save your soul as well as your body, some future time.

    Think on it, johnny boy.

    Meanwhile, keep your foolish remarks to yourself. You could find a zoo and expound to an elephant.

  11. Russell Bennett
    March 26th, 2012 @ 5:28 am

    Orly I heard that the Hi. Health Dept will no longer Have any long form Birth Certificates. I wonder if this means they destroyed the Microfilm.

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