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Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

from a research paper by Tim Adams

Posted on | March 21, 2012 | 2 Comments


Graduate Paper written by Tim Adams: The President BO Birth Certificat​e controvers​y and the new media:

Jeff Jagosh to meBe the next Bob Woodward: If i only had more money i would surely donate to the cause.  we love you.

 Just in case  you haven’t seen this.  below is page 26 (of 106) of this graduate study research paper written by Timothy Lee Adams of WKU.  Signed by 4 PHD’s Western Kentucky Utimothy.adams773@topper.wku.edu


Discourse and Conflict: The President BO Birth Certificate controversy and the new media:  Signed by 4 PHD’s Western Kentucky U.Page 26: 

In the case of President Obama’s natal narrative, a similar campaign of

obfuscation has actively and admittedly been pursued by most of the major media,

despite all evidence to the contrary. Groups like FactCheck.Org have a so-called

Certification of Live Birth available on their website that purports to prove the

President’s birth in Hawaii in 1961. The widespread media hyping of this forgery during

the presidential elections of 2008 has led to several claims, none of which have any basis

in reality.

“The Obama administration has placed his birth documentation online.”

In fact, neither the State of Hawaii, nor the Obama administration has ever claimed the

purported document as theirs. A simple comparison shows the document is not a Hawaii,

state-issued, document.

“The C.O.L.B. has been certified by the State of Hawaii and contains a Notary

Seal from the State.”


Fact: Contrary to several media reports, it does not.

“The State of Hawaii changed the birth certificate documents. These are the new


Fact: The C.O.L.B. document is dated 2007. Two years before the laws were changed in


So you can see, dearest reader, how misdirection and outright falsehood becomes

accepted and common wisdom. “But you can’t be claiming that ___________, (insert any

of your favored media talking heads, news programs, or media channels here) LIE, DO

YOU? Well, all I can say to you, Dear reader, is get over it. This barrage of media

bullshit has left the following discourse as typical public dialogue:

ME: “President Barack Obama’s birth certificate is NOT on file at the State of Hawaii

Dept. of Health. It simply does not exist.”

THEM: “President Obama placed his birth certificate online. Anyone can see it.”

ME: “Sure he did. And I have a bridge to sell you too.”

THEM: “Funny buddy, have fun living in the twilight zone.”



2 Responses to “from a research paper by Tim Adams”

  1. Justice
    March 22nd, 2012 @ 7:28 pm

    My two sons were born in Honolulu and their BC don’t look like BHO’s. I can’t wait to find out if my two sons have valid birth certificates from Hawaii (born 1962 & 1964), or if the BHO birth certificate (1961) is the valid one (LOL).

  2. Rene'
    March 23rd, 2012 @ 7:22 pm

    What “They” say here is actually pretty civil. “They” usually call me a racist or an idiot because I DARE to question the President. Free speech is still, for the time being, allowed in this country. Any time any one tries to stifle it, they dont WANT to hear the truth. They have no facts, therefore they throw insults when they have nothing factual to say. I honestly believe, from many conversations Ive had, most liberals know he’s not from here. They just dont care about the rules. They know better. They’re just lying!

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