
I need volunteers in TX for follow up with the US attorney for the Eastern District of TX, Rebecca Gregory

Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ 26302 La Paz, suite 211 Mission Viejo, CA 92691 Phone 949-683-5411 Fax 949-586-2082 Dr_taitz@yahoo.com OrlyTaitzESQ.com 04.27.09. Via Certified Mail, Return receipt Attn. Rebecca A. Gregory US Attorney for the Eastern District of Texas 350 Magnolia Ave., suite 150 Beaumont TX 77701 Open Letter Criminal complaint, demand for investigation and prosecution   […]

Certified Mail Receipts for Dossiers and

License with the Supreme Court

Re: Turnabout: Is Obama Denialist Orly Taitz Really a Lawyer? Will She Be For Long? Monday, April 27, 2009 9:10 PM From: This sender is DomainKeys verified “Orly Taitz” <dr_taitz@yahoo.com> View contact details To: undisclosed-recipients Message contains attachments License Supreme Court 001.jpg (615KB) In the attachment is a letter from the Supreme Court verifying that […]

Draft of the cover page of the Petition for the Extraordinary Writ of Mandamus. Plaintiffs, please check for errors in name spelling. Please check, if I missed anybody.

No. In The   Supreme Court of the United States                                                                           Plaintiffs, Lt. Scott Easterling, in his capacity as a US army officer, Resident of Tennessee, currently stationed in Iraq Active Duty Alan C. James, resident of North Carolina, currently stationed in Iraq Active Duty Specialist Jason James Freese, resident of Alaska Active National […]

Why do We Need Real Documents

Due to the fact that Obama arrogantly refuses to unseal his vital records and uses his attorney Robert Bauer as a tool to harass and initmidate law abiding citizens and attorneys; there are numerous rumors on the internet about those records.  Recently I received an e-mail, stating that Obama has received a Fullbright scholarship, while at […]

Financial aid to Soetoro from the state of CA

This is a copy of the journal of CA Assembly, Senate. When you enter the name Soetoro Moestabjab of Indonesia, you can see his name pop up among the names of the foreign exchange students, who received financial aid from the state of CA. I ask all patriots to forward this info to all of […]

Letter to the General Counsel of admiral Mallen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ 26302 La Paz ste 211 Mission Viejo CA92691 Phone 949-683-5411 Fax     949-586-2082 OrlyTaitzESQ.com dr_taitz@yahoo.com   April 21, 2009   Attn:  Captain James Crawford Legal Counsel for Admiral Mullen Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Pentagon Room 2D 938 Washington DC 20318-9999 Phone 703-697-1137   Dear Captain Crawford:   Enclosed are […]

Protected: this was sent to Phil Berg, Gary Kreep, Alan Keyes and a few other parties

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

to Governor of Wyoming

Governor, David Freudenthal 123 Capitol Building 200 W 24th Street Cheyenne, WY 82002 Ph (307)777-7434;                     April 9, 2009   Honorable Governor Freudenthal             Re: Request for the State of Wyoming to relate Quo Warranto           on Barack Hussein Obama, II to Test His Title to Commander in Chief, in charge of Wyoming National […]

KY secretary of state

I believe this is a first time in historywhen the secretary of state  when the Secretary of State requests the Attorney General of the state to investigate the eligibility of the sitting president. I ask all volunteers of KY to follow up and call and visit the office of the Attorney General and KY FBI and […]

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