
HI elections official Tim Adams: “Obama was not born in HI”

    Hawaii elections clerk: Obama not born here Official who oversaw ballots in 2008 race says hospital birth certificate non-existent Posted: June 10, 2010 3:39 am Eastern By Joe Kovacs © 2010 WorldNetDaily   A college instructor who worked as a senior elections clerk for the city and county of Honolulu in 2008 is making the […]

Even the most liberal newspaper in the country San Francisco chronical is saying that MSNBC is obsessed with flogging Orly Taitz. In simple English event Chronicle considers MSNBC obsessed nut cases who need to get out of the house more.

« But wait, there’s… | Main | Brown’s statement on… » The folks at MSNBC needs to get out of the house a bit more. Or at least get to California. The race they’re flogging the hardest tonight: Secretary of State, where, as native Californian Rachel Maddow … Yo, MSNBC: Enough with the Orly Taitz […]

According to Washington post more people voted for me than for Chuck DeVore and John Campbell, who are considered main stream, got millions of dollars in donations and have been in CA National politics for years. So what’s next?

Plenty of hype, but a bad night for Orly Taitz and other birthers In the end, the hype took birther attorney Orly Taitz to a decisive 49-point defeatin the race for the GOP nomination for California secretary of state. Mainstream Republican candidate Damon Dunn, who got into that race earlier and raised seven times as […]

Associated Press and San Francisco Chronicle article “Although he seeks to run the office that regulates voting in the state, Dunn had never voted before 2009.”

Calif. statewide offices draw fierce competition By BROOKE DONALD, Associated Press Writer Tuesday, June 8, 2010 (06-08) 13:34 PDT LOS ANGELES, (AP) — An ambitious field of candidates for attorney general and lieutenant governor is hoping to draw the attention of voters who have been saturated by coverage of the higher profile races for governor […]

Fourth article in Washington Post in theb last 2 days, desribing my possible win

TODAY’S NEWSPAPER Subscribe | PostPoints Right now Inside the Conservative Movement and the Republican party with David Weigel Can Orly Taitz win in California? I threw it a quick link yesterday, but Kasie Hunt’s story on Orly Taitz’s chances at the GOP nomination for California secretary of state is worth a close read. For months, […]

Major left wing publications came out with articles today talking about my possible win

Politico, one of the largest left wing Internet magazines is running an article today about my race and quoting Allan Hoffenblum, longtime GOP California Strategist, who publishes California target book, as saying “Taitz victory is entirely possible”. Politico is trying to save face after all of the slander and misrepresentation of me on the pages of their publication, by […]

National Writers Syndicate endorsed Dr. Orly Taitz for CA Secretary of State

Sunday Jun 06th Home News Latest Do You Want A Politician To Trust? Do You Want A Politician To Trust? Written by Administrator    by Barry WeinsteinNational Writers Syndicate Endorses Orly Taitz For The Office Of Secretary Of State for California in the June 8, Republican Primary. Taitz is clear-headed … … intelligent, utterly reliable […]

More from actor John Voight

Interview with senior citizens, who supposedly nominated Damon Dunn, but swear they never did it


Read, who Marxist Liberal Democrats are endorsing. Did you notice who are they afraid of? Who do they call “genuinely terrifying person”?

« Abortion lecture posted California Primary EndorsementsPublished by Hugo Schwyzer on May 29, 2010 in Endorsements. I’m offering my endorsements for the California primary election on June 8. I endorse candidates from both major parties. Often these endorsements are offered less in enthusiasm than in a sense of supporting the “least-worst option”. State and Federal […]

Washington Post writes about my run for CA Sec of State, my video interview to ABC TV and their belief that GOP cannot beat incumbent Debra Bowen. We’ll see about that. If CA superior court judge in Barnett v Dunn et al follows the law, he will remove from the ballot Dunn, current Sec of State Dem. Debra Bowen and current Atty Gen of CA and Dem candidate for Governor Jerry (Moonbeam) Brown, also Dem. So far no hearing date in Barnett v Dunn et al. If no hearing is scheduled today, Barnett will go to the Court of Appeals with an emergency request for writ of mandate.

  RIGHT NOW INSIDE THE CONSERVATIVE MOVEMENT AND THE REPUBLICAN PARTY WITH DAVID WEIGEL Orly Taitz, the candidate Hello undefined |  Change Preferences | Sign Out Sign In | Register Now TODAY’S NEWSPAPER Subscribe | PostPoints The “queen of the Birthers” (a name I think the Orange County newspapers deserve credit for), now a candidate […]

John and Ken KFI AM 640 radio interview today. You can hear it on podcast, they have a large audience

My ABC interview- candidate for CA Sec of state statement

Your video is great!   https://abclocal.go.com/kabc/feature?section=news/politics/local_elections&id=7429583 Regards, George Miller https://venturacountyteaparty.com

Why WND didn’t write about Obama SS fraud for a year and a half, that I have been writing about it?

Svetlana Submitted on 2010/05/24 at 9:58pm I just don’t understand why WND didn’t run with the SSN story long time ago ??? Answer from Orly: I can’t tell for sure. I have been outspoken about SS fraud for a year and a half now. For the first time that I remember speaking  about it publicly, was a […]

New pleadings filed today in Taitz v Obama, Judge Royce Lamberth Washington DC

U.S. District Court District of Columbia Notice of Electronic Filing The following transaction was entered on 5/24/2010 at 6:43 PM and filed on 5/24/2010 Case Name: TAITZ v. OBAMA Case Number: 1:10-cv-00151-RCL Filer: ORLY TAITZ WARNING: CASE CLOSED on 04/14/2010 Document Number: 30     Docket Text: SUPPLEMENTAL MEMORANDUM to re [29] Reply to opposition […]

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