
Your help needed in TX!!!

I just got off the phone with representative Leo Berman, sponsor of the eligibility bill TX. The bill is stuck in the House affairs committee. The committee has 7 Republicans, who are committed to passing the bill and 4 Democrats, who will cover for Obama. I need your help in flooding the phone lines of […]

SB 91 “Identity and citizenship bill” is available for OK House consideration tomorrow

House Floor Agenda – 4/25/2011 3:49:57 PM Search Floor Agenda Button Retrieve Measure History Button   Click Return to Floor Agenda button to display full floor agenda… |  Measure Date Published Available to Consider Authors Short Title 1 Measures         SB91 4/25/2011 1:29:00 PM 4/26/2011 1:29:00 PM By Tibbs of the House […]

Will you ask a failing student to help you with your homework?

Lloyd Bentsen Texas January 20, 1993 December 22, 1994 Bill Clinton 70 Robert Rubin New York January 11, 1995 July 2, 1999 71 Lawrence Summers Massachusetts July 2, 1999 January 20, 2001 72 Paul O’Neill Pennsylvania January 20, 2001 December 31, 2002 George W. Bush 73 John W. Snow Virginia February 3, 2003 June 30, […]

Was there a deal made for Gov Brewer, for AZ speaker Kirk Adams, for OK speaker Kris Steel and OK majority leader Dan Sullivan to act against the will of the people and against the will of the majority of their legislature??? Q and A.

RJ Submitted on 2011/04/24 at 6:23am I am terrifically disappointed to see this type of journalism on this prestigious web site. Governor Brewer’s son should be as off limits for public scrutiny as Sarah Palin’s son, Trig, should be. There was immediate and appropriate outrage at the scurrilous attacks on Trig because of his mental […]

We need help in OK, Speaker of OK assembly Kris Steele is engaged in obstruction of Justice

Today everybody in Washington DC, in the media and in the state houses of representatives know that Obama is a complete fraud, sitting in the White House with a stolen Social security number and without a valid long form birth certificate. Now we can see a clear pattern of Obstruction of Justice, we can see that […]

Corrupt and dirty Hollywood executives pour money to usurper Obama

Yesterday, as I drove to work, I heard on the radio that Jeffrey Katzenberg, President of  Dreamworks SKG is hosting a fundraiser for Obama and collecting $38,500 a plate. I felt like stopping my car and throwing up. Please, see below information on Dreamworks. Steven Spielberg originally moved his production to Ireland, where for a number […]

my interview to post and e-mail

Wednesday, April 20, 2011 Dr. Orly Taitz: Donald Trump Will Get the Republican Nomination … 11 hours ago – THE GUY IS JUST WARMING UP by Sharon Rondeau (Apr. 19, 2011) — On April 18, 2011 , The Post & Email spoke with Dr. Orly Taitz just prior to the. www.thepostemail.com/…/dr-orly-taitz-donald-trump-will-get-the-republican -nomination/

Here is one of CA attorneys, members of Obama squad

 Do you remember this woman, who went by name  raicha? she posted a lot on my blog.  She is an attorney Rae Diane Shirer, member of CA bar since 1993, bar license 16737.  Attorney Search Rae Diane Shirer – #167137 Current Status:  Active This member is active and may practice law in California. See below […]

My letter to governor of HI, closing the communication gap with a FOIA request!

DR. ORLY TAITZ ESQ PRESIDENT  DEFEND OUR FREEDOMS FOUNDATION 29839 SANTA MARGARITA PKWY, ste 100 Rancho Santa Margarita CA 92688 Ph 949-683-5411 fax 949-766-7603  orlytaitzesq.com    orly.taitz@gmail.com 01.20 2011 Via certified mail The Honorable Neil Abercrombie
 Governor, State of Hawai`i
 Executive Chambers, 
State Capitol
 Honolulu, Hawai`i  96813 Phone: 808-586-0034 
Fax: 808-586-0006 Dear Governor Abercrombie, Congratulations on […]

Citation for the woman, who yelled “Not Obama, help us Jesus” during the reading of Natural Citizen clause of the Constitution. I would not be surprised if people will yell “Free Lakin”, “Free the Hero, Jail the zero”, “Obama, where is your Social Security number?”, “Obama, the fraud”, “Obama, the uzurper” during the State of the Union address.

The Disciplinary board of PA is holding a disciplinary hearing against attorney Philip J Berg, who made outrageous allegations about me

Home Attorney Info Consumer Info Look Up Pennsylvania Attorneys Disciplinary Reporter Supreme Court Actions 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 Brochures English (PDF) Spanish (PDF) About Us Overview Video History Structure Disciplinary Board Members Hearing Committee Members Executive Offices Disciplinary Counsel Annual Reports News & Information Appointments Case Decisions & Opinions Rule Changes & Updates Other […]

Murderer of the judge and shooter of congresswoman Giffords was a crazy Communist-Socialist, Jew hater. Look at his info on my space: favorite books “Communist Manifesto” and Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” . He is just like those communist antisemites from “politijab” and “fogbow”, who claim to be attorneys and attack me, like scum who tampered with my car, like some criminals in courts who destroy the evidence and rape the law and the Constitution.

Capt-Dax Submitted on 2011/01/09 at 6:05am Name: Jared Lee Loughner Channel Views: 271 Joined: October 25, 2010 Website: https://Myspace.com/fallenasleep About Me: My name is Jared Lee Loughner! Hometown: Tucson Country: United States Schools: I attended school: Thornydale elementary,Tortolita Middle School, Mountain View Highschool, Northwest Aztec Middle College, and Pima Community College. Interests: My favorite interest […]

What is the chance that it is a random coincidence, that Obama’s name is connected in SS databases to the name of the chief actuary of SSA? For a country of over 300 million such probability is nearly zero

Harry Ballantyne retired 11 years ago as chief actuary of the Social Security Administration. This was what I found on: https://2008.myvote.org/www.ssa.gov/history/orals/maryross.html    [this seems to be info from 1962 !!] Ross: He had been head of it since it was still called (I think) the Analysis Division. When I was here, it was DPA, the […]

WH spokesman Robert Gibbs is asked about Obama’s fraudulent use of Ct SS number. Gibbs did not provide an intelligent answer and recently resigned

More on recent murder of senior advisor to the secretary of the airforce (during 3 administrations) John Wheeler

Yesterday I saw a small part of  a program Parker-Spitzer, they interviewed people, who saw Wheeler shortly before he was murdered. I didn’t see the whole program, but here are a few new details, that are troubling. Apparently, he was on a train from DC back to Wilmington. Something happened on the train or shortly […]

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