

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
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Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
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The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

From a great patriot of this nation, a veteran, a Catholic Priest, a true community leader, Richard Irish, a letter sent to American politicians and media. Consider it a response from true Constitutionalists and patriots to the SOTU address given by the illegitimate usurper Barack Hussein Obama

Posted on | January 25, 2011 | 1 Comment

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Re: [General Inquiries] Attempted email/… “Kamikaze”

Friday, January 21, 2011 7:46 AM
“Chris Bedford” <cbedford@americantarget.com>

Dear Mr. Bedford,

I pray you are correct, but so far I’ve seen little to inspire confidence after the fiasco of the 2008 fraudulent “election”. During the last campaign “season” I contacted every candidate I heard of nationwide who claimed to be running as a “conservative Republican” asking them if their definition of “conservative” meant honoring and following the Constitution as it is written and amended? IF I got a reply (and that was not even in the majority of cases), I asked what they would do about Obama’s lack of Constitutional eligibility? Believe it or not, only ONE said she’d address that issue. In fact, she actually campaigned with her husband and son’s Hawaiian birth certificates; but had to drop out of the primary after getting NO help while the Republican party was aiding another candidate.

The fact that I can get no one from Michael Steele, through McConnell, Boehner (and I’m a fellow Buckeye by birth, up through my Army days) DeMint, Bachmann, you name him/her, to even respond to my queries; “my” members of congress (I think the past crop doesn’t deserve the proper noun status) rank from Jim Inhofe claiming that someone, somewhere, has seen a birth certificate, as he watches the Marxist destroy (among other things) our military that Jim’s committee supposedly has an eye on; sure inspires confidence, doesn’t it? Doctor Coburn (I could refer to him as “Senator”, but that might piss him off) claims Obama as a friend and is convinced he’s “legit” although he will not give me his rationale and two years ago I THOUGHT I was making headway on this with his CoS. Frank D. Lucas (once I cornered him at a town hall meeting as he steadfastly refused to reply to my numerous inquiries) gave me the “best” reply in the Bravo Sierra category with the following, “as neither McCain nor Hillary contested his [Obama’s] filing within 72 hours of that filing, it is a moot point”. When I asked him just WHERE in the Constitution he found THAT, his aides whisked him out of the room and the building!

When McCain got away with lying about his birth in New Hampshire (claiming he was born in a Naval hospital in the Canal Zone although that hospital was built in 1941 and John was born in 1936 when the ONLY hospital was in Colon, Panama, AS SHOWN ON HIS BIRTH CERTIFICATE) then refused to address Obama’s father not being the required U.S. citizen and would not let it be a factor in his lackluster campaign; with not one Republican willing to mention this Constitutional problem, I saw my country headed down the drain! Nothing has changed my mind to date, but that is no excuse to NOT try holding these “public servant’s” feet to the fire. Even though I consider them all scum and treasonous, I do hope that someone somewhere will finally wake up and realize that the oath they swore DOES HAVE MEANING!

CMDR Kerchner, Dr. Taitz, Alan Keyes, and a host of others have tried to address this problem legally through the court system only to be slapped down as not having”standing”, which is absolute balderdash as EVERY citizen should have standing. If truth be known, they have much more standing than Obama/Soetoro, in my judgement.

In the meantime, we have Obama/Soetoro spending over $2 MILLION keeping his past hidden (while no “Republican” seems concerned) and heroes like Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin sit incarcerated at Leavenworth. This IS serious business!

I know, it’s been some 60 years ago that I took that oath, but I still consider it’s active 24/7; though it seems that today’s version has a thirty second expiration date! I would not be able to face myself if I acted this way, but then shame is obsolete, isn’t it?

Even Dr. Feulner over at The Heritage Foundation says they will not address this issue. Am I wrong to put “conservative” and our “Constitution” in the same page let alone the same sentence?

So, can you see how frustrating it is to see one’s country and Constitution savaged so?

Thanks for the reply, anyway.


Richard H. Irish

Edmond, OK
—- Chris Bedford <cbedford@americantarget.com> wrote:
Mr. Irish,

Liberty is in a dire place, but I am sure such drastic action will not be needed. Though it will be hard work, the Republicans just may be able to turn the tide if they stick to their conservative principles.

Thank you for your readership and patriotism,

Christopher Bedford

On 1/19/11 6:14 PM, “rhirish wrote:

Richard H. Irish sent a message using the contact form at  

Dear Mr. Viguerie,

What to you think it will take to being this whole nightmare of the usurper  
Obama/Soetoro’s daily violating our Constitution with his fraud, extortion,  
treason and multitude of other crimes against our Nation and our People? It  
is obvious that the ruling-class Congress is not about to honor their oaths  
of office. The Judiciary seems similarly tongue-tied and impotent while the  
military is being savaged by this Marxist usurper as he systematically  
destroys our economy and provides aid and comfort to our enemies. It seems  
that even the Congressional freshmen are caving already.

I pray to God that this is all resolved PEACEABLY, even though Jefferson  
implied on the need for an occasional revolution, I will be content to  
cherish our “original” one; if we could only find some Patriots willing to DO  

I have asked that failure to honor one’s oath of office be made a capital  
felony, but you can guess what chances of THAT are!

This octogenarian would appreciate your views.

Thank you.


Richard H. Irish

Edmond, OK


One Response to “From a great patriot of this nation, a veteran, a Catholic Priest, a true community leader, Richard Irish, a letter sent to American politicians and media. Consider it a response from true Constitutionalists and patriots to the SOTU address given by the illegitimate usurper Barack Hussein Obama”

  1. Alexander Gofen
    January 25th, 2011 @ 11:01 pm

    I have had exactly the same experience in attempts of contacting from M. Backmann to Ron Paul to Feulner. The Repoobs are hopeless traitors. All the small fish from the so called “Constitution” to Conservative to Tea parties are traitors on the issue of illegibility! We the people have no representation nor even a symbolic party that speaks for us and for the Constitution. This is a dire situation. Stop supporting those treasonous politicians. Not a penny to them, may God curse them forever!




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