This is huge, Front page reports on my legal action and statements made by the chair of GOP after being served with the request to stipulate
YahooNews reports on legal action by Orly Taitz on its front page published an article about the Chairman of AZ GOP and other electors speaking out about Obama not having valid IDs. This is particularly important as Tom Morissey, chair of AZ GOP has years of experience in law enforcement. This announcement came as […] interview transmitted all over U.S. and in multiple foreign countries. Need help from techies! On my computer I and other individuals can only hear the interviewer but the sound of me answering questions disappeared. I can be heard on other computers. Need help identifying the reason, checking for tampering and solving the problem.
a milestone victory in Indiana, Judge Reid granted my motion to vacate tomorrow’s hearing
49D14-1203-MI-12046 Orly Taitz et al v Elections Committee et al Inbox x Short, Julia 12:19 PM (11 minutes ago) to me, jefferson.garn, Kate.Shelby, gwblack.blackl. Dr. Taitz, This is to confirm that Judge Reid vacated the hearing on Rule to Show Cause that was set for 11/27/12 at 11:00 on the above cause. This […]
Battle of Athens, TN-1946. An amazing movie about US army vets who fought and won a battle over tyranny and corruption in the government in 1946
Fw: Fwd: Battle of Athens, TN–1946 Inbox x Phil Holtz 12:37 AM (5 minutes ago) to Facebook THE SOLUTION FOR TYRANNY IS = REFUSE TO ACCEPT IT ! WHAT CAN BE MORE PRECIOUS THAN FREEDOM, AND TRUTH ? sent by Bender Photography Subject: Fwd: Battle of Athens, TN–1946 > > > > > > > […]
ObamaNazis are removing this message. Please, call all the media, university students, tea party in Jackson MS, tell people to be there for November 16, 1pm hearing in ObamaforgeryGate before judge Wingate
Please, help me by contacting all media outlets: TV, radio, papers, university students, tea parties. Every citizen has to know how our corrupt establishment is covering the crime of the century, Obama’s forged IDs and a stolen SSN. Please, call Hannity, Limbaugh, all of the MSM, let them know that it’s time to end silence and they […]
Breaking new revelations of falsifications in Obama’s birth certificate! Based on affidavit attorneys for Democratic party submitted to Judge Wingate images of Obama’s BS with even more computer falsifications of record which made Obama’s forged BC look more genuine, this is being forwarded to Judge Wingate, DAs, Inspector General, CA and MS bar and other authorities
MS Affidavit of Henry Blake
Q & A Do you plan to appeal, if the ruling in IN will be adverse?
Kerry 32 approved Submitted on 2012/10/25 at 6:02 am Orly, Do you have plans to appeal an adverse ruling? Orly, Do you have plans to appeal an adverse ruling? During the conference in judge’s chambers defense stated to judge Reid that they do not have any witnesses. They did not bring one single witness to […]
Notice of Default of Defendant Barack Obama in Judd v Obama
U.S. DISTRICT COURT CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA SOUTHERN DIVISION Judd et al ) case 12-cv-1507 v ) Honorable Judge Carter Presiding Obama et al ) NOTICE OF DEFAULT Defendant Obama was served with this legal action on 09.11.2012. Defendant Obama was sued as a private individual, as a candidate for office. He […]
A message received from Forbes magazine
Forbes post Inboxx Kevin Underhill 2:59 PM (33 minutes ago) to me Dear Ms. Taitz: As I believe you’re aware, I wrote a post for earlier this year in which I commented on the California primaries. Do you have any comment or other response to what I wrote there? Specifically, is there […]
from Huffington Post
John CelockBecome a fan Orly Taitz, Birther, Sues To Remove Obama From Kansas Ballot Posted: 09/21/2012 1:07 am EDT redditstumble 12 20 3 177 Get Politics Alerts: Sign Up React: Important Funny Typical Scary Outrageous Amazing Innovative Finally Follow: Orly Taitz, Birthers, Ann Mah, Derek Schmidt, Kris Kobach, Orly Taitz Birther, Birther Movement, Cher, […]
Link to a part of a video, showing people talking over me after the interview, yelling, so the media cannot hear what I have to say
Press release on Kansas challenge against Obama
Press release by attorney Orly Taitz. Report on Kansas challenge against Obama. Today as I entered the assembly I saw the “Occupy people” with signs, ready for fight, and fight it was. At the hearing I brought 2 main points: 1. Original objector to Obama’s candidacy Joseph Montgomery withdrew his objection under duress. It was […]
E-mail sent to the Sec of State of KS and his counsel Ryan Kriegshouser
Orly Taitz 2:57 PM (0 minutes ago) to kkobach, Ryan.Kriegshau., David, Brad, Vincent, Sheriff, Susan, michael.jablon., kwainscott, bcc: Secretary of State Kris Kbach Counsel to Secretary of State Ryan Kriegshauser Attorney Genral of KS Derek Schmidt LT. Governor of KS Jeffrey Collier Gentlemen, Here are 2 more e-mails received from (e-mail of the […]
This is huge! Today, when Obama accepts his nomination,, that is read by millions of people in business community around the world, publishes my video interview on CurrentTV, explaining fraud and forgery in Obama’s IDs.
Video: Orly Taitz‘ Latest Birther Claims ––Taitz-Latest…CachedOrly Taitz’ Latest Birther Claims. Orly Taitz’ Latest Birther Claims. Orly Taitz’ Latest Birther Claims. Share |. Related Videos. Clinton Makes the Case For …” data-url=”″>Share Shared on Google+. View the post. You +1’d this publicly. Undo 9 hours ago – Home > Orly Taitz‘ Latest Birther […]
Press release: Supreme court of Indiana granted CA attorney Orly Taitz pro hac vice to proceed in Indiana
Press release from the law offices of Orly Taitz CA attorney Orly Taitz together with several other plaintiffs filed a legal action in Indiana challenging the decision of the Secretary of State of Indiana Connie Lawson and the Elections Commission to place Obama’s name on the ballot in light of the evidence provided to them, showing Obama […]
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