
Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz nominated President Donald J. Trump for Nobel Peace Prize

DR ORLY TAITZ NOMINATION ACCOUNT   Account and passcode redacted Name: Dr. Orly Surname: Taitz Institution: Former member of the International Criminal Court in Haague Position: Doctor and Attorney, former member of the International Criminal Court in Haague E-mail address: orly.taitz@gmail.com Address: 29839 Santa Margarita, ste 100, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA , 92688 Rancho Santa Margarita Country: United States Granted nomination access based on: Medlemmer av […]

Is Kamala Harris a natural born US citizen? Were her parents US citizens when she was born? Her mother is from India and her father is from Jamaica. It does not appear that they had the US citizenship when she was born

Harry 2 approved Did someone say that she is not a NBC? Kamala Harris Is Running For President In 2020 The California senator announced her bid on Martin Luther King Jr. Day with the campaign theme “For the people.” HuffPost 2 hours ago Answer from Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ, President of Defend Our Freedoms Foundation […]

Schiff demands jail time for President Trump. What about jail time for Obama who used a Connecticut SSN 042-68-4425 which was assigned to Harrison J. Bounel. Obama did it while at the WH, Also Obama got 2 mln of illegal campaign contributions and nothing was done

Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq.‏ @DrOrlyTaitzEsq 39s40 seconds ago More @realDonaldTrump Schiff demands jail time for President Trump. What about jail time for Obama who used a Connecticut SSN 042-68-4425 which was assigned to Harrison J. Bounel. Obama did it while at the WH, Also Obama got 2 mln of illegal campaign contributions and nothing was done Schiff: […]

See below my tweets to President Trump regarding the caravan and see the response in the article below. President Trump is planning a proclamation and executive order that I recommended

Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq.‏ @DrOrlyTaitzEsq 11h11 hours ago More @realDonaldTrump Just as the Supreme Court confirmed temporary ban from other countries, time for temp ban on asylums from Honduras, Venezuela, El Salvador due to massive invasion with hordes of people infiltrated by drug cartels, criminals and possible terrorists. Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq.‏@DrOrlyTaitzEsqOct 22 More US President can […]

Second FOIA request for information sent to Dori Salcedo, Chief FOIA officer of Department of Health and Human Services. HHS is obligated to respond by January 27, 2014 and provide information whether Obama is indeed enrolled in spite of his use of a stolen SSN and what safeguards were placed by Sebelius and HHS to prevent illegal aliens and others from enrolling in ACA (Obamacare) while using stolen and fabricated Social Security numbers

FOIA urgent request for information From orly.taitz <orly.taitz@hushmail.com> To media <media@hhs.gov> Sent Sunday, December 29, 2013 at 4:39 PM Encrypted No Signed No   FOIA request 2 HHS.pdf (6.0 MB)

Press release: after watching TV reports Taitz recognized Keith Yamamoto as the official, who on 08.08.2011 stood at the entrance of the Health Department refusing Taitz and 2 experts pass the security and meet with Fuddy, even though Fuddy was served with a valid federal subpoena, where Fuddy had to provide Taitz with the original birth certificate of Obama. Taitz found the declaration of Yamamoto confirming that

Press release : Law Offices of Orly Taitz After watching the TV news report about the airplane water landing after which Loretta Fuddy died, Attorney Orly Taitz recognized Keith Yamamoto as someone whom she saw before. Yamamoto, who held Fuddy’s hands, when she suddenly died after the crash, was the Health Department official, who was […]

Attorney Orly Taitz on “Night Lights” with James Lamberth TV interview, part 1. (part 2 will be uploaded on you-tube shortly)

An answer from Dr. Orly Taitz to Nancy Pelosi

Press release by Dr. Orly Taitz to Nancy Pelosi Orly Taitz is both a doctor and an attorney and she received an e-mail from Nancy Pelosi. Taitz  is an attorney leading 7 cases   challenging Barack Obama due to his use of a stolen CT SSN 042-68-4425 issued to Harry Bounel and his use of […]

Interview with expert Doug Vogt. Unfortunately his case was dismissed due to lack of jurisdiction

https://www.blogtalkradio.com/markgillar/2013/11/16/law-signed-by-george-washington-may-convict-obama-fraud-conspirators Doug, I am sorry about the dismissal. We knew that the judge will state exactly what he stated, however at least you put an effort and you filed, which cannot be said of Arpaio. I remember Linda Jordan, Susan Daniels and a few other people criticized me claiming that I did not do enough, […]

Update on Taitz v Donahoe, Obama’s use of a fabricated Selective Service registration with a fabricated cancellation USPS stamp affixed to it

Press release Law offices of Orly Taitz Latest correspondence with the Department of Justice is provided herein. High ranking officials, US attorneys and courts continue this RICO of theft of the US Presidency by a citizen of Indonesia Barry Soetoro, aka Soebakah, aka Obama by fraud and while using fabricated IDs. Attorney Orly Taitz is […]

Taitz v Astrue Reply to Opposition and Motion to Strike

  Press release Law offices of Orly Taitz New filing in Taitz v Astrue 11-cv-402 District of Columbia, Hon Royce c Lamberth, is attache dherein. Pleadings in the case and documents show that not only Obama used a stolen CT Social Security number 042-68-4425 of Harrison (Harry) J. Bounel, but also high ranking officials of […]

Contact Ken Cuccinelli, ask him to bring forward the issue of Obama’s use of a stolen SSN and forged IDs before he leaves office

In 2009 Ken Cuccinelli signed up as my friend on Facebook. At a time I did not know, who he was, but a female attorney-supporter took some time to look at the names of people signing up as my friends. Among them there were dozens of elected officials and conservative luminaries. I remember her telling […]

Press Release: Help me find out whether there is an Obama operative who is using a man diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia mental disorder to undermine birther movement and de-legitimate cases dealing with Obama’s use of a stolen Social Security number, fabricated IDs and U.S. Attorneys and judges being complicit in the cover up and fraud of the U.S. Congress?

Press Release Law offices of Orly Taitz Recently two editors of blogs dealing with Obama’s lack of eligibility to the U.S. Presidency and his use of fabricated IDs posted an article stating “Exclusive report”, “Bombshell revelation”, they further state that Presidential candidate Cody Robert Judy  state that there will be an Obama impeachment hearing in […]

Looks, like I am really hitting the nerve. It has been 9 hours and Google-YouTube are still blocking my latest video in “processing”

How do you get rid of a lemon? is there a kickback in 700 mil Obamacare web site? I  recorded the latest edition of Taitz report at 4 am, it is being blocked by Google-YouTube for 9 hours. In my latest report I argued that 700 million contract for Obamacare website made by Sibelius with […]

Reminder: please, be in court this Wednesday, October 23, 9 am, 601 Santa Ana Blvd, Santa Ana, CA, Taitz v Obama. Please, contact veterans, bikers, truckers, tea party, ask people to be in court

keep looking »