Congress flips a finger at the military and and the whole nation, dismantles Benghazi investigations without getting any answers. Call your your congressmen, demand to reconvene Benghazi investigation and subpoena former Chair od the joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mullin, Leon Panetta, Thomas Pickering and Obama. Demand answers: who ordered to stand down, who prevented General Ham from deploying the mission
Posted on | May 9, 2013 | 10 Comments
Francisco 290 approved |
Submitted on 2013/05/09 at 7:01 am
The Special Watergate Commitee met for weeks and was televized, during its 1973 investigation. In the Benghazigate affair, a coverup where Americans were murdered, the House Commitee meets for 5 hours and disbands. What is wrong with this picture ? |
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10 Responses to “Congress flips a finger at the military and and the whole nation, dismantles Benghazi investigations without getting any answers. Call your your congressmen, demand to reconvene Benghazi investigation and subpoena former Chair od the joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mullin, Leon Panetta, Thomas Pickering and Obama. Demand answers: who ordered to stand down, who prevented General Ham from deploying the mission”
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May 9th, 2013 @ 9:26 am
Can someone from the military
(the 14+ military people who wrote letters to Judge England)
tell us, the American people ..what is the chain of command in “STAND DOWN” order?
I have been googling for an hour and cannot find at all. Find articles that MULTIPLE(3+)Stand Down orders were given…
I accidently clicked on General Ham Linked In googling and of course not available.
A source with intimate information about the events that happened on the ground in Benghazi the night the U.S. Consulate and the CIA annex was attacked by terrorists told Breitbart News that, ultimately,
1) only the President of the United States(PrIC – Pretender in Chief), or
2) someone acting on his authority(Who could this idiot be…),
could have prevented Special Forces either on the ground or nearby from helping those Americans who were under deadly assault.
May 9th, 2013 @ 9:54 am
Better worded… they didn’t get the answers they kept telling people they were going to get because… it didn’t exist.
May 9th, 2013 @ 11:20 am
The order to given to General Ham to “stand down” had to have come from the White House. This is the most scandelous event to happen in our nation’s history. The press doesn’t talk about it. The congress want to sweep it under the rug. Americans are no longer safe with thugs that are in power now in Washington.
May 9th, 2013 @ 3:03 pm
All Americans who have an American Flag on display should fly it at half mast until usurper, Obama, is thrown out of the White House.
May 9th, 2013 @ 4:40 pm
When this happened, I am sure that
I read that Obama had given the order
to ‘stand down’ and that he then went
back to either sleeping or whatever he
does in the late night/evening hours.
Now this was when the news was FIRST
reported and no one was covering up for
anyone as it was all breaking news.
May 9th, 2013 @ 5:20 pm
I found this, after a long search:
According to blog site, CIA sources have confirmed that President Barack Obama ordered military and intelligence assets not to defend or rescue ambassador Christopher Stevens as the American consulate and CIA annex in Benghazi were being attacked by terrorists last month.
Reports are also surfacing that claim White House officials, including the president, was fed real-time video footage from two aerial drones while the seven-hour long attack was underway. On Tuesday, talk show host Glenn Beck predicted Obama will eventually get impeached over his handling of the Libya attacks, an incident that resulted in the deaths of four Americans including ambassador Stevens. (YouTube Video)
Beck: Obama could be impeached over Libya attacks
The blog site is advancing the theory that Stevens was sent to Libya in an attempt to recover weapons from Al Qaeda. This information is not confirmed and is considered a mere rumor circulating the internet. Last week, Fox News reported that requests for help by Americans on the ground were denied several times.
However, it seems former Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods, who was killed in Benghazi, had laser sights attached to his gun which could have directed bombs from Air Force jets or from armed drones toward hostile forces.
Woods died nearly six hours after the attack began. Obama has maintained that he ordered security help for the trapped Americans as soon as he learned of the attack.
On Tuesday, Sean Hannity of Fox News suggested that the audio tapes during the Benghazi attacks are damning. (YouTube Video) Nearly six weeks after the attack, it appears that the FBI continues to classify video and audio footage from the American compound as “top secret”.
(Share this story by clicking on the social media buttons on this page. Readers may send inquiries to Marv Dumon.)
May 10th, 2013 @ 12:27 am
The shamestream media is filled with Obama and Hillary
If nothing is done about Benghazi massacre
the people should start marching on the freeways.
May 10th, 2013 @ 6:55 am
Why did the High Command or Penneta, order a stand down to not rescue the people in Benghazi because they felt they were to arrive too late, without knowing if the siege was to last the 8 hours it did last, or 400 days, like what happened in Teheran 30 years ago ?
Are these guys for real, and then on top of that, also tell us that they did not have permission to fly over Libya to execute the rescue !! We flew bombing missions to defeat Kaddafi, without Congressional approval, nor from Kaddafi, and this is the lame excuse they use as to why they did not sent help.
May 10th, 2013 @ 8:37 am
I would really love to hear what Gen Ham has to say about this event, but who would protect him and stand by him.
May 10th, 2013 @ 11:46 am
I have called Senator Issa office.
An assistant got my comments about the hearing
that ask about General Han rescue mission order and the entirity of Dr. Taitz request to
investigate who gave the orders to stand down.
I asked the assistant how many comments they have received this week. He said 5,000.
I asked how they are going to handle the comments.
He said, a special group of Senator Issa assistants meets every week to sort out and consider previous weeks comments.
I hope, this will influence Issa to strognly move to further the Benghazi investigation.