

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
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Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

From Linda Jordan, who submitted an affidavit with Obama’s failed e-verify for my case Taitz v Astrue

Posted on | September 20, 2011 | 7 Comments


Orly, In response to my E-Verify Affidavit about Barack Obama’s social security number, several readers have raised a few points repeatedly and I think I can provide some clarification for them.

1. I was able to do a search through E-Verify on Mr. Obama because Washington D.C. participates in the Self Check E-Verify program and I provided the correct information or otherwise I would not have been able to run the E-Verify check.

2. The SSN I used is on Mr. Obama’s 2010 Tax Return, it is the number he has used since around 1980. The birthdate I used is the one that he claims.

3. I did successfully enroll with E-Verify. I figured I would be challenged on my justification for doing so, that I considered myself to be one of the employers of the President of the United States, but I determined that was a gray area and I was willing to argue my standing.

4. When running Mr. Obama’s social security number I thought I was using the self-service section of their system, not a “self-check” section. Like a lot of people on the internet I did not read the fine print but it never entered my mind that anybody but an employer would have to independently verify the eligibility of an employee or potential employee. The employee or potential employee knows if they are a citizen of the United States or if they are using their real SSN or if they have a work Visa. Why would they have to ask the government to confirm that about them? That would be like the government setting up a website so people could ask them “Do I have brown hair?”. The letter I printed out that says, “take this to the SSO with you” is one I figured an employer would give to the potential employee or actual employee when telling them there was a problem with their SSN.

5. The “Notice of Mismatch” I received after entering in Mr. Obama’s information was not due to entering in the data incorrectly, or a mismatch between his name and birthdate. If that were true I would have got back, “SSN does not match”. I could have got back “SSA unable to confirm U.S. Citizenship” or “SSA unable to process data” or “SSN is invalid”. But I did not. I got back “SSA does not verify, other reason” which, according to the Social Security Administration manual, (POMS) specifically means “Special indicator present”. Eight out of nine special indicators concern fraud. One is reserved for people who are being stalked so they can go in to hiding and not be pursued by their stalker. Kind of hard for a POTUS to go in to hiding and I highly doubt that Mr. Obama got a new SSN between 2010 (we know it was on his tax return) and now under special indicator # 6. But hey, let’s have a through, independent investigation and prove me wrong.

6. My final point. As of November 2008 about 46,000 of the 453 million SSN’s on the SSA Numident had Special Indicator codes. (Office of the Inspector General analysis of the Numident data, A-08-09-19099) Only 46,000 out of 453 million were flagged with a special indicator code! It looks to me like it takes a whole lot of suspected fraud to earn one of those flags. And it’s looking very much like the SSN that Barack Obama is using was one of them.
Linda Jordan



7 Responses to “From Linda Jordan, who submitted an affidavit with Obama’s failed e-verify for my case Taitz v Astrue”

  1. hippybiker
    September 20th, 2011 @ 7:18 am

    Thank you Linda for a very splendid and erudite explanation of the process you used to vent the usurper in OUR White House. Eat crow, O-Bot Trolls!

  2. Kerry Hodgkinson
    September 20th, 2011 @ 12:01 pm

    Unfortunately, I feel we are dealing with an utterly corrupt political and judicial system. Expecting them to do right is like wishing for justice from the tooth fairy. That does not mean we should give up and not diligently go through the motions, for someday the truth will come out and we will be vindicated.

    We will be able to tell subsequent generations that we fought the good fight and tried to hold the line against evil in our day. We shall have set a good example and those corrupt politicians and judges will be forever known and be fully disgraced in the eyes of a future, moral society.

    Kerry J Hodgkinson

  3. Bob67
    September 20th, 2011 @ 12:04 pm

    It runs in his family…why would anyone doubt that Barry is using a stolen Social Security number, especially one checked out by E-verify?

    Why does anyone give this apparent grifter the benefit of the doubt?

    Look closely and I beleive you will see that fraud is the norm for this regime, not the exception.

  4. Insight
    September 20th, 2011 @ 2:05 pm

    This is really informative. I am sure Linda will be rewarded for her efforts.

  5. Rosemary
    September 20th, 2011 @ 3:24 pm

    Thank you Linda. Thank you Dr. Taitz. Whatever my mere say, it would never be enough for all you have done to help us save America.

  6. Mark Smith
    September 20th, 2011 @ 7:19 pm

    Well, on July 15th Obama said, “I’ll be turning 50 in a week”. I believe he slipped up and was telling the truth- his official BC- wherever he was born, will show a date of around July 21-22.
    Funny, how no news media thought this slip-up to be odd.

  7. RacerJim
    September 21st, 2011 @ 5:02 am

    The Treason
    Of Fraud

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