
Justice Clarence Thomas at Congressional committee hearing is stating that the Supreme Court is evading the Eligibility issue

I gave this interview to the senatorial candidate and talk show host J.D. Hayworth

I will do 1 hour Joyce Riley “Power Hour” show on July 14, 6 am PST

  Dr. Taitz: Talk Radio REQUEST for GUEST Appearance on Joyce Riley’s The Power Hour InboxX  Reply |Marie Gunther to me show details 8:49 AM (1 hour ago) FROM:  The Power Hour with Joyce Riley                PO Box 85, Versailles, MO  65084                www.ThePowerHour.com   RE:  Talk Radio Request for DR. ORLY TAITZ Hello Dr. […]

nearly 900,000 American Citizens watched this video, demand answers and are not getting them. Vote Christine O’Donnell for senate, not RINO Mike Castle, to take the old seat of Vice-Usurper Biden. Go to the precincts and demand all the ballots counted in front of you, don’t trust corrupt establishment with ballot counting.

Now even attorneys of department of Justice are saying that we have a corrupt Dep. of Justice. How do you expect me to succeed going after illegitimate Obama or illegitimate Damon Dunn? Watch the interview with this DOJ whistle blower.Criminal cartel took over this nation. People will have to start making citizen arrests of the criminals, who endanger their lives, their property and their safe and lawful and fair voting

from USWGO

Official U.S.W.G.O. Blog This is the Official U.S.W.G.O. Blog, we discuss news from various sources around the web. Sunday, June 27, 2010 Brian Hill’s ‘Rise of the new Right’ Debunking spree Case 2 Click to Play Links to both sources and other links to verify our case against Chris Matthews are below the description Case […]

You’ll love these clips

HI election official gives an interview to ABC station, confirms that Obama was not born in HI

Now I have 458,623 votes, getting close to half a million. Latest news.

Happy Father’s Day … and a great message from the Queen of Article II Constitutionalists, Orly Taitz – on how the Governors, together with Sheriffs Joe Arpaio & Richard Mack, can use their Executive Powers to enforce immigration laws, protect our coastlines and borders, stop the financial ruin of their States and our country, and […]

Huffington Post article. NBC documentary was a little better than usual MSNBC rants, but a lot of issues were misrepresented

Usually Usually I don’t have time to watch TV and watch only clips that my supporters send to me, but my husband and I watched this documentary and we thought it was done better than the usual deranged rants of Chris Matthews, Rachel Maddow and Chris Olbermann. Maybe the reason was, that it was done by NBC […]

Dylan Ratigan on left wing MSNBC is surprised at how many voted for me. He says that more people voted for Orly Taitz than for a number of members of Congress

RT TV has shown this interview live in LA, NY, DC, on 6 continents. I wish they would not have shown the paintings and would have concentrated on the issues, but we will need and will have discovery in both actions: against Obama and against Dunn, Bowen and others. Keep in mind, Watergate started with the money trail. RT TV just posted the interview on you tube. Here it is. I hope we will have discovery soon. Nearly 2 years of hell and agony is probably enough for any human being.

Over 55,000 have seen this video already

MSNBC Chris Matthews: “She (Taitz) should be tied up like a witch at the stake”. I hope patriots of this country, women, immigrants demand that MSNBC fire Chris Matthews. If Rush Limbaugh or Hannity or Beck were to say this about a Dem candidate on the ballot, who happens to be an attorney and a Doctor, they would have been attacked and fired, yet MSNBC allows this behavior and considers it normal. these rants also instigate violence against me.

TimesWatchCNSNewsEyeblastBiz & MediaCulture & MediaTake Action!  home blogs about forum contact donate search account “Exposing & Combating Liberal Media Bias”         Sestak Job Offer Scandal Not Big Deal to Networks MRC review found just nine stories or mentions on the three broadcast networks Mitchell Scolds Big Labor for Disloyalty to Obama MSNBCer […]

Even left wing media finds MSNBC constant attacks on me despicable. Why is the network using such scum as Chris Mathews on the air to pollude the minds of people with their venom? Maybe because they know that Obama is illegitimmate in the White House, that he needs to be criminally prosecuted, and insults on me is all the arsenal they have.

Chris Matthews “goes off” over Orly Taitz win June 10, 2010 04:40 PM EDT (Updated: June 10, 2010 04:42 PM EDT) views: 137 | 5 people recommend this | comments: 13 I’m surprised no one else has mentioned it, but MSNBC Hardball host let his distaste for birther Orly Taitz fly freely while talking to […]

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