
from WorldNetDaily today, June 15

 Flag this message Investigation getting closer to Obama Social Security records Wednesday, June 15, 2011 4:49 AM From: “WND” <alerts@alerts.worldnetdaily.com> Add sender to Contacts To: “orly taitz” <dr_taitz@yahoo.com> Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Obama critic coming closer to Social Security records? Judge advances FOIA dispute over application for Connecticut number President […]

this is an area of concern

Политика Афганистан надо теснее интегрировать в структуры ШОС, считает Медведев Еще на эту тему Саммит Шанхайской организации сотрудничества начался в Астане 14.06.2011 ШОС утвердила антитеррористическую стратегию на 2011-2016 годы 13.06.2011 Ху Цзиньтао: Китай продолжит льготное кредитование участников ШОС 13.06.2011 Президент России Дмитрий Медведев посетит Ташкент 14 июня 11.06.2011 Д.Медведев 14-15 июня в Астане примет участие […]

letter to Barack Obama, requesting voluntary consent for access to his original BC, stored in HI

Dr Orly Taitz ESq 29839 Santa  Margarita pkwy, ste 100 Rancho Santa Margarita CA 92688 Ph 949-683-5411 fax 949-766-7603 Orly.Taitz@gmail.com 06.14.2011 Mr. Barack Hussein Obama White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave Washington DC Via certified mail returned receipt Dear Mr. Obama On April 27 2011 with great fanfare you unearthed your long form birth certificate, which […]

I need your help

US district court in DC is not docketing pleadings in my case Taitz v Astrue 11-cv-402 The documents that needs to be docketted are: 1. Motion for Clarification 2. Motion for Default Judgment 3. Redacted Complaint and exhibits (97 pages) 4.Redacted first amended complaint and exhibits (61 pages) 5. I am wondering if Judge Lamberth already […]

Attorney General of HI states, that the director of Health Loretta Fuddy will not comply with the subpoena and will not provide access to original BC due to reasons of privacy. How is it private, when he posted the copy on Whitehouse.com. It’s not privacy, it’s forgery, stupid

Call each congressman and inspector general of Dep. of Justice. Demand independant prosecutor to investigate theft of $6.6 billion dollars, sent to Iraq

Missing Iraq money may have been stolen, auditors say The same time as $6.6 billion dollars, sent to Iraq, disappeared, the director of IMF and a prominent 74 y.o. banker are charged with sex crimes. What do they know? Demand immediate appointment of an independant prosecutor, to investigate this perpetual grand theft, which is going […]

Update on Taitz v Astrue

1. I am expecting judge Lamberth to rule on my Vaughn motion very soon, hopefully tomorrow. If he follows the law, he should grant it. It will force the government and specifically the SSA to open their cards and show what documentation they have regarding Connecticut Social security number 042-68-4425, which Obama is fraudulently using. […]

Taitz v Astrue redacted first amended complaint and redacted complaint FedExed today

Taitz v Astrue redacted first amended complaint

required request for administrative appeal was sent to Alvin Onaka in HI

Dr. ORLY TAITZ, ESQ 29839 SANTA MARGARITA pkwy ste 100 SANTA MARGARITA  CA 92688 PH949-683-5411 FAX 949766-7603 06.08.2011 via certified mail Alvin Onaka State Registrar and Chief Office of Health Status Monitoring Hawaii State Department of Health Appeal of denial of production of records under UIPA Request for administrative agency review Dear Mr. Onaka, On […]

Motion for Default judgment in Taitz v Astrue

Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ 29839 Santa Margarita Parkway, STE 100 Rancho Santa Margarita CA 92688 Tel: (949) 683-5411; Fax (949) 766-7603  E-Mail: dr_taitz@yahoo.com, orly.taitz@gmail.com UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE  DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Dr. ORLY TAITZ, ESQ, PRO SE                        §                              Plaintiff,                         § Freedom of information violation                                                                    §             5USC §552                         v.                                             §        […]

notice of Appeal Taitz v Dunn

Certified mail receipts on letters to the White House counsel and congressmen

motion for clarification sent today

Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ 29839 Santa Margarita Parkway, STE 100 Rancho Santa Margarita CA 92688 Tel: (949) 683-5411; Fax (949) 766-7603  E-Mail: dr_taitz@yahoo.com, orly.taitz@gmail.com UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE  DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Dr. ORLY TAITZ, ESQ, PRO SE                        §                              Plaintiff,                         § Freedom of information violation                                                                    §             5USC §552                         v.                                             §        […]

Letter to the new White House counsel Kathy Ruemmler

Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ 29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, ste 100 Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 ph 949-683-5411 fax 949-766-7603  orly.taitz@gmail.com Ms. Kathy Ruemmler White House Counsel 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Washington DC RE: Taitz v Astrue 11-cv-402 USDC DC Chief Judge Royce Lamberth presiding 06.03.2011 Via certified mail, return receipt requested Open letter REQUEST FOR INSPECTION […]

I need help getting transcripts and complaint

I found a criminal complaint of second degree assault, where my cousin Baruch Awerbuch was a victim. The case went to trial, but for some reason he refused to testify at trial. I need help in getting the actual complaint and transcripts from the trial.  Still, nobody in the family is able to hear from […]

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