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Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

From Phoenix examiner: an article about my lecture yesterday

Posted on | October 10, 2010 | 4 Comments

  • Phoenix
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    Orly Taitz defines what America is all about

    • October 10th, 2010 2:55 pm MT

    Do you like this story?

    It was a great pleasure meeting Orly Taitz for the first time in Surprise, Arizona this last Saturday.

    What an amazing individual she is. She immigrated  from Russia in the 1970’s. She learned dentistry and became a dentist. She taught herself law and became a lawyer. She is a powerhouse of energy and talent. Since this author was born French and also immigrated to America, he is able to recognize the sacrifices and amazing accomplishments Orly has made not only as an immigrant but also as an ordinary American. Not only that, but Orly is an absolutely charming lady.

    She is also the individual who has lead the charge demanding that Obama release the documents into his background to prove his eligibility. There are so many unanswered questions about Obama and exactly who he is that one wonders why the powers that be are so afraid of discussing this issue. Why does he have multiple social security numbers? Why was he sworn into office under what seems not to be his legal name? Why is it that if he went to Columbia University there is to this day no one who remembers him? Not his professors or fellow classmates have any memories of Barack Obama at Columbia University. There are so many verifiable facts that simply do not add up about this president, that something is very wrong.

    Orly has been so pummeled by a corrupt judicial system in trying to question Obama’s eligibility that it is too much for most Americans to face. They simply look the other way afraid to upset whatever is left of their lives.

    Why does McCain have to be natural born to be president but not Barack Obama?

    During the presidential elections McCain was skewered because his natural born satus was put in question. Since he had not been born in the US, the thinking was that he was not natural born.

    According to a New York Times article entitled :” Senators Cross Party Lines to Remove Doubt on McCain’s Presidential Eligibility” and dated April 18, 2008 natural born was defined as follows:

    “At various points in the country’s history, it was widely assumed that it [ natural born] meant a presidential candidate must have been born to American citizens on the soil of any of what would become or are now the 50 states. It wasn’t so much a matter of citizenship as geography. Mr. McCain is indisputably a citizen.”More…

    During that same time the senate passed a non binding resolution declaring McCain natural born.

    “Resolved, That John Sidney McCain, III, is a ‘natural born Citizen’ under Article II, Section 1, of the Constitution of the United States,” declares the resolution co-authored by Senators Patrick Leahy, Democrat of Vermont and chairman of the Judiciary Committee, and Senator Claire McCaskill, Democrat of Missouri.

    The sponsors include both Democrats vying to be Mr. McCain’s opponent, Senators Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York and Barack Obama of Illinois, as well as Senator Tom Coburn, Republican of Oklahoma. “ More…

    You really need to read the entire article to get the full olfactory experience from this article’s bouquet. Quite simply it stinks of rot.

    Does this not jump out at you?

    Follow this tench.

    Basically these senators are saying that they recognize that natural born means that you must be born in the US as a US citizen and that your parents must US citizens as well. In addition, these senators then pass a non-binding resolution that declares McCain is natural born

     And to add insult to injury Obama is one of a handful of senators to sign this resolution.

    Notice that the article is all about McCain not having been born in the US.

    Do you get it yet?

    No one remembered to ask about Obama’s natural born status. We know beyond a doubt that he is not natural born since because it is a well established fact that his dad was not a US citizen. Obama is therefore definitely not natural born since we are applying the standards the senators established for McCain.

    Why did the senate go to all the trouble of establishing that McCain needed to be natural born to run for office and at the same time looking the other way because Obama was not natural born and not eligible. This is nakedly obvious.

    This is what Orly has worked singlehandedly to get the courts to acknowledge since that is the standard that has been established. Why has Obama been given a waiver from constitutional eligibility when McCain had to meet constitutional eligibility?

    Essentially, Obama is not eligible plain and simple.

    The facts are there for all to see.

    Why are Federal Judges shivering in fear like wet cats at the thought of an eligibility law suit?

    Why indeed. Like most people we had this naïve idea that there are three separate but equal branches of government dueling it out over power in a pristine demonstration of perfect government.

    Well forget it. Federal judges can be intimidated and cowered into frightened sheep.

    They can be intimidated in a number of ways like IRS audits, like being hauled before a hostile congress, like pressuring their children or grandchildren etc.

    Far fetched you may say?

    Remember how Senator Ted Stevens of Alaska was hounded out of office? The Obama Justice Department went after Senator Stevens for corruption. They hounded him in court and caused him to lose re-election. When he had lost, it came out that the government prosecutors simply made the evidence up and that there was no case against the senator. The judge in that case said that this was the worst case of prosecutorial misconduct he had ever seen. By then it was too late and the senator had been destroyed.

    If the Justice Department can get away with this kind of corruption, it is not too hard to see that they can destroy judges just as easily.

    Incidentally, had Stevens won re-election there would have been no Obama care voted in since he would have been one of 41 senators to filibuster the bill. Do you see how this is all coming together?

    What will the November elections bring?

    One important point Orly brought out was that the judges may be waiting to see how the elections turn out. If the Republicans win the House and Senate then the political atmosphere would presumably change such that judges would not have to fear for their careers and for their lives.

    We are putting emphasis on fear for their lives because it is not outrageous at all that this could be part of the intimidation mix. In the example of Ted Stevens above, it turned out that the lead prosecutor who manufactured all the fraudulent evidence subsequently killed himself and around the same time Ted Stevens’ plane crashed killing the senator.

    Odd! There is a lot of coincidental dying going on out there. What do you think the relatives of the prosecutor and of Ted Stevens are thinking?

    Things to come

    During the same meeting with Orly, we also learned that this last week a Judge granted request to file Amicus Curiae Brief claiming health care bill null and void due to Obama’s ineligibility

    This is the first time since Orly has lead the charge into this eligibility fraud, that a Federal judge has allowed any documentation into the record supporting the fact that Obama may not be eligible to be president.

    Maybe the judge now has some hope the Congress will turn Republican and the reign of terror is subsiding and that those judges now can pursue the case of Obama’s eligibility. This angle is very interesting in that it is being approached from the Obamacare angle and it is also supported by some twenty states and some well known Attorneys general. Conceivably, the cavalry is on the horizon bringing much needed reinforcements in this eligibility fight.

    Nevertheless, special recognition needs to go to Orly for her brilliant approach and her unsurpassed courage. She is an icon of what a real American is all about an individual who expects the Constitution to rule over government as the Founders intended. We have a lot to learn from her.


    4 Responses to “From Phoenix examiner: an article about my lecture yesterday”

    1. Robert Burges
      October 10th, 2010 @ 8:41 pm

      I need information on the election machines. Change of ownership and connection to possible elections fraud.

    2. dr_taitz@yahoo.com
      October 10th, 2010 @ 11:37 pm

      it is part of my case with the Supreme court of Ca. Are you and Judy coming to NV? I can give you the material

    3. Granite
      October 11th, 2010 @ 6:26 am

      Natural Born Citizen status is not affected by the citizenship of one or even two parents. All that affects it is the place of birth, and Obama was born in the USA, as his official birth certificate from Hawaii shows.

      Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), said:

      “Every child born in the United States is a natural-born United States citizen except for the children of diplomats.” (December 11, 2008 letter to constituent)

      Senator Orrin G. Hatch (R-UT), said:

      “What is a natural born citizen? Clearly, someone born within the United States or one of its territories is a natural born citizen.” (Senate Judiciary Committee hearing hearing on OCTOBER 5, 2004)

    4. dr_taitz@yahoo.com
      October 11th, 2010 @ 9:31 am

      wrong definition, both parents have to be U.S. citizens at the time of the child’s birth, which makes Obama not eligible, regardles of the place of the birth

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