
Enemies attack the ones, who are perceived as the biggest threat, but at the end cream rises to the top

OBAMA’s Case in 9th Dist. # 2, Orly TAITZ get … 15 min – May 10, 2011 – Uploaded by williamwagener Atty. Kreep finishs, Dr & Atty. Orlly TAITZ compares Judicial buse and Undue pressure as like the Soviet Union, and mentions that … youtube.com Remember the attacks and the ridicule, that were launched against […]

from WorldNetDaily today, June 15

 Flag this message Investigation getting closer to Obama Social Security records Wednesday, June 15, 2011 4:49 AM From: “WND” <alerts@alerts.worldnetdaily.com> Add sender to Contacts To: “orly taitz” <dr_taitz@yahoo.com> Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Obama critic coming closer to Social Security records? Judge advances FOIA dispute over application for Connecticut number President […]

residents of Connecticut and other states can stop Obama brownshirts

DanCT Submitted on 2011/06/03 at 3:14pm Dr. Taitz I am resident of Connecticut and therefore also a taxpayer that funds UConn. Do you have an audio clip of some of his remarks from which I can premise my complaint and convey my outrage? I would consider hand delivering the message since I live only 20 […]

Did White House counsel, Robert Bauer, get an early warning of the order by Judge Lamberth on June 1st, which prompted his resignation on June 2nd???

Activity in Case 1:11-cv-00​402-RCL TAITZ v. ASTRUE Scheduling Order X InboxX  Reply |DCD_ECFNotice@dcd.uscourts.gov show details 8:27 AM (1 hour ago) This is an automatic e-mail message generated by the CM/ECF system. Please DO NOT RESPOND to this e-mail because the mail box is unattended. ***NOTE TO PUBLIC ACCESS USERS*** Judicial Conference of the United States […]

Imam convicted of con spiracy to attack JFK airport

May 29th, 2011 8:18 am ET Jim Kouri Law Enforcement Examiner   A federal jury ended a four-week trial by convicting Kareem Ibrahim in the Eastern District of New York for a conspiracy to attack John F. Kennedy International Airport in Queens, New York, by exploding fuel tanks and the fuel pipeline under the airport, according to a report obtained […]

Additional information was delivered today by FedEx to the US dostrict court on Taitz v Astrue

Below is the information on Fedex package. Additional information was delivered today to the US District court for the district of Columbia  in regards to Taitz v Astrue 11- CV-402 presiding judge is Chief Judge Royce Lamberth. This information contains receipts, showing that the first amended complaint was received by the Commissioner of the SSA on March […]

More people are talking now about information, that was in my law suits for nearly 3 years now

I need your help in getting the phone number of Rick Wiles and getting in touch with him and with this debt collector

from editor of “PostEmail” Sharon Rondeau

Orly Taitz: Default Judgment Due in Obama Social Security Number … 7 hours ago – 30-DAY RESPONSE TIME HAS ELAPSED WITH NO ANSWER by Sharon Rondeau (May 18, 2011) — On May 13, 2011, Atty. Orly Taitz posted on her website that she had. www.thepostemail.com/…/orly-taitz-default-judgment-due-in-obama-social- security-number-case/

You help needed!!! Reconsiled eligibility bill needs to be passed immediately, flood the phone lines to your legislators tomorrow!!!. We need it on the desk of governor Mary Fallin within 2 days!!!

FW: Oklahoma Legislativ​e Bill Tracking InboxX  Reply |Shireen Boddy to mikibooth, IRON, me show details 5:53 PM (53 minutes ago)     From: lsb@oklegislature.gov [mailto:lsb@oklegislature.gov] Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2011 5:36 PM To: Shireen Boddy Subject: Oklahoma Legislative Bill Tracking   OKLAHOMA LEGISLATIVE ELECTRONIC NOTIFICATION SYSTEM (LENS) Current status of measure(s) you are tracking:   […]

forward this far and wide

Breaking News [BREAKING:] Donald Trump Abandons Presidential Run By Matt Coker, Mon., May 16 2011 @ 10:43AM Comments (1) Categories: Breaking News, Politics, TV Share  0diggsdigg ​Donald Trump earlier this morning announced at the NBC Upfront event in midtown New York City that he is not running for president in 2012, New York magazine reports. […]

listen to this interview with Susan Daniels. I submitted her affidavits in multiple courts. Our judges are as corrupt as our politicians and media. they refused to look at the evidence, they allowed a criminal to stay in the WH and one judge, Clay D. Land even sanctioned me $20,000, saying this evidence is frivolous

We have massive corruption everywhere. We have a pre-set corrupt elections system,. where electronic scanners can be pre-set any way our rulling mafia wants them preset. As a result we have a corrupted product: corrupt elected officials  on both sides of the isle. We are worse than Egypt. I don’t believe Egyptians would allow a […]

frequency.com reports about Obama’s SSN fraud. A person with a valis BC wouldn’t need to resort to using an invalis SSN from another state

Orly Taitz Exposes Barack Obama for Social Security Fraud.flv … 6 hours ago – Like it or not Ms Orly Taitz definitively exposes Barack Obama for Social Security Fraud. If this were perpetrated by anyone else they would be behind bars … www.frequency.com/video/orly–taitz-exposes-barack-obama…/6332851

from fellowship of minds

Proof of Fake Social Security Number: Lawrence O’Donnell is a … May 9, 2011 … O’Donnell Beats Up on Orly Taitz Because She Shows Proof of Fake Social Security Number from Connecticut … fellowshipofminds.wordpress.com/…/proof-of-fake-social-security-number- lawrence-odonnell-is-a-bullying-pig/ – 2624 43 minutes ago

“Tulsa World” in Tulsa OK shows my interview after the 9th circuit hearing

  Attorney Orly Taitz speaks outside the 9th Circuit – Tulsa World … 7 hours ago – Attorney Orly Taitz speaks outside the 9th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals in Pasadena, Calif., Monday. A federal appeals court in California has heard … www.tulsaworld.com/includes/article/relatedphotos.aspx?articleID…G2…

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