From my “friends” on the left and response from Orly ‘What is the difference between Santa and Barack Obama?
Posted on | December 25, 2010 | 21 Comments
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stuart_oneill RT @GottaLaff: Orly Taitz is asking to see Santa’s birth certificate. Will she never learn?//Takes brain to learn.
15 hours ago |
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AnaRevolution #lol RT @GottaLaff: Orly Taitz is asking to see Santa’s birth certificate. Will she never learn?
Twitter –
Response from Orly:
What is the difference between Santa Claus and Obama?
1. How did Santa get in the White House?
Through the chimney
2 How did Obama get into the White House?
Through the back door
3. Who carried Santa?
4. who Carried Obama?
A few donkeys from the Dem party, Congress, Dep of Justice and Judiciary
5. What did Elves do for Santa?
Presents for babies
6. What did Elves do for Obama?
A birth certificate and a social security card for baby Obama
7. Who is in charge of all of Santa’s elves?
Mrs. Claus
8. Who is in charge of all of Obama’s elves?
Chief Justice Roberts.
9. What did Santa do for us?
gave us presents and money
10 What did Obama do for us?
took away our presents and money
Please, send it do David Letterman, for his top 10. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy New Year from Orly!
21 Responses to “From my “friends” on the left and response from Orly ‘What is the difference between Santa and Barack Obama?”
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December 25th, 2010 @ 12:25 pm
69+ millon Americans voted for President Obama. He received more than 53% of the popular vote and an overwhelming majority of the electoral college vote. To claim he came in through the back door, or gained the office illegitimately, is to reveal your racism.
In other words, what you’ve possted says nothing about Obama. But it says everything we need to know about you and the person who created the post.
December 25th, 2010 @ 12:32 pm
69 million voted based on fraud that he committed. 69 million have a valid class action against him for fraud (as well as against people like you who aided and abetted him)
December 25th, 2010 @ 12:45 pm
The fraud is all in your addled brain. You don’t have a speck of truth. Keep up the lawsuits, though. We’ve got a big surprise coming up for you.
December 25th, 2010 @ 1:38 pm
No, Dr. Taitz. No one has standing to try to undo a democratic election. But if go back to Moldova, maybe you’ll have more success there. Here in the United States we proceed based on actual facts, not unproven rumors and infantile wishful thinking by a few unpatriotic losers.
December 25th, 2010 @ 4:51 pm
LOLOL! Oh, Orly…!!! Now, parenthesis, LOL! Be nice! But are you sure that you’re not some misguided “punctuation?” That’s possible??
Yeah, boy, would the court go “wild,” if it had to deal with 69+ million names on a class action suit? LOL!
Now, I’m wondering if we can get that “Dangling Participle” to post, too?? LOL!
See, parenthesis, Orly was right again! Oh ye of little faith!!!
The Good Dr…
December 25th, 2010 @ 5:10 pm
Now, Nathan:…what’s the surprise? Are you all going to commit “Hara-Kiri” and solve this dilemma for America? That’s only RIGHT, you know!!! LOL!
And all Patriots are praying that “We The People” will have a surprise for you!
Furthermore, I hope you two “carbuncles” only received “a stocking full of “coal” this Christmas! Cause you two are “bad, little posters!” Shame, shame!
Davey Crockett…
December 25th, 2010 @ 6:18 pm
To Parenthesis from Wikipedia (singular, parenthesis) – also called simple brackets
The above could be enough said but I will add: “To claim he came in through the back door, or gained the office illegitimately, is to reveal your racism.” Ya, this Russian immigrant came all the way to the US so she could be a “racist.” Brilliant! Now, I know why it is called “simple brackets.” By the way, where in the Constitution does it say a popular vote trumps the Constitution?
And to dear Nathan, “The fraud is all in your addled brain.” I don’t know if you’ve actually read any of Orly’s filings or not but if you have PLEASE, PLEASE, give us some particulars, any 2nd grader can make a statement such as this but someone with maturity should at least back it up with facts. Please give us the answers to why Obama is using more than one SS# and why he doesn’t have a SS# issued from the state that he was supposedly born in. Also, give us some facts on how a person who is not a “natural born citizen” can become President other than fraud. Notice, I did not deny he may be a citizen through a possible birth in Hawaii, nobody knows for sure since he sealed all his records (a strange first act I might suggest). This “we’ve got a big surprise coming up for you.” I would love to know who the “WE” is? Or, do you have a mouse in your pocket?
And, lastly, to Parenthesis’ last post: for once you may be right “No one has standing to try to undo a democratic election.” But, thank God we live in a land of laws and the Constitution has the RIGHT to undo a “democratic election” in which the media failed to do its job along with everyone else who had the responsibility to make sure Obama was properly vetted. Funny how they demanded McCain be vetted. “Here in the United States we proceed based on actual facts, not unproven rumors and infantile wishful thinking by a few unpatriotic losers.” WOW! What a bunch of garbage! Where are the “actual facts” that you (I assume you are part of the “we” in your statement) “proceed” on? All I see from you is a bunch of “infantile” name calling and opened ended, uncommitted statements. Since when does someone who is standing up for what the Constitution actually says “UNPATRIOTIC?”
On a personal note, I will not even attempt to stoop so low to even approach your “unpatriotic losers” comment. Except to say, I am over 70 years old (with no signs of senility) and I have loved this country ever since I became aware of how great it is, mainly when I enlist in the Marine Corps. I defended it then and I will defend it today and to be called an “unpatriotic loser” by anyone, let alone someone who will stand and defend a person who will not prove anything, even to you, instead of defending the Constitution first tells me you’ve exposed the depth of your thought and commitment. Time to dig a little deeper!
Orly, wouldn’t it be great, just once, to get an Obama supporter on here who actually had something interesting and FACTUAL to say. Hang in there and just take all this “crap” out with the rest of your garbage.
December 25th, 2010 @ 9:53 pm
“No, Dr. Taitz. No one has standing to try to undo a democratic election.” — Oh yeah? You better go tell that to Governor Thomas Moodie as well as Albert Gallatin and James Shields who were both popularly elected Senators removed from office because they were found to be ineligible.
December 26th, 2010 @ 6:27 am
Dr. Orly, arguing with people like those two is like trying to teach Pigs to sing. Your wasting your effort and just annoying the Pigs.
At any rate, people like them are political neophytes who don’t understand about Chicago style thug politics and how dead people come out in droves to vote in that Whore filled city. Take it from a former(thank God)Illinois resident.
Happy blessed New Year from hippybiker.
December 26th, 2010 @ 6:29 am
Oh, by the way, I forgot to mention….Santa Claus and Barack Obama are both fictional characters.
December 26th, 2010 @ 6:54 am
Orly, these are just 2 more posts by the “far, far” left, who “beg” for the NWO! They can’t handle being Patriotic.
Hey, we all knnow that you are nothing more then Obama supporters! Wow! That sounds like a “rich ‘goal’ in life!!” Give us all a break! No right thinking American could possibly allow themselves to “babble” insanely (all the time)! Too much “gobble-wobble!”
Also, parenthesis…? Are you sure you’re not a “dangling participle”?
(And there’s no group of people that are more INFANTILE than posters who have “twisted thoughts” and can only “harass” Orly!) Such a bunch of “ga-ga!”
Everyone who posts to promote Obama (and who already understands that he (IS) “illegal” to be prez, should actually “call it a life”! Your soul is already “dead!” And Orly doesn’t deserve this kind of continuous “literary fragging!”
And it is hard to fathom how some humans can receive such “tainted” “DNA”? Are you people “V’s”…from the TV Show? Cause you ARE possessed of E-V-I-L!!!!!! If you have a “neo-nano” micron of real courage that Orly exhibits, you might become “productive” members of society???
But from what I find, all of the education and the knowledge of life and truth hasn’t been allowed to enter your “liberal-library”! Even “osmosis” needs a host that is functional, to be productive!
You’ve been “brain-washed” to “accept” socialism and to “obey” without regard to understanding “right from wrong” or the consequences! And you don’t have the personal “constitution” to fight for America! Your minds have never “progressed!” And for “progressives,” that has to be a shocking “revelation”?
So…is it “soup,” yet?
Davey Crockett…
December 26th, 2010 @ 7:41 am
Orly:…just one more post here! I read the other posts, which I didn’t see when I posted my first and 2nd post (today)! And all of your supporters here are Patriots!
Mr Cooke, PorkRoll, & Hippybiker…great stuff! Now…when Mr Cooke wrote and addressed Nathan, he hit the nail on the head:…
[Please give us the answers to why Obama is using more than one SS# and why he doesn’t have a SS# issued from the state that he was supposedly born in.]
Very interesting “chess move” to Nathan! I think this is one thing that the “left” has quietly “suppressed”! And it is a fairly large waste of time to try to “reach” them! Even though we do try! And it’s good to see other supporters of Orly post, to off-set the “diseased,” “mentally-ill,” “catterwalling” supporters of Obama!
And, Orly, just wanted to say that I did call KemKes and two other offices (for LTC Lakin)! But had to leave messages of support for him, for clemency! Will do some further activity on his behalf, shortly!
One of the offices was for Walt Fitzpatrick!
Davey Crockett…
December 26th, 2010 @ 9:36 am
Would like to share this story with you and your readers, since you reside in California.
Recently, I went to a fast food chain “Jack in the Box.” I noticed a sign on the wall posting a phone number for Jack. I thought, should I? Well go ahead! I called the number and asked to speak to Jack. The woman said Jack was not available and could she take a message. Well I asked, “I would like to know if Jack has a birth certificate?” There was a long pause and I could hear her taking to someone. Finally, she came back to the phone and told me that Jack does NOT have a birth certificate, but he has a drivers license! True Story….
December 26th, 2010 @ 12:38 pm
this is hilarious
December 26th, 2010 @ 2:38 pm
Phil is a skinhead who lives in Holland. Who gives a shit what he says?
December 26th, 2010 @ 4:51 pm
I think Doobin has been smoking to many Doobies. Har Har!
December 26th, 2010 @ 4:55 pm
Also, Jeffry, prolific use of profanity, just shows lack of character, limited intelligence and a limited, or retarded vocabulary. Which is it in your case? Inquiring minds wrestle with the thought.
December 26th, 2010 @ 7:25 pm
You are neither a hippy nor a biker, good day to you sir.
PS: you need to edit out some of those fucking commas, douchebag.
December 27th, 2010 @ 6:58 am
Maybe it should be a requirement that anyone who rides on Air Force One should have to show their birth certificate. Of course if they didn’t want to meet that requirement they could opt out for regular commercial air transportation and go through the pat down and or radio-active body scans like everyone else has to do. LOL :))
December 27th, 2010 @ 7:44 am
Hey, “doo-doo”! We have already seen just how “fried” your brain is! But the question is:…why don’t you turn yourself in, to the nearest “psychotic-pantry,” so they can do two things for you!
1) Give you a lobotomy…”through your ‘elementary canal’!!” And…
2) “Castrate you,” so you can’t “breed”!
Only then, will you have “glassy-eyes” for a “real reason”!!!!
Hey, Orly:…now I see why you want to continue to allow these “pud-pounders” to post! It’s so the rest of us can “Rip ’em a New One!!!” LOLOLOL! I love it!!!! How possessed can one “poddy-mouth” get??? LOL! Oh, Orly, you ARE goooooood!!!!!! LOL!
Davey Crockett…
December 27th, 2010 @ 10:14 am
Hey Jeffry, I was probably riding Motorcycles when you were messing in your diapers. Moron!