
My third interview with the Syndicated News after there was tampering with the other 2 interviews and after FBI targeted the Syndicated News

Great new poll! nearly half of Americans agree with me in that Obama did not provide valid documents.

Do all these Americans agree with Sheriff Joe on Obama? A brand-new scientific poll is out on the results of Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s probe into the authenticity of Barack Obama’s birth certificate and the president’s eligibility for office. You’ll be stunned at the percentage of Americans who agree with Sheriff Joe … Click here to […]

Professional videos of trial in GA and presentation in New Hampshire are being done, will be sold with my autograph to the supporters for $22.50

Obama is flaunting his crimes, rubbing them into our faces by selling mugs and T-shirts with his forged birth certificate for $22.50 Here is my answer to our Thief -in-Chief: 2 professional videos are being prepared: 1. A historic trial in Georgia, where I brought 7 witnesses, including a retired deportation officer, licensed investigator and […]

OCregister is quoting the Associated Press on Arpaio report of Obama’s birth certificate forgery

Sheriff Arpaio: Obama birth certificate is a forgery March 1st, 2012, 2:57 pm · · posted by Martin Wisckol, Politics reporter inShare0 Controversial Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio today announced that his investigators believe President Barack Obama‘s birth certificate and Selective Service card are forgeries. The Arizona sheriff has previously made headlines for focusing a […]

Update on ObamaForgeryGate in MS and GA

I was on the phone with four different clerks and the sheriffs department in the First Circuit court in Jackson MS. . They are still trying to find my letter and checks for the additional $120 filing fee and the checks to the sheriffs department for the service of process. Apparently they have one mail […]

Update in GA and in regards to the certified copies of all the GA file

I just got an e-mail back from the staff attorney from the administrative court in GA. It is below. they sent the whole file to the Secretary of State. I am shocked, that they do not have copies. One would expect them to send certified copies of the file to the Secretary of State and […]

Update Indiana hearing

Deckard, Trent TDeckard@iec.in.gov to me show details 10:23 AM (25 minutes ago) Ms. Taitz, My name is spelled Deckard.  I am Co-Director of the Indiana Election Division, one of two officials appointed by the Governor to administer elections for the State of Indiana.  We will see you at the meeting of the Indiana Election Commission […]

OMG! My complaint in MS was forwarded to the Supreme Court. Chief Justice appointed a Special Judge to handle my complaint. See order below. Thank God the things started to move, I don’t know, if I can withstand the stress for much longer.

Great news! We made the deadline in IN! The deadline was 12am, we got time stamped papers at 10:51

We needed to make the deadline with our candidate complaint in Indiana. The deadline of 12 am local time was looking. An original challenge against candidate Barack Obama was filed with the election commission  by a registered voter at 10:51 am. We need your help in alerting media. They wrote a lot about the Secretary […]

Update on GA and other states. We had similar problems with the additional fee and other problem, that were resolved

I read an e-mail from Van Irion, saying that they paid $213.50 fee and the case was kept due to lacking additional $2. We had similar problems and then some. I FedExed all the pleadings last Friday. I verified, that the documents were received with the first shipment by 8:30 am and called the court […]

Submitted to Indiana election commission by FedEx

Orly Taitz orly.taitz@gmail.com to “King, Brad” <bking@iec.in.gov>, Orly Taitz <orly.taitz@gmail.com> cc oig.hotline@usdoj.gov, “Bonnet, Jerry (SOS)” <jbonnet@sos.in.gov>, Charles White <SecretaryWhite@gmail.com> date Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 1:50 PM subject Re: Urgent regarding election fraud complaint mailed-by gmail.com hide details 1:50 PM (0 minutes ago) Mr. King, please find attached 1. filed out a sworn notarized CAN-1 […]

Demand written response from the Sec of State and Elections board in Indiana

Election challenge Secretary of State Indiana Farrar corrected proposed summary of law and fact Farrar et al v Obama First amended complaint Farrar v Obama Transcript of the 01.26.2012 hearing Farrar v Obama Exhibits in case file Urgent regarding election fraud complaint X InboxX Reply |Orly Taitz to elections, Charles, jerbonnet, oig.hotline show details 5:32 […]

New York Times comments on my questions to Newt Gingrich

From Pasadena Sun

Pasadena Sun:”Orly Taitz, an attorney who has filed a lawsuit claiming President Obama is not an American citizen, asserted the president uses a fake Social Security card and demanded to know when someone would do something about it.” https://articles.pasadenasun.com/2012-02-13/news/31056308_1_campaign-ninth-circuit-president-obama

Yesterday I addressed Gingrich and demanded answers, why a person, who is not eligible to pick tomatoes and clean toilets, is still sitting in the WH?

Redd Yesterday I was invited by some TeaPac leaders to attend a meeting with Newt Gingrich. I actually missed picture taking and the beginning of the speech, as I was busy making sure the Superior court in GA has all the documents for the appeal and I actually had to work with my patients prior to […]

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