Former FBI agent John Guandolo claims that the new CIA chief John Brennan gave access to the sensitive information to members of the terrorist organization Hamas and that Brennan might have been turned (recruted) as a double agent while stationed in Saudi Arabia. Now we know why Obama picked him
Posted on | March 8, 2013 | 21 Comments
21 Responses to “Former FBI agent John Guandolo claims that the new CIA chief John Brennan gave access to the sensitive information to members of the terrorist organization Hamas and that Brennan might have been turned (recruted) as a double agent while stationed in Saudi Arabia. Now we know why Obama picked him”
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March 8th, 2013 @ 2:09 am
Hagel, Brennan, and Obama all speak broken English and are Nazi spies but the Democrats keep selecting them for vital jobs yet none are qualified. With a Nazi FBI head America can’t win for losing. View the photos of Obama’s trip to Thailand to visit his father. Google ObamaBornThailand
March 8th, 2013 @ 2:50 am
Why isn’t this FBI agents charges being investigated by the Judiciary Comittes????????
Why did they approve him as CIA chief with these charges hanging over head??????
We are becoming a Socialist Republic under Commissar Obama like they had in Eastern Europe!!!!!
March 8th, 2013 @ 3:51 am
Yes, the speculation that Brennan is a crypto-Muslim has been known for quite a while.
It certainly would explain why Brennan speaks glowingly of “jihad.”
It is perfectly acceptable in Islam for him to “hide” his faith to “promote” the Islamo-centric viewpoint.
In fact, courageous Pam Geller writes:
Readers of my website,, are long familiar with the
pro-jihadi thug Brennan.
If you recall, during the 2008 presidential election, I ran a number of stories on the breach of Obama’s passport at the Department of State. It bears noting that Brennan – whom Obama first appointed to be assistant to the president and deputy national security adviser for homeland security and counterterrorism, in which capacity he made his notorious and incredible pro-terror remarks, some in Arabic no less, about the beauty of jihad – was connected with the tampering with Obama’s passport. He led the investigation into the breach of Obama’s passport records –
the mysterious passport Obama traveled to Pakistan on in 1981.
Quid pro quo?
March 8th, 2013 @ 3:56 am
The Kenyans must be catching on to the Obama Family “Shtick.”:
Obama’s Brother Abongo Gets Skunked in
Kenya’s Election – Receives Only 1% of Vote
By Jim Hoft @ Gateway Pundit
Barack Obama’s older brother Abongo “Roy” Obama is a Luo activist and a militant Muslim who argues that the black man must “liberate himself from the poisoning influences of European culture.”
March 8th, 2013 @ 4:39 am
Sense I’m an official U.S. patriot, I’m considered a combative terrorists by my communist infiltrated federal government. obama is a severe stone cold sociopathic scumbag puppet, the globalist bankers and “the fed” want john brennan to help usher in one world u.n. communist government. When are all these blatant in our face foreign infiltrated land conquering enemy communist treasonous traitors going to be arrested. You’re either with us or you’re with the traitors.
March 8th, 2013 @ 7:42 am
Thats right ;;Speak out James Smith, Amen.
As For Brennan ;;; He was Converted to Islam by the Muslim Brotherhood Years ago.;;We are in deep trouble folks no matter how you look at it
March 8th, 2013 @ 10:02 am
Nothing would suprise me at this point. I have been ‘hollerin’ about these rogues since Obama came into office. Congress is going to do nothing because they are eiter too lazy or ignorant. Obama and thugs had this factor of ignorants scoped before he ran for Senate. He is not acting alone. He is a coward and has plent of help surrounding him. They knew exactly what they were doing down to stealing the votes of the American people and implementing laws under the guise of helping the poor and disenfranchised, etc. He is indeed destorying this economy on purpose and anyone who cannot see or realize this is blind, ignorant or on his side and do not want to see it.
March 8th, 2013 @ 10:05 am
As for help from those we have hired to help in D.C., they are, for the most part a pack of drunks and skirt chasers, liars and cheats who care nothing for anyone but their own selves. The good are vastly outnumbered and it would be like working in a den of snakes or theives. That place is rotten to the very core. That is Obama got in. They let the ignorant swing and sway to the snake music and charms of an ignorant Kenyan who had trained to charm them and coupled with his con personality, they were like lambs led to the slaughter.
March 8th, 2013 @ 10:10 am
Obama saw how his dark color and snaking into the fringes and scum of America were charmed by his paying attention to them and they felt important enough by rubbbing shoulders with someone who they though had some ‘mojo.’ They wanted to identify with someone of importance so bad they allowd this snake to charm them. It is pathetic and sickening how they fell for exactly for a foreign agent sucking up in college to the upper crust wanted. It is what his handlers wanted. They played the fringes and gathered all those together long enough for them to vote (some more than once) legally and illegally. The man should be condemned by ALL Americans for who he is and what he is doing to the wealth of this country. He is sending it abroad and selling out the American People as we speak.
March 8th, 2013 @ 10:17 am
Even foreign countries are disappointed in our government officials for allowing this fake into our White House and then not kicking his sorry azz out the door along with the thugs that put him there? Whey should Americans take up ares to protect the jobs of the lazy bums in office? WE OWE THEM NOTHING.
March 8th, 2013 @ 10:28 am
The Netherlands have NOTHING going for the U.S. Neither do many of the Lebanese.
March 8th, 2013 @ 10:28 am
Website for this image
‘Miss Dunham is making arrangements with the Salvation Army to give the baby away.’
Father spoke of having Obama adopted – The Boston Globe / Father Discussed Adoption for Obama, Records Show
18-year-old Ann Dunham was five months pregnant.
In 1961, Obama senior, 24, told immigration officials the plan was to give the baby away to the Salvation Army.
A memo written by the immigration authorities states that the baby’s parents “do not live together and Miss Dunham is making arrangements with the Salvation Army to give the baby away…
“(Obama senior) has been running around with several girls…”
Reportedly the CIA’s MK ULTRA operation likes to use unwanted children.
Reportedly Ann Dunham worked for various CIA-front organisations.
“A series of formerly Confidential CIA memoranda, dated May 15, 1972, points to the involvement of both the Defense Department’s Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), the CIA, and the University of Hawaii in the CIA’s behavioral science program.” (Wayne Madsen: Obama’s CIA Connections,y)
The Associated Press, 4 November 2009, reported that President Barack Obama’s half brother, Mark, has written a semi-autobiographical novel.
The story describes an abusive father, based on Obama senior.
Mark wrote: “My father beat my mother and my father beat me…” said Ndesandjo, whose mother, Ruth Nidesand, was Barack Obama Senior’s third wife.
Like his novel’s main character, Ndesandjo had an American mother who is Jewish.
(Obama’s half-brother: Our father beat me – perfect MK Ultra profile)
March 8th, 2013 @ 10:28 am
Website for this image
‘Miss Dunham is making arrangements with the Salvation Army to give the baby away.’
Father spoke of having Obama adopted – The Boston Globe / Father Discussed Adoption for Obama, Records Show
18-year-old Ann Dunham was five months pregnant.
In 1961, Obama senior, 24, told immigration officials the plan was to give the baby away to the Salvation Army.
A memo written by the immigration authorities states that the baby’s parents “do not live together and Miss Dunham is making arrangements with the Salvation Army to give the baby away…
“(Obama senior) has been running around with several girls…”
Reportedly the CIA’s MK ULTRA operation likes to use unwanted children.
Reportedly Ann Dunham worked for various CIA-front organisations.
“A series of formerly Confidential CIA memoranda, dated May 15, 1972, points to the involvement of both the Defense Department’s Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), the CIA, and the University of Hawaii in the CIA’s behavioral science program.” (Wayne Madsen: Obama’s CIA Connections,y)
The Associated Press, 4 November 2009, reported that President Barack Obama’s half brother, Mark, has written a semi-autobiographical novel.
The story describes an abusive father, based on Obama senior.
Mark wrote: “My father beat my mother and my father beat me…” said Ndesandjo, whose mother, Ruth Nidesand, was Barack Obama Senior’s third wife.
Like his novel’s main character, Ndesandjo had an American mother who is Jewish.
(Obama’s half-brother: Our father beat me – perfect MK Ultra profile)
March 8th, 2013 @ 2:15 pm
Let’s hope that the Senate keeps the filibuster going so the damnedable (D)’s never get him confirmed!!! This is what happens when left-wing, treasonous (D)’s get enough control! Where is The Man?????
March 8th, 2013 @ 3:26 pm
The oath he took ain’t worth squat.
John Brennan was sworn in today at the White House. He was confirmed as the new CIA director yesterday.
“Brennan was sworn in with his hand on an original draft of the Constitution, dating from 1787, which has George Washington’s personal handwriting and annotations on it,” according to the White House. He does not appear to have placed his hand on a Bible, a Torah, a Koran, or other sacred religious text as he said the oath.
We really need to raise hell about this .
March 8th, 2013 @ 6:58 pm
Quote from blackyb:
“Congress is going to do nothing because they are eiter too lazy or ignorant.”
Much of Congress is ignorant and lazy…but, they do nothing about Obama because that are complicit in the treason that was committed by members of Congress in getting a known ineligible con-artist on the ballot and elected in 2008….and in the cover-up since then.
Congress protects Obama to protect themselves from treason charges.
March 8th, 2013 @ 8:02 pm
Yes, Bob that sounds very right too. These people are complicit by sheer laziness and cronyism at first. It got serious for them when they realized what they did and will not come forward with this out of either being blackmailed for their indescretions and/or out of fear of knowing they are some part of a treasonous conspiracy whether (at first) willing or otherwise. These people are not people who are used to having to stand up. They have had front people from the time they ran for office to always put them in the best light and give them advice of how to stay out of trouble with the public. They got used to the hipocricy and just live with it, even knowing what they are allowing to be done to our country. They will burn in hell for allowing the hedonists to shred the decency, or what is left of decency in this country and taking the American people into the edge of hell. American people will never stand for enslavement, for it is not in our genes to be so. We are a separated people who have allowed so many to come in here that they decided to either kill us, jail us or kick us out of our own blessed country and take the wealth thereof, by stealth or force. It is time for God to act according to His plans or lead us to act. They better hope it is US that acts and not Him for He will do it such a manner that it will be a lasting vengance.
March 8th, 2013 @ 8:09 pm
I will NEVER forgive those who committed treason against MY country. They are nothing but the very dregs of humanity. They allow Godless people to make an attempt to even take our God who gave us Christ to die on the Cross out of the minds and hearts of our people. They are wanting to depive the youth from knowing the Truth. They cannot even stand up for the country nor do they have the backbone to warn the country. These men and women who are paid to help secure the government and keep the laws of this land are without conscious.
March 9th, 2013 @ 4:13 am
Congress is not ignorant. It is just an illusion. Stop thinking that one side is better than the other one. They get paid for showing up once in a while.
This is like our judicial system, plaintif and defendant, same. It is an illusion . Think about it. Judges, attorneys get paid no matter what. Who care to find the truth?
Dr Taitz is the only one who can be trust. She spends a fortune going after those bastards. (the bastards makes money with delay, denied, delay, denied)
March 9th, 2013 @ 7:32 am
Brennan does an act of Islamic Triumphalism and DHIMMITIZATION of AMERICA by OMITTING a key part of the document upon which he was supposed to take an oath. Part of his TAQIYYA.
CIA Brennan takes oath on draft Constitution — without Bill of Rights…
March 10th, 2013 @ 8:16 am