
Video from 9/12 march

—– Weitergeleitete Mail —- Von: kathy Garcia-Lawson garcialawson@hotmail.com, 22:14:55 Uhr Betreff: here’s the video —ya gotta love her!!!!> https://www.antimullah.com/

ledger-enquirer publishes TV interview in Connie Rhodes case

Sunday, September 13, 2009 7:43 AM From: “Steve Neuenschwander” View contact details To: “Orly Taitz” <dr_taitz@yahoo.com> https://www.ledger-enquirer.com/164/story/836629.html?storylink=omni_popular     Steve Neuenschwander Steve Neuenschwander Lacey, WA

ABC afiliate WTVM Columbus GA provides fair and balanced coverage of Cpt Rhodes MD proceedings. Let’s hope CBS, NBC, CNN and FOX will start fair, balanced and truthful coverage of of my and my client’s challenges to Obama’s legitimacy to presidency

Orly, I was unable to attend the hearing yesterday in Columbus, GA; however I did call all four of the local affiliate television stations to express my view on how important this issue is and why they would be remiss in not reporting on the story.  I even had to give them background information because even after […]

Michael Savage interview

 Flag this message Re: Michael Savage Interviews Dr. Orly Taitz, 8/3/2009 Part 1 & 2, YouTube Vi… Tuesday, September 8, 2009 8:39 PM From: “JasmineSeaView contact details To:     Excellent interview with Attorney/Dr. Orly Taitz recorded on August 3rd, 2009.       https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPTm5wIM2qE&feature=related   Added 8:00 MICHAEL SAVAGE INTERVIEWS ORLY TAITZ – PART […]

Prime time TV show in Israel, major network

nana10 – האם אובמה נולד בארה”ב? – לונדון את קירשנבאום ד”ר אורלי טייץ אשר חוללה את המהומה מתארחת באולפן. … טייץ אשר חוללה את המהומה מתארחת באולפן. עוד בלונדון את קירשנבאום. צניחתו של הדולר. לונדון את קירשנבאום … lnk.nana10.co.il/Article/?ArticleID=656899&sid=182 I was asked to translate the clip. Here is a loose translation. The segment is over […]

Clip from Channel 1 Russia, seen by approximately 125 million people

From: To: “Orly Taitz” <dr_taitz@yahoo.com> Date: Sunday, August 16, 2009, 11:50 AM https://www.1tv.ru/news/other/149141  This is the first clip from the most watched Russian TV. There is a written commentary below the clip.  It talks about me and my legal cases. They explain that US pres needs to be a Natural born citizen with 2 US citizen […]

Good news from HI, radio show today

I will do a radio show for Calvin Griffin in Honolulu, HI. It is 9-10 local time, I believe the frequency is 1080.  I will do the show on my cell from Europe. It is also available on the net. More state senators are joining as co-sponsors of the legislation to unseal birth records of the […]

Upcoming show

From: Guy M <guymol@gmail.com> Subject: An interview to Radio REKA (Israel) To: dr_taitz@yahoo.com Date: Tuesday, August 11, 2009, 10:07 AM Dr Taitz, hello Just saw your appearance at “London at Kirshenbaum” at Channel 10, what a great interview. Also, I understand you’re Russian speaker, I never knew it. I’ll be very proud to ask you […]

Upcoming article in Jerusalem Post

 Flag this message Interview with The Jerusalem Post Tuesday, August 4, 2009 6:41 AM From: This sender is DomainKeys verified “Abraham Selig” <selig.post@gmail.com> View contact details To: dr_taitz@yahoo.com Hello, My name is Abe Selig, I’m a reporter for the Jerusalem Post, and I would like to schedule an interview with you, ideally tomorrow, if you […]

Upcoming show on Air America

From: Ana Kasparian <anakasparian@yahoo.com> Subject: On Air Interview request for XM Satellite Radio To: dr_taitz@yahoo.com Date: Tuesday, August 4, 2009, 4:47 PM Hi Orly,My name is Ana Kasparian and I do production and guest booking for The Young Turks Show on XM Satellite Radio. I would like to book you as a guest on our […]

Upcoming article in Haaretz

From: Ofri Ilany <ofrilany@gmail.com> Subject: from Haaretz, Israel To: dr_taitz@yahoo.com Date: Wednesday, August 5, 2009, 1:25 AM Dear Dr. Taitz, My name is Ofri Ilany and I’m a journalist at Haaretz. I would be very happy to talk with you about your findings concerning Obama.If possible, please send me a phone number where I can […]

7 PM prime time news magazine

לונדון את קירשנבאום 11.08.09 צבי יחזקאלי מסכם את ועידת פתח  This is an hour news magazine. As with all the other networks, my interview is shown towards the end, a lot of anticipation and buzz from the audience

Channel 10 Israel, 8pm, prime time news special-Obama’s illegitimacy for presidency

Thursday, August 13, 2009 9:04 AM From: “Yael Wissner-Levy” <yaelw@10.tv> Add sender to Contacts To: dr_taitz@yahoo.com Message contains attachments image001 (43KB)   https://news.nana10.co.il/Section/?SectionID=2174&sid=126&pagenum=2

Correction to this video- I am a US citizen, my husband is a US citizen, we’ve been married for over 22 years and all this time resided in US

Orly Taitz interview (extended length) Thursday, August 13, 2009 7:49 AM From: “Bill Van Allen” View contact details To: “Ipny@Yahoogroups. Com” <ipny@yahoogroups.com> https://www.oilforimmigration.org/facts/

Maariv,one of top Israeli newspapers runs a three page cover article about Obama’s illegitimacy and my legal actions to expose it.

 Clear flag Emailing: אורלי 4, אורלי, אורלי 2, אורלי 3 Thursday, August 13, 2009 6:07 AM From: “OD-01” <od-01@012.net.il> Add sender to Contacts To: dr_taitz@yahoo.com Message contains attachments אורלי 4.pdf (954KB), אורלי.pdf (944KB), אורלי 2.pdf (965KB), אורלי 3.pdf (962KB)   The message is ready to be sent with the following file or link attachments: אורלי […]

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