
Update: Obama’s response in my GA case Farrar et al v Obama et al

Farrar Pretrial defendant submission Farrar – MATERIALS REFERENCED IN DEFENDANT Farrar et al v Obama et al motion to dismiss Farrar et al v Obama et al Obama’s statement of undisputed facts

Stamped cover page of amended motion miraculously found by the court after Nov 30 hearing, 15 days after it was received by the court and signed by clerk Kanzai

What can you do, when you are being stonewalled by the regime?

A number of people have asked me, what to do. A number of people filed ballot challenges in their states. Typically, we saw the  following result : either the secretaries of state threw those challenges in the garbage and never provided any response or they gave a generic excuse and told people, that if they don’t […]

Press Release. Presidential candidate, syndicated talk show host and author Dr. Laurie Roth retained attorney Dr. Orly Taitz to represent her in a legal challenge against Barack Obama

                                                                                                                                                  PRESS RELEASE Attorney Dr. Orly Taitz is pleased to announce that she was retained to represent a Presidential Candidate from American Independent Party, well known syndicated talk show host and author Dr. Laurie Roth. Ms. Roth is a PHD, who is also a civil rights leader, radio personality, writer, a wife and a […]

A hit piece about me by Obama media thug Julie Driscol from “Chicago Liberal Examiner”

https://www.examiner.com/liberal-in-chicago/birthers-first-annoying-then-distracting-then-alarming-now-dangerous-1 My answer, posted in “Chicago Liberal Examiner” This is attorney Dr. Taitz responding to this hit piece by Obama media thug Julie Driscol. If you want to know the truth, please, go on my web site Orly TaitzESQ.com and download the pleadings and documents and go on my site OrlyTaitzfor USsenate.com and read my […]

Press release: an answer sent to MSNBC.com/Newsvine

I got a request from Kelly Lincoln, writer from  MSNBC.com/Newsvine. It is a far left, Tea Party/ conservatives bashing  web site. She wanted me to sign a release, provide my address and all my personal information, so that she can dig through my records with the Department of Homeland Security. She publishes on MSNBC.com/Newsvine all of my responses […]

Farrar et al v Obama et al submitted today to judge Malihi in GA. Trial is tenatively set between january 9-16. Please, forward to all media outlets in Ga and around the country, as well as international media

Farrar et al v Obama et al Election challenge NH Exhibits1-4 Election Challenge NH Exhibits 5-9Election Challenge Exhibits 10, 11, 12 PS I will be on TV today in Santa Maria, Santa Barbara area of  CA “On Second thought” with host William Waggener

Docketed motion January 6, 2012, Honolulu HI, Judge Nishimura

Emergency motion to docket the first amended complaint Reply to opposition to amended motion Taitz v Fuddy Nov 30 I posted the first amended complaint and exhibits earlier- some 90 pages Please, come to court January 6, 2012, 9am  777 Punchbowl str., Honolulu Hi, First Circuit Court, Judge Nishimura

Video clip exposing additional evidence of corruption and criminality of members of ballot law commission, which should not only reverse the results of the hearing, but should land at least several commission members in prison for public corruption

Nearly 40,000 people saw this video clip of my testimony before NH Ballot Law Commission in re to ObamaForgeryGate

Translate results into my language 57:34Add to Orly Taitz vs NH Ballot Law Commission Obama Birth www.TimCartersFirePit.com founder Tim Carter attended a hearing taping this video where evidence was presented to the NH Ballot Law Commission … by TJCTV | 3 days ago | 39,975 views new

Extremely important, demand for rehearing with the election law committee with new 5 members

Dr. Orly Taitz ESq 29839 Santa Margarita, ste 100 Rancho Santa Margarita CA 92688 949-683-5411 fax 949-766-7603     Attention William Gardner Secretary of State State of New Hampshire   Demand for emergency rehearing of the Ballot Law Commission complaint/election denial of challenge to candidate Barack Obama filed by attorney Dr. Orly Taitz and joined […]

Reminder, rehearing of this ruling in HI is coming on November 30, please, come to the 1st circuit court of Honolulu, 10 am, to support me in demanding the release of the original BC

In just 2 days nearly 8,000 people watched this clip of my testimony to NH Ballot Law Commission of traitors, who disregarded all evidence and allowed usurper Obama on the ballot

Video of my testimony before NH Ballot Law Commission posted again, as it was reported that the link does not work

Video: Orly before NH Election Committee

Full one hour video of my testimony before NH Election Committee. Thank you Mr. Tim for your help.

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