

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita CA, 92688
Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
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The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
Mail donations to:
Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, c/o Dr. Orly Taitz
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688.
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In case of emergency, call 949-683-5411.

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

DNC and all other officials ignored all letters for 4 years

Posted on | September 3, 2012 | 13 Comments

I received information that another attorney sent a letter to Bob Bauer, attorney for DNC, letting him know that if they certify Obama, he might be committing criminal offence.

I have to say that I sent 2 certified mail letters to Debi Wasserman -Schultz, the DNC chair, as well as all 50 Secretaries of State and all 50 governers. So far no results. They typically ignore letters. Officials sometimes respond with boiler plate responses. My guess is that Bob Bauer will simply throw the letter in the garbage. If he did not sgn for it, he will claim that he never saw it.

In terms of Bob Bauer, if you recall, I sued under FOIA, seeking to view the BC that he showed at April 27 2011 press conference. When Judge Lamberth set a schedule for Bauer to file an answer, Bauer simply resigned as the White House counsel and was replaced by Kathy Ruemmler.

The biggest problem is with judges. Bob Bauer placed one of his attorneys, Siddharth Velamoor, as a staff attorney -law clerk for Judge Carter, presiding over my case. I filed a motion, stating that this represents undue influence by the defence law firm. Judge Carter didn’t flinch and signed the order to dismiss the case. The order looked like it was drafted by Bob Bauer.  They feel invincible because judges are not upholding the law, often violating the law or making up the law and letting Obama and his accomplices  get away with murder.

DC Judge Lamberth ruled that Obama has a right to privacy to keep sealed an application to Social Security number 042-68-4425 which was never issued to him, but he is using. He also ruled that there is no public interest in knowing whether we have a criminal with a stolen Social Security number in the White House. The judges of the DC Court of Appeals upheld this. What do you do, when high ranking judges are committing treason? When Congress and law enforcement looks the other way? How do you uphold the law?

Recently a case was filed in the Orange County Superior court, where former Supreme Court of CA Justice was accused of misappropriating millions of dollars that were allocated for the technology, but ended in private accounts. The case is hashed.



13 Responses to “DNC and all other officials ignored all letters for 4 years”

  1. leo derosia
    September 3rd, 2012 @ 9:59 pm

    laws only apply to the little people. nothing will ever happent to barry, we can only hope to humiliate the sOb for rest of his dishonest life. he will be remembered as worst, most corrupt (illegal) prez in us history. i was writing to alicia banks who is a black lesbian democrat from chicago and she thinks he is a total fraud. She has a site too and is a pretty good writer.

  2. leo derosia
    September 3rd, 2012 @ 9:59 pm

    laws only apply to the little people. nothing will ever happent to barry, we can only hope to humiliate the sOb for rest of his dishonest life. he will be remembered as worst, most corrupt (illegal) prez in us history. i was writing to alicia banks who is a black lesbian democrat from chicago and she thinks he is a total fraud. She has a site too and is a pretty good writer.

  3. William Blasingame
    September 3rd, 2012 @ 11:30 pm

    When People take the law into their own hands because courts and politicians refused to do anything. They will have the LAW & Constitution on their side. And nobody to blame but themselves
    There was a Vid floating around were law enforcement took the ballot box and shot someone.. and the people blew the police station or what ever up.. A true story that happen in the 70s I think ? This is what People are asking for if they do not stand up now and stop obama. Citizens will take the matters into their own hands when the system fails them.. I do not see a good outcome no matter what happens.. to much damage done.

  4. dr_taitz@yahoo.com
    September 4th, 2012 @ 12:27 am

    I remember this movie. The people, who went after the stolen ballots, were WW2 vets. We have a lot of vets now, they are getting fed up with this overwhelming corruption and looting. I would not be surprised if some would blow up in anger. I think the movie had some Greek name, something like Athena story. Is there a town in TN, that is named after a city in Greece? Does anyone remember the name of this movie?

  5. Paul Jackson
    September 4th, 2012 @ 3:26 am

    It was The Battle of Athens, in Athens, TN an took place in 1946.


  6. Sc
    September 4th, 2012 @ 4:21 am

    It was the “Battle of Athens TN,” and it took place in the 1940s. The Vets went to the National Guard Armory and armed up and attacked the corrupt Sheriffs office to get the stolen ballot box.

  7. Anonymous
    September 4th, 2012 @ 5:26 am

    I like “V” for Vendetta”…this movie takes place in futuristic England….but boy does the US look more like it every day.

  8. Riled Up
    September 4th, 2012 @ 2:34 pm

    This may seem like it is off topic, but it really is not. First, I need to say that I am not a big believer in fortune tellers and psychics. More of their predictions do not come true than the ones that do come true. But, some of the ones that come true hit the mark so closely that it really makes you think about it and wonder and remember. I remember that in the 1960’s one psychic named Jeane Dixon became famous when it became known that she had predicted the assination of President Kennedy about 11 years before his death. I also remember that at about that same time (in the early 1960’s) she claimed to have seen a vision concerning the year 2012. She predicted that a Muslim baby boy had been born in the Middle East in 1961, that he was African/American, and he would become an American President, and he would become the Anti-Christ in the year 2012. Dixon wrote a couple of books, but I don’t remember the title of the books. I don’t claim to be nutty enough to believe this, but I do remember that she had predicted JFK’s assination and that she had predicted that the Anti-Christ had been born. Over these many years I have thought very little about it until recently. I decided to Google “Jeane Dixon’s vision for 2012”. You might be interested in doing the same.

  9. The Phoenix
    September 4th, 2012 @ 4:19 pm

    Well, I read Jeanne Dixon, too. She did predict, that the anti-christ was born: Feb. 5th, 1962, in Burgumin, Turkey! But I don’t remember anything about her saying that he was black! She never mentioned him being a muslim (although, Turkey is a muslim nation)! And I don’t remember anything about 2012, either! (This is what I remember!)

  10. The Phoenix
    September 4th, 2012 @ 4:20 pm

    Also, we need to remember that (ANYONE) can (EDIT) Wiki, at any time! So how can we trust anything they write there, as it relates to politics?

  11. Carl Manning
    September 4th, 2012 @ 8:36 pm

    I liked Valkyrie, an almost successful attempt at a German coup ‘etat against Hitler’s regime. I honestly believe our situation calls for a military division on the streets of the District of Criminals, NYC, and in all 50 States arresting our Congressmen, Senators, Executive Branch, Secretaries of State of all 50 States, judges, DA’s, AG’s, and Sheriffs at all levels of government – County, State, and fed, the entire Hawaii Department of Health, the CIA, the FBI, key members of the upper echelon of the military Joint Chiefs of Staff, the military judge and court-martial officer who sent LtC Terry Lakin to jail, many GOP and Democratic Party officials, and many members of the MSM, including many so-called “Conservative” talk radio hosts who have committed misprision of a felony and High Treason. They should all be tried by military tribunals. The entire federal government and much of the MSM should be temporarily suspended by the military coup d’etat until such time as the following are established:

    1.) an unprecedented Article V Constitutional Convention can be convened with delegates appointed by State Legislatures in order to address the current inadequacies of our laws and or Constitution and the arrogance and insanity of a Congress that sees itself as above the law and the American People such as…

    a.) the office of the Attorney General appointed by the President and the Justice Department answerable to the President – a recipe for endless corruption ad nauseum et ad infintum. I believe the Attorney General of the United States should be determined by a majority vote of all 50 State Legislatures. All federal DA’s should be elected by their federal districts. All federal judges should be elected by the American People who reside in their federal jurisdictions. All judges including Supreme Court Justices should face elections every four years. Federal Supreme Court Justices, like the federal AG, should be elected by State Legislatures only. Likewise, SCOTUS Justices should be subject to impeachment by a vote of State Legislatures. Impeachment proceedings can begin with a simple majority vote of State Legislatures. Several days of every State’s legislative year must be devoted to discussing and voting on Impeachment of federal officials they or the citizens of their State have elected. Federal Districts shall not overlap States. At the Circuit court level, the majority vote of the several State Legislatures covering the jurisdiction shall determine impeachment proceedings. By this method, the States and the American People can more effectively control the federal kangaroo courts and judges from Hell and the un-Constitutional power grabs from Hell.
    b.) a federal anti-Abortion Amendment
    c.) a federal Balanced Budget Amendment
    d.) a repeal of the 17th Amendment to give the State Legislatures more control over the aristocratic Senators and take the obscene corporate money and special interests out of politics for the election of Senators.
    e.) elimination of all electronic voting
    f.) an Amendment to mandate the auditing or elimination of the Federal Reserve
    g.) an Amendment to recognize only marriage between a man and a woman
    2.) all officials can be replaced who have been found guilty.

    The military tribunals like Grand Juries can suspend 5th Amendment rights to freedom from self-incrimination and throw all those who refuse to speak into jail indefinitely.

    The Department of Homeland Security is already amassing over 1 billion rounds of hollow point ammunition in anticipation of another false-flag event that has been recently approved by Valerie Jarrett, the number one Communist in the White House from whom Obama takes his orders. This false-flag event will be the trigger for martial law. It is anticipated to be before the election to allow the Communists to start their “purge” and retain dictatorial power indefintely as all Communists do. Doug Hagmann has discovered this recent development from his contact way up the ladder in the DHS and reported this on trunews.com. Will the US military step up to the plate??? Sadly, I am not deluded. They will likely fall hook,line, and sinker for this false-flag just as so many gullible fools did for the goivernment’s false-flag of 911, which has been proven by countless engineers, architects, and commercial pilots to be a hideous false-flag.

  12. Howard Hughes
    September 5th, 2012 @ 12:35 am

    They are not ignoring what you are doing, they are studying in detail ever move that you have made Doctor.

    The only tools that they have available to use against you is either a WALL OF SILENCE or VULGAR RIDICULE.

    They have absolutely NO way to legally dispute what you have done and what you are now doing

  13. Henry Tisdale
    September 5th, 2012 @ 6:01 am

    Orly, I also sent my 12 page blog on “The Crimes of Barack Obama” to Chairperson Schultz. Now while she did not respond, I nevertheless received 5 invitations to attend the DNC in Charlotte, NC. One of those invitations was from Michelle Obama, believe it or not.

    BTW, did you see the large sign on a major freeway in Charlotte which read, “OMG – Obama Must Go”. I failed to get my handouts to both of my cousins who reside in or near Charlotte, but I am getting to the point where I realize, good memory is not an option. LOL

    Oh well, we live and learn. But if you do not get any positive response re those false voter registrations, what will we do? They are all still against us as confirmed by your very first OC judge. I have two very close friends who are former Marines, one is an Israeli, the other lives in Florida with me. Perhaps I should unleash them on that Judge and tell him he no longer is entitled to say “Semper Fi”

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