
I was told people couldn’t see Steven Colbert show, I hope this link works

https://www.colbertnation <table style=’font:11px arial; color:#333; background-color:#f5f5f5′ cellpadding=’0′ cellspacing=’0′ width=’360′ height=’353′><tbody><tr style=’background-color:#e5e5e5′ valign=’middle’><td style=’padding:2px 1px 0px 5px;’><a target=’_blank’ style=’color:#333; text-decoration:none; font-weight:bold;’ href=’https://www.colbertnation.com’>The Colbert Report</a></td><td style=’padding:2px 5px 0px 5px; text-align:right; font-weight:bold;’>Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c</td></tr><tr style=’height:14px;’ valign=’middle’><td style=’padding:2px 1px 0px 5px;’ colspan=’2′><a target=’_blank’ style=’color:#333; text-decoration:none; font-weight:bold;’ href=’https://www.colbertnation.com/the-colbert-report-videos/229691/july-28-2009/womb-raiders—orly-taitz’>Womb Raiders – Orly Taitz</a></td></tr><tr style=’height:14px; background-color:#353535′ valign=’middle’><td colspan=’2′ style=’padding:2px […]

From a supporter, who happens to be a democrat

Joy Behar Thursday, October 15, 2009 7:56 PM From: This sender is DomainKeys verified “mark westmann” View contact details To: “Orly Taitz” Here is the Joy Behar interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sS6yOaHa2VY&feature=player_embedded You were excellent – calm, cool and collected. Joy was wrong but atleast was semi fair and let you talk. Don’t remember to let these people […]

Dr. Taitz,  I thank you from the bottom of my heart, for demanding the legallity of the current President. I understand he got foreign aid to Harvard, there is no release of his passport from Indonesia to U.S.  I hope your judge has the guts and honor to hear your case.  I have always thought […]

Media updates

Today within an hour layover in Denver between my flights from NY and OC, CA I gave an interview to FOX News radio Eben Brown eben.brown@foxnews.com Right after FOX News radio I did Bob Enyard show- it is a show transmitted out of CO to 7 states, 50 000 WATTS station. Bob Enyard is a former Guardsman, […]

Radio updates: I will be on America betrayed on Thursday

FW: AMERICA BETRAYED: TUES: Guest: Orly Taitz – Co-Host: John Vinson CEO of AICF Wednesday, October 14, 2009 3:21 PM From: “John Clark” <ccir@msn.com> View contact details To: undisclosed-recipients Message contains attachments 5 Files (226KB) | Download All !cid_002401c91f93$3aae6110$A3BF197D clip_image001.jpg clip_image001.jpg !cid_4738F3F0-93C9-494B-94D3-C14EFE618D98.gif orly.doc

Tonight 9 pm EST prime time Joy Behar show, HLN (CNN Headline News)

ORLY TAITZ TO APPEAR ON CNN HEADLINE NEWS with Joy Behar   Tonight, Tuesday, 13 Oct 2009   6:00 and 9:00 p.m. PT on HLN (Time Warner Channel 28 in SD County)     https://joybehar.blogs.cnn.com/   Tonight’s show Orly Taitz, queen of the “birther movement,” squares off with Joy. Taitz is one of the leaders of […]


Orly Taitz: Lawyer, Dentist, Birther – CBS News Oct 6, 2009 … Washington Post: Despite a Full Workload, Taitz Will Not Be Deterred from Hobby of Challenging Obama’s Presidency. www.cbsnews.com/stories/2009/10/06/…/main5367245.shtml – Cached – Similar Comments on: Orly Taitz: Lawyer, Dentist, Birther – CBS News Oct 6, 2009 … by joeltheleo October 7, 2009 12:00 AM […]

Rolling Stones magazine

Web Hide optionsShow options…  Results 1 – 10 of about 966,000 for orly taitz rolling stones magazine. (0.35 seconds)  Search Results What Birthers Want : Rolling Stone Sep 21, 2009 … In the new issue of Rolling Stone, contributing editor Tim Dickinson investigates how Republican… … Notes From an Exclusive Interview With Orly Taitz … […]

from NWS -National writers syndicate

 Flag this message Orly I just published this —– BREAKING: Oh Yeah! – Dr. Orly Taitz Esq. – Standing v Obama + Felonies Sunday, October 11, 2009 8:04 PM From: BREAKING: Oh Yeah! – Dr. Orly Taitz Esq. – Standing v Obama + Felonies by Barry Weinstein … Obama’s [FALSE]  identity, employment, and residence information. […]

Are we getting some help? I hope so

We Love You “Esther/Joan of Arc” Wednesday, October 7, 2009 4:31 PM From: “carol hugenberg”  View contact details To: dr_taitz@yahoo.com Dear Orly:   God keeps choosing the weak in the Bible to conquer the mighty, to show to all that He is the victor, not mere mortals.   Again, He has chosen you, a humble […]

Washington Post story today

Fw: Washington Post story on Orly Taitz and the “Truther” Movement for Obama’s Eligibility Tuesday, October 6, 2009 7:51 PM From: “Jeff Schwilk” View contact details To: Undisclosed-Recipient@yahoo.com    Still awaiting Federal Judge Carter’s decision on motions to dismiss and for discovery.  A Federal Trial for Barack Obama is still on the calendar for Jan. […]

From National writers Syndicate

Obama/Soetoro’s Treason, Deceit and High Crime Against America Written by Bridget    by Bridget Geegan Blanton NWS Columnist  Drunk with a delusional sense of authority, the American media has become the tool of a powerful and corrupt media conglomerate that calls the shots and picks the players. Public perception of the media has changed and […]

Washington Post article

Last week Washington Post reporter Liza Mundy flew to CA and spent a day with me. Yesterday their photographer did a photo shoot. According to Ms. Mundy, Monday morning, during judge Carter hearing Washington Post will run an article- biographical expose about me an my legal challenges of Obama’s eligibility. Seems like a perfect timing. A […]

BBC interview recorded on Fiday 09.25.09.

 On Friday I drove to LA to BBC buro, and recorded an interview with them. Correspondent is Lucy Williamson, the e-mail contact is below. BBC is the oldest and largest broadcasting company in the World, out of London, England.  A few months ago I did BBC in Russian prime time. with Seva Novgorodzev. This current interview […]

interview with Dylan Ratiger MSNBC

From: This sender is DomainKeys verified “unalienable rights” <keep.rights@gmail.com> Add sender to Contacts To: undisclosed-recipients Orly website…the old blog is gone now. https://www.orlytaitzesq.com/ orly interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wcChG5pRTOE

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