Even more egregious revelations
In response to my article Carl Gallops, the De Facto spokesperson for Sheriff Arpaio and his Cold Case Posse investigator Mike Zullo is saying the following: “2. Zullo and Arpaio have filed no criminal charges because it is not within their jurisdiction to do so. Taitz should know this. Any first year law student or police […]
I am proven to be correct yet again: after 2 years of fundraising Sheriff Arpaio will not file a criminal complaint against Obama, Mike Zullo is planning to write a book, which will be another money maker but will not remove Obama from office.
2 years ago Sheriff Arpaio held a press conference stating that the tea party contacted him, advised him that fraud was committed in Maricopa county, Obama ran for office in Maricopa county based on fraud and using forged IDs, they were seeking a criminal complaint by Arpaio, as a duly elected sheriff, to be filed […]
Ruling mafia puppets in the House of Representatives reached an agreement in principle to push down our throats the mega amnesty and give millions of illegals not just amnesty, our jobs and benefits, but also Obamacare. All of the raging scandals might be a decoy to pull the biggest heist in the World History. Don’t get your eyes of the target. Tell every corrupt congressman: you vote for mega amnesty, we will throw you out in the primary and will prosecute you for treason. You have to be in their faces with biggest signs, shaming them or you and your children will lose your future.
House Group Says They Have Immigration Deal Here is my thought: it might be a coincidence but I am wondering if all 3 scandals going on now, while our ruling criminal enterprise is trying to push for mega amnesty, is too much of a coincidence. Everyone is now preoccupied with those 3 scandals: Benghazi, IRS, AP, nobody is talking about mega […]
Is there any connection between Mitzi Torri and other IRS executives? When did Savannah Guthrie graduate from Georgetown university Law School? Guthrie, NBC anchor, is the only reporter who claimed to have touched the raised seal on Obama’s birth certificate during April 27 press conference
herman 7 approved Submitted on 2013/05/16 at 4:19 am Lois Lerner husband, Michael miles was Georgetown grad 1983 and had worked in IRS chief counsel office. Mitzi Torri is Georgetown grad 1984 and had worked in IRS office chief counsel 1986-94. https://www.sutherland.com/michael_miles/ Obama didn’t know? Mitzi Torri, IRS attorney, who posted threats, is running […]
I was absolutely correct. Affidavit of Mike Zullo was attached as an exhibit to the motion to strike the Amicus Curiae brief of AL Dem Party, it is not a part of the underlying case or Appelant’s brief or a reply to the brief by the Appellee, Secretary of State
Please, see for yourselves: Mike Zullo’s affidavit is only an exhibit to the motion to strike the Amicus Curiae (friend of the court) brief by the Democratic Party of AL. I was correct in what I was saying. This affidavit by Mike Zullo is not a part of the case in the lower court, it […]
More clarifications re discrepancy of Indonesian records of Barry Soetoro and HI records of Barry Obama and why Mike Zullo’s affidavit will not be considered in the actual appeal in the Supreme Court of Alabama
1. I was asked to clarify regarding descrepancy of Indonesian records. Please, see attached picture from Obama’s classmate Scott Inouie. It states 1969. Now look at Obama’s school record from indonesia; it shows that Obama under the name Barry Soetoro went to school in Indonesia from January 1 1968. Based on this discrepancy there were 2 boys: […]
Judiciary Committee of the U.S. Senate discussing “Immigration Reform bill of 2013” aimed at strengthening the apprehension of illegals through use of E-verify received from Attorney Orly Taitz evidence showing that Barack Obama failed E-verify. Taitz sent a demand to every member of the Judiciary Committee to enter this evidence in the record of the committee hearing. Every law abiding citizen is asked to contact every member of the Judiciary committee and demand a stay of the immigration reform hearing and an emergency hearing on Obama’s use of a stolen CT SS 042-68-4425
Taitz Report 05.11.2013 Senate Judiciary Committee Received Evidence of Obama Failing E-Verify
Members of the media have blood on their hands, if they would not have been complicit with Obama for the past 5 years, we would have had a different President long time ago, different leadership and U.S. ambassador and others would have been alive today. Now as the Benghazi damn is broken and the media knows that Obama is falsifying records for political gain, Bill O’Reilly, Laurence O’Donnell, John Cobelt, John Avlon, Rachel Maddow an others owe me an apology and settlement for enormous damage and enormous emotional distress they caused by being criminally complicit with Obama and by attacking me, a whistle-blower, defaming me and assassinating my character as a part of the cover up
All of the media including Bill O’Reilly had all of this evidence for several years now. As journalists with integrity they had a duty not to commit journalistic malpractice, they had a duty to stay on this story until Obama is removed from office and prosecuted, same goes for the top officials in the government. […]
Again Sheriff Arpaio, Investigator Zullo and Carl Gallops are treating every one of you as complete morons. Read the guidelines of the Supreme Court of AL below, they do not allow any witnesses, or any new evidence, they only review the records from the lower court and evidence from the lower court. Arpaio cannot appear in front of the Supreme Court of AL, cannot submit anything there. The only thing he can and has to do, is file a criminal complaint in AZ, with his DA. Tell Arpaio, Zullo and Carl Gallops to stop the BS. Tell Arpaio to file a criminal complaint immediately or refund all the money he collected, when he did press conferences and made promises for a year but never filed the criminal complaint with his DA and AG
Appellate Courts Quick links Appellate Court E-Filing Court of the Judiciary Appellate Mediation Rule Changes Frequently Asked Questions Judicial Inquiry Commission Appellate Courts Overview Appellate courts do not try cases, have juries, witnesses, or court reporters. They review actions or decisions of the trial courts by review- ing the record on questions of […]
FOX News censored/heavily edited my interview and removed all evidence of Obama’s use of all forged IDs and a stolen CT Social Security number of Harrison J. Bounel
Please, see below the article by FOX News Latino.com I spent at least half an hour with the reporter for FOX News Victor Garcia. I begged him not to remove from he article the evidence, the fact that Obama is not eligible not only because he had a foreign citizenship from birth, but also […]
Rand Paul talks about Obama endangering the National security: Obama cancelled NSEERS program which provided additional scrutiny in giving residency to immigrants from 25 Muslim countries, defunded a program which provided weapons training for airline pilots.
Press release: demand for a Senate hearing on Obama’s failed E-verify was sent by Attorney Orly Taitz to the “gang of 8”
Press release Law offices of Orly Taitz Demand for “gang of 8”, namely eight U.S. Senators, who introduced current massive amnesty bill, to delay the debate on the bill pending a senate hearing on the failed E-Verify of Barack Obama John McCain, R-Arizona Chuck Schumer, D-New York Michael Bennet, D-Colorado Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Florida Sen. […]
Is this a harbinger of weakening of the Communist-Socialist assault in Western Hemisphere? Chavez successor lead dropped from double digits to less than 1%, challenger seeks a full recount
Is this a harbinger of weakening of the Communist-Socialist assault in Western Hemisphere? Chavez successor lead dropped from double digits to less than 1%, challenger seeks a full recount Press release from the law offices of Orly Taitz Recount in Venezuela might pave the way for cleaning up elections fraud in the U.S. Chavez successor […]
Join law abiding Americans against corrupt Congress and usurper in the WH, who are pushing amnesty of 25-42 million illegals. these scoundrels are claiming they will use e-verify, but they refused to check the E-verify of the thief sitting in the WH
New World Order Mafia needed a Democratic party stooge like Bill Clinton to push WTO-GATT. Clinton pretended to be one of the people and robbed 20 million American workers of their jobs and wages. Now the same mafia is using other stooges, Rubio among them, to overcome the resistance of American people to give amnesty […]
Are you an Evangelical Christian, Mormon or Catholic active member of the U.S. military, contact me at 949-683-5411
As I was talking to General Edward M. Browne, he mentioned that we have a very serious problem in the military today, as the only ones who are promoted to high positions, are Obama lackeys, not people with brains, course and knowledge, just Obama lackeys. We, as a nation, talk about questionable appointments to the […]
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