
Watch this youtube clip

2:48 Add to queue Added to queue Damon DUNN is Un-Reachable NOW, Wait until he is elected Damon DUNN is Un-Reachable NOW, Wait until he is elected Damon is hidding something. What? Why did he bother to ask Florida Election Officials to “Delete” his historic permanent record as a “Democrat” in … 2 days ago […]

This is an article from “Army Times”. Please contact Army times and demand retraction and truthful coverage instead of defamatory terms like “fringe group and infamous”

Lt. col. refuses deployment   By Joe Gould – Staff writer Posted : Tuesday Apr 6, 2010 16:08:59 EDT Decorated Army flight surgeon Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin says he will not comply with orders to deploy to Afghanistan until President Obama releases his birth certificate. “I am today compelled to make the distasteful choice to […]

link to “Independent” United Kingdom article is below, some of the material is misrepresented. Did anyone get the clip from the Danish TV?

Magnus Johansson Submitted on 2010/03/30 at 1:48pm Here is a link to the article: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/born-in-the-usa-someone-doesnt-think-so-1930680.html The article is not very bad. A lot — perhaps all — of the Obama supporting comments though are filled with disinformation, slander or hate crimes, just as usual. Here is a link to the article: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/born-in-the-usa-someone-doesnt-think-so-1930680.html The article is […]

WND article

About Netanyahu visit

It is 4:30 am. I decided to take a break from the pleadings that I will be submitting today or tomorrow in order to reflect on the current events. As Illegitimate President Obama attacks legitimate Prime Minister Netanyahu, demanding that he stop building in his own capital, the city of Jerusalem, here are a couple […]

Oh Really?! To Pinhead Bill O’Reilley, see clip below


13 Attorneys General join Orly Taitz in suing over legality of health care reform

This came from Newsbroke True/Slant, Michael Roston, a Marxist, Obama regime devoted fan reporter, no friend of mine, has written “Faster than the speeding trial lawyer, ie 7 minutes after President Obama signed it into law, Republican Florida attorney Bill McCollum announced that he was leading 11 additional” …Attorney Generals…””to sue the federal government over the […]

This came from retired airforce officer Neil Turner. Please demand FCC investigation of Jeff Zucker-president of FCC and Rachel Maddow for aiding and abetting voting and elections fraud

 Flag this message Rachel Maddow video: Taitz seeks public office. O RLY? Sunday, March 21, 2010 11:08 AM From: This sender is DomainKeys verified “Neil Turner” View contact details To: “Citizens for the CONSTITUTION” <nbturner@earthlink.net> TOO BAD THAT (P)MS-NBC HAS A VIEWERSHIP LESS THAN THE CARTOON CHANNEL – and with basically the SAME AUDIENCE! The […]

On Second Thought TV show reporting on my speech at the Freedom Fair banquet


NBC creates a mock campaign video for me, lying about the issues and facts. Please contact NBC, demand equal time and demand that they stop committing journalistic malpractice and report the truth

Paul James Submitted on 2010/03/20 at 7:19pm The woman Rachel Maddow has posted a hate crime against you Dr. Taitz. Watch here: https://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26315908/vp/35957815%2335957815 Flier 1 #

OC Register “Birther” Lawyer Qualified to run for Secretary of State. A criminal complaint against the opponent Damon Dunn was forwarded to the OC DA Tony Rackaukas

REAL ESTATE JOBS CARS DEALS CLASSIFIEDS PLACE AN AD Orange County Register « Previous Post All Posts ‘Birther’ lawyer Taitz to run for secretary of state March 17th, 2010, 12:25 pm · 25 Comments · posted by Martin Wisckol, Politics reporter Laguna Niguel lawyer Orly Taitz, who’s gained a national following for efforts to prove […]


Orly Taitz, Birther Queen, Secretary of State? (flickr.com) If you like this … Orly Taitz, Birther Queen, seeks UN protection Birther politics: Orly Taitz back in business Birther 2.0: Is Obama a natural born citizen? Politics 101: Who are the Birthers? Orly Taitz: Obama birth certificate fraud View all » California Politics: Orly Taitz, Birther […]

This interview on RTTV (Russia Today English Edition TV) was seen by billions of people on 6 continents, as RTTV transmits live all over the World. It can be seen in archives on Youtube and RTTV archives.

This interview on RTTV (Russia Today English Edition TV) was seen by billions of people on 6 continents, as RTTV transmits live all over the World. It can be seen in archives on Youtube and RTTV archives. Flag this message Your InterviewMonday, March 8, 2010 11:42 AMFrom: “Cedric Moon” Add sender to ContactsTo: dr_taitz@yahoo.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Mnu9IgEYQQ

Interview given to the organizers of the Freedom Rally in Daytona FL

Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z11JlZgvONg&feature=channel   Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jlG6-xLQdg   If there is anything else I can do for you, let me know. Warm regards, Erick Linscott

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