Demand for a correction of an article and my quotes sent to U.S. News
Posted on | August 19, 2013 | 7 Comments
U.S. News link
News for orly taitz
U.S. News & World Report - by Steven Nelson - 54 minutes ago‘Clearly there is an issue of eligibility,’ anti-Obama activist says.
10:11 AM (36 minutes ago)
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Thanks for speaking with me. Here’s a link: blogs/washington-whispers/ 2013/08/19/birther-orly-taitz- ted-cruz-has-basically-the- same-issue-as-obama
Thanks for speaking with me. Here’s a link:

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Steven Nelson
Re: Demand for a correction of the article
Mr. Nelson,
I am demanding a correction of your article attached in this e-mail, as you have placed me in a false light.
You wrote that she (Orly Taitz) believes Obama used a dead man’s Social Security number and forged his IDs.
I demand that you make a correction and place a link to my site, as this is not a matter of my belief, but the matter of factual evidence:
Obama personally released his 2009 tax returns, originally did not flatten the PDF file and the full Social Security number he is using became available to the public. This Connecticut number 042-68-xxxx failed both E-Verify and SSNVS and was traced to Harry Bounel, former resident of NY and CT, born in 1890 in Russia and presumed to be deceased.
Further, I did not state that I think Obama forged his IDs, I stated to to you that Stephan Coffman, former Chief Investigator of the U.S. Coast Guard filed an affidavit showing Obama’s Selective Service certificate to be a forgery. I stated that there are 8 cases going on now, where the judges have ni front of them sworn affidavits from top law enforcement officials and experts stating that Obama’s IDs are forgeries.
Additionally you stated that I am a dentist, but you filed to mention that I am a licensed attorney.
You placed me in a false light, trying to show me as a dentist, who has no knowledge of law and who has some unreasonable beliefs not grounded in any facts.
In reality information that you received show that I am not only a licensed dentist, but also a licensed attorney, who brought to court true and correct governmental records and sworn affidavits showing that Obama got in the White House by virtue of fraud and with stolen and fabricated IDs
I demand an immediate correction of the article posted today. news/blogs/washington- whispers/2013/08/19/birther- orly-taitz-ted-cruz-has- basically-the-same-issue-as- obama
I am posting this demand for correction on my web site, as well as a 146 page file with documents submitted to courts, showing Obama using a stolen Social Security number and fabricated IDs
see attached
Dr. Orly TaitzESQ

Category: Events, Help Needed, HOT ITEMS!, Latest News, Legal Actions, LINKS, Obama Fraud Gate, orly taitz attorney, Orly Taitz civil rights leader, Orly Taitz Obama birth certificate, Orly Taitz Obama social Security number, Orly Taitz ObamaFraudGate, Orly Taitz subpoena, Other Criminal or Suspicious Activities, Radio and Media Broadcasts, Supporting Documentation
7 Responses to “Demand for a correction of an article and my quotes sent to U.S. News”
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August 19th, 2013 @ 10:04 am
You can bet that they will be printing that retraction. If I were them, I would be shaking in my shoes what with having a high power attorney like yourself writing me with truthful information.
August 19th, 2013 @ 2:56 pm
Orly, I’m tired of hearing evertone call us Birthers. We are Truthers, who still Love th
August 19th, 2013 @ 3:04 pm
We are TRUTH TELLERS who still Love the Constitution George Washington taught for! That nobody else seems to care about !
August 19th, 2013 @ 3:17 pm
You tell’em Orly Taitz!
August 19th, 2013 @ 4:00 pm
I am appalled re Just heard Mark Levin say Cruz is a naturalized citizen b/c his mother was a US citizen. citizenship is always based on father but naturalized is b ased on two citzen parents. There is no record his father was born os is a citizen of Us therfore Cruz is not a Natural born. I am appalled at Levin who is suppos e to be c onstitutional scholar. I tried to find a blog on his website but there is none. I amb beginning to believe Lame Cherry that he and others are a fraud.
August 19th, 2013 @ 5:24 pm
HANNITY just interrupting his guests (very ILL INFORMED about NATURAL BORN CITIZENSHIP and the CONSTITUTION) to say that Cruz had JUST ANNOUNCED he was going to RENOUNCE his Canadian Citizenship.
August 19th, 2013 @ 9:27 pm
You deserve that retraction Orly. I hope you get it.