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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

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Demand immegiate retraction from CNN due to actions of an Obama lackey on CNN Kenyan Ali Venshi

Posted on | October 6, 2012 | 4 Comments

As you know CNN is usually referred as Al Jazeera -West due to their bias. Yesterday CNN anchor, Kenyan Ali Venshi invited to his program Jack Welch, long time CEO of General Electric, who saw  the value of GE go up 4,000% under his leadership. Welch stated: , “Unbelievable jobs numbers..these Chicago guys will do anything..can’t debate so change numbers.” (see article below)
CNN is one of 30 defendants in my law suit due to fraud committed by them. As you know, in my cases I am demanding examination of the original birth certificate for Obama and the original microfilm, as those are sealed.  On Anderson Cooper show they had a program, where they stated that “birthers were debunked and showed a microfilm image, claiming it was Obama’s. When image was enlarged, it was a microfilm of someone else’s birth certificate. CNN never issued a retraction and apology.
Yesterday Velshi invited Jack Welch to his show and stated:
You have to issue a retraction and apology for your statement about jobs numbers. You are like birthers. Just as Donald Trump without any basis claimed that Obama does not have a birth certificate, so do you without any basis claim that jobless numbers were manipulated.
Please, burn the phones, call CNN, demand immediate retraction and apology, demand that CNN stop being complicite to Treason, Elections fraud, Forgery, Social Security fraud, as they are covering up Obama’s forged IDs and stolen Connecticut Social Security number 042-68-4425. This is the reason, why CNN is an additional defendant in the cause of action for Racketeering, they a part of a Racketeering scheme to commit all of these crimes.
Demand that CNN invite me on Venshi show or any other show and allow me to provide truthful information about   ObamaForgeryGate. Contact Darryl Issa, FCC, FCC- demand immediate investigation of CNN

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  • October 5, 2012, 2:31 PM

Jack Welch: ‘I Wasn’t Kidding’inShare30


By Kate Linebaugh

After setting off a minor social media firestorm with a tweet suggesting the Obama administration had manipulated the September jobs report, Jack Welch wants to get one thing straight: He meant it.

“I wasn’t kidding,” the pugnacious former CEO of General Electric said in an interview.

The 76-year-old retiree riled up the Twitterverse this morning with a tweet that said, “Unbelievable jobs numbers..these Chicago guys will do anything..can’t debate so change numbers.”

The tweet came after the Labor Department reported the country’s unemployment rate fell to 7.8% in September, the lowest since President Barack Obama was inaugurated in January 2009. Mr. Welch had set up his skeptical take with an earlier tweet Thursday night.

“Tomorrow employment numbers for Sept. with all the assumptions Labor Dept. can make..wonder about participation assumption??” Mr. Welch wrote. He then added “at 7.9 it would be Chicago and labor Sec in action.”

A senior Treasury Department official said Friday that any suggestion the figures had been manipulated for political gain is “simply absurd.”

“I am doing nothing more than raising the question,” Mr. Welch said. “It’s fact-based.”

Here are Mr. Welch’s facts. To hold the unemployment rate even as the population grows, he said, the economy needs to add between 150,000 and 200,000 jobs a month.

“We haven’t reached those numbers at all,” Mr. Welch said. Employers added a seasonally adjusted 114,000 jobs in September, down from a revised 142,000 jobs in August. The economy, however, has added 143,000 jobs a month after revisions this year.

The former GE chief also raised questions about job growth shown in the household survey, which is the source of the unemployment rate. That survey showed a healthy jump of 873,000 jobs in the month, at odds with the 114,000-job gain in the survey of businesses.

“The economy doesn’t feel like it added 873,000 jobs in September,” Mr. Welch said. “There are a number of things here that are open to discussion.”

Still, several economists have pointed out exactly how the unemployment rate can diverge on a month-to-month basis from nonfarm payroll growth. Considering the household survey showed job losses throughout the last few months, September’s sharp gain could be a catch-up from those recent reports.

The establishment survey also tends to cover large and mid-sized businesses and doesn’t catch the small startups that are adding a few workers here and there, and whose hiring might be reflected in the household survey.

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Steven Russolillo and Heritage Foundation analyst James Sherk joined Digits to discuss Jack Welch’s tweet.

Ali Velshi
Ali Velshi, 2009
Born Ali Velshi (1969-10-29) October 29, 1969 (age 42) Nairobi, Kenya
Occupation Broadcast journalist, Author
Agent N.S. Beinstock, New York, Greater Talent Network (literary)
Notable credit(s) American Morning Anderson Cooper 360° Election Center The Situation Room Your Money host Issue #1 host
Title Anchor Chief Business Correspondent
Religion Ismaili Muslim
Relatives Murad Velshi (father)
Ali Velshi


4 Responses to “Demand immegiate retraction from CNN due to actions of an Obama lackey on CNN Kenyan Ali Venshi”

  1. John Martinj
    October 6th, 2012 @ 5:09 am

    The next jobs report will reflect even more “part time employment” due to hiring for the Christmas season. Part time employment has not been a historical part of the jobs report however this administration has no respect for any historical value.

  2. Bryan Slot
    October 6th, 2012 @ 5:37 am

    Jack Welch was CEO of General Electric not General Motors.

  3. EqualjusticeI
    October 6th, 2012 @ 6:33 am

    I wish to see you sometimes on GBTV. I can’t watch any news. I read your blog daily, I trust you!
    God bless and protect you,

  4. Conscience
    October 6th, 2012 @ 8:49 am

    Another RICO concpirator. Add him to the Judd case.

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