

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita CA, 92688
Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
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The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
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29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

Free Republic writes about my case. (one correction-the article misquoted me: I stated that the 11th circuit refused to hear the case, refused to allow oral argument and denied with one word response without any explanation)

Posted on | December 19, 2010 | 1 Comment

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Lakin Goes To Prison – And Here Comes The Next Eligibility Lawsuit
Here’s The Right Side Of It ^ | December 18, 2010 | John L. Work

Posted on Saturday, December 18, 2010 4:14:32 PM by JLWORK

With thanks to WorldNetDaily:

Lt. Colonel Terry Lakin was just convicted, discharged from service and sent to a six-month prison term for refusing orders to deploy to Afghanistan – until Barack Obama turns over his credentials and proves his Constitutional Eligibility to hold office. You thought it was all over, finally? Nope.

Here comes another presidential eligibility lawsuit – scheduled for a January 7, 2011 conference in the U.S. Supreme Court. The suit was brought originally by Captain Connie Rhodes, U.S. Army, et al and her attorney, Orly Taitz. Here’s the link to the PDF Petition for Writ of Certiorari that Taitz filed, requesting that the lower Court, which dismissed the original case and fined Taitz $20,000.00 for continuing to file motions on behalf of her clients, be ordered by the Supreme Court to review its decision.


Much of the petition centers around two issues:

1) The Courtroom conduct and judicial rulings of the Georgia Middle District Court Justice, Clay D. Land, in which he refused to hear the eligibility case on its merits, then ridiculed and fined Taitz $20,000.00 for continuing to press the legal arguments at hand. Taitz claims that Land provided no explanation as to why she was not allowed to present oral arguments and why her written arguments were “unconvincing”. He summarily dismissed the case without a review of the evidence.

2) Taitz’s investigation into the origins of Barack Obama’s Social Security Number, which was originally issued in the State of Connecticut to a man who was born in the late 1890s, includes an affidavit of the facts prepared by former Scotland Yard officer Neil Sankey. There is no record of Obama ever having lived in Connecticut. The original holder of the number is presumed dead. Land dismissed Taitz’s investigation as frivolous and refused to hear the evidence.

Taitz is asking for her $20,000.00 back, based upon Constitutional grounds that the fine was levied in retaliation against her and her client. The possibility also exists that the fine was actually imposed to intimidate other potential plaintiffs who might be considering similar actions. Land made direct allusions to the political agenda of the “birthers” in his dismissal, without looking at any of Taitz’s evidence.

Last week the Army convicted Lt. Colonel Terry Lakin in a General Court Martial, without hearing any evidence on his behalf and without allowing him to produce witnesses in his own defense. Lakin is on his way to prison – or he is already there. One of Taitz’s clients, U.S. Army Reserve Major Stephen Cook, was fired from his contractor’s job in retaliation for his participation in Captain Rhodes’ original eligibility lawsuit.

The bodies are beginning to stack up all over the country, figuratively speaking. And Barack Hussein Obama continues to refuse to turn his cards over – Occidental College transcripts, Columbia University transcripts, Columbia senior thesis, Harvard University transcripts, financial aid applications, passport records, college application records, public school records, long form birth certificate, Harvard Law Review records, law client lists, Illinois State Legislature records and calendar, and medical records. The computerized on-line image that he’s presented as a valid Hawaiian birth certificate would not get your child into Little League Baseball. So, what’s in all of those documents that he doesn’t want us to see?

Taitz must now present her arguments to the Supreme Court – if she’s allowed to do so. They’ve to this point refused to hear any of these types of cases. Personally, since Congress and the American Press Corps abjectly refused to do their investigative jobs back in 2008, I’d just like hear the evidence argued in an open Court of Law.


One Response to “Free Republic writes about my case. (one correction-the article misquoted me: I stated that the 11th circuit refused to hear the case, refused to allow oral argument and denied with one word response without any explanation)”

  1. Phil
    December 19th, 2010 @ 10:19 pm

    Orly:…WND has a good article about you and your case before the Supremes, this coming Jan. 7th. So let this post add some further info, with this catagory:…


    And I will pray for the case to be “revealing” and for your continued good health!

    Friend, Davey Crockett…

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