Cosa Nostra of the New World Order! Time for a legislation banning all members and attendees of secret groups, like Bilderberg, Davos and so on from holding any elected or appointed positions in the federal or state governments or be allowed to give any campaign contributions to any elected or appointed officials of the federal or state government. It is time to end this targeted destruction of our lives by the world oligarchy and their puppets in the government and academia
Posted on | June 4, 2013 | 1 Comment
~ The Whose Who At Bilderberg !
6:45 AM (22 minutes ago)
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On this date in History, Henry Ford’s First Car rolled off the assembly line in 1896!
Also today – another date in Infamy – will be marked by the convening of the 61st Annual Meeting of Bilderberg Group, which will meet at the Grove Hotel and Golf Course in Watford, Hertfordshire, England. Is there a coincidence here? In the first three lines, I wrote here: The name Ford appears three times! Henry Ford was a New World Orderist! Maybe, the site was chosen to honor Henry Ford’s Contribution to the New World Order! Oh, that is just another conspiracy theory – Right?
This will be the first Bilderberg Conference held since the passing of Big Jim Tucker of American Free Press! Personally, I value Big Jim Tucker’s contributions to America more than I do any of the pond-scum, who have and/or are attending any New World Order Bilderberg Conference!
The first Bilderberg Meeting was held on May, 28, 29, and 30 in 1954, at the Bilderberg Hotel in Oosterbeck, Holland, and was hosted by Holland’s Prince Bernhard!
First I give you a link about the Bilderberg Conference here:
Note the names of the American that are attending! Names like: Henry Kissinger, the former US Secretary of State; Timothy Geithner, the former Secretary of the US Treasury, and Gen David Petraeus, the former Allied commander in Afghanistan and head of the CIA. These people should all be charged with Treason!
Now I give you the link to Article by Andrew Marzal, of the Daily Telegraph, which is posted today in Lew Rockwell!
Also up today on Lew Rockwell, is one of Chuck Baldwin’s and my favorite Authors/Journalists William Norman Grigg! The Article is called: “The American Secret Police”, and I give you the link here:
At the top of this Article, there are these words as follows: “Recently by William Norman Grigg” and is reference to an Article called “The Protected Predator Class”. That link is here:
The Lew Rockwell site always has many great Articles Daily that are informative and on point! Therefore, I give you the Lew Rockwell link here:
Remember, safety and well being is a choice, each of us must make each and every day! The more you, yours, and others know, the safer you all can be!
Your Internet Paul Revere,
Dan Fairchild
One Response to “Cosa Nostra of the New World Order! Time for a legislation banning all members and attendees of secret groups, like Bilderberg, Davos and so on from holding any elected or appointed positions in the federal or state governments or be allowed to give any campaign contributions to any elected or appointed officials of the federal or state government. It is time to end this targeted destruction of our lives by the world oligarchy and their puppets in the government and academia”
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June 4th, 2013 @ 7:02 am
This Government is BROKEN ! Period.
We can do one of Two things: REPAIR the Mess that Now Exists OR TEAR IT ALL DOWN and Start over USING The Bill of Rights and The Constituton. I prefer the latter.