
Very important! Federal Judge Morrison C. England scheduled a new hearing for April 22, 10 Am, Courtroom 7. I am asking my supporters to come to the hearing. It will mean a lot to me.

  Press release Law Offices of Orly Taitz Chief U.S. District Judge Morrison England scheduled  a new hearing Monday, April 22, 10 am Courtroom 7 US District Court 501 I street Sacramento CA Grinols New Hearing April 22 Grinols opposition by Plaintiffs for April 22 hearing Attorney Taitz is asking law abiding citizens, who are able to […]

Congressman Bob Goodlatte, Chair of the Judiciary Committee, was subpoenaed to appear at April 18,2013 hearing before Judge Morrison England and testify, whether he knew that he was represented by the US Attorney’s office in this case, whether the U.S. attorney Ed Olsen forwarded to him pleadings and exhibits in this case prior to filing an opposition to stay certification of Obama’s electoral votes and prior to filing the motion to dismiss and whether he agreed to do so in spite of evidence of Barack Obama using forged IDs and a stolen Social Security number

Press release Law offices of Orly Taitz Congressman Bob Goodlatte, Chair of the Judiciary Committee, was subpoenaed to appear at April 18,2013 hearing before Judge Morrison England and testify, whether he knew that he was represented by the US Attorney’s office in this case, whether the U.S. attorney Ed Olsen forwarded to him pleadings and exhibits in […]

Today I travelled to the Social security office in Stamford, CT where the SSN fraudulently used by Obama, was issued. I recorded all the information received from them and they forwarded to Washington DC all the evidence of fraud provided by me

Press release Attorney Taitz traveled today to Stamford, CT, to the regional Social Security administration office, where the CT Social Security number 042-68-4425, fraudulently used by Obama, was issued Taitz met with Representative Madeline Mercado, Assistant Manager Mrs. Sheridan (she refused to give her first name) and General Manager Mrs. Booker (she refused to give […]

Press Release: Attorney Taitz files a motion to Recuse the Department of Justice as an attorney for the U.S. Congress and other defendants due to unethical conflict of interest, due to representing parties without any knowledge of the parties

Press release Law offices of Orly Taitz Attorney Orly Taitz filed a motion to recuse/disqualify Department of Justice from representing the U.S. Congress and other defendants  in Grinols et al v Electoral College, U.S. Congress, Biden and Obama 12-cv-02997 U.S. Attorneys office/Department of Justice  appeared in court as an attorney for the U.S. Congress, but […]

At CPAC I am demanding an answer from Breitbart.com, Pamela Geller, Frank Gafney and others, why are they talking about the need for E-verify, but refuse to talk about the fact that Obama failed E-Verify, as well as SSNVS and is using forged IDs. Previously Obama mediathug Alex Seitz-Wald from Obama regime propaganda outlet Salon.com showed only a part of the video in order to exclude all mention of Obama’s forged IDs and tried to attack me with a distorted video.

What is wrong with Pamela Geller from Atlasshrugs, did she go comletely brain dead? Just a few minutes earlier they talked on this panel about the need for E-Verify of the illegals in order to identify jihadists. Why is it inappropriate to ask,. why are they not talking about the fact that Obama failed E-Verify, […]

Press release: Attorney Taitz discusses with former Attorney General of the U.S. Edwin Meese Obama’s use of all forged IDs and a stolen Social Security number and the cover up by the Department of Justice

Press Release During the CPAC convention Attorney Orly Taitz was able to discuss the issue of Obama’s forged IDs with former Attorney General of the United States from Reagan Administration Edwin Meese who also has 30 years of experience as an intelligence officer in the U.S. military. (The photograph of Taitz handing documents to Meese […]

Press release: New motion filed in Grinols with an affidavit of process server, showing that Obama is evading legal service of process

Press release: new motion filed in Grinols with an affidavit of process server, showing that Obama is evading legal service of process Law offices of Orly Taitz A new motion was filed today in Grinols v Electoral College. Originally presiding judge Morrison England refused to grant Default Judgment against Obama due to the fact that Plaintiffs served […]

Subpoena on Congressmen John Campbell and Joe Heck

Subpoena and proof of service on Congressmen John Campbell and Joe Heck Notices   2:12-cv-02997-MCE-DAD Grinols et al v. Electoral College et al CIVIL U.S. District Court Eastern District of California – Live System Notice of Electronic Filing The following transaction was entered by Taitz, Orly on 3/10/2013 at 2:28 PM PDT and filed on […]

Subpoenas and proof of service on members of the Judiciary Committee Raul Labrador and Judge Ted Poe

subpoenas filed Raul Labrador, Ted Poe Subpoenas Filed Raul Labrador, Ted Poe by This is an automatic e-mail message generated by the CM/ECF system. Please DO NOT RESPOND to this e-mail because the mail box is unattended. ***NOTE TO PUBLIC ACCESS USERS*** Judicial Conference of the United States policy permits attorneys of record and parties […]

NOTICE of subpoenas and proof of service on members of the Judiciary Committee George Holding and Doug Collins

Subpoenas filed George Holding, Doug Collins Notices Subpoenas Filed George Holding, Doug Collins by   2:12-cv-02997-MCE-DAD Grinols et al v. Electoral College et al CIVIL U.S. District Court Eastern District of California – Live System Notice of Electronic Filing The following transaction was entered by Taitz, Orly on 3/9/2013 at 5:47 PM PST and filed […]

Notice of Subpoenas and proof of service on members of the Judiciary Committee Ron DeSantis and Keith Rothfus

Subpoenas filed and proof of service on DeSantis and Rothfus Activity in Case 2:12-cv-02997-MCE-DAD Grinols et al v. Electoral College et al Notice – Other               Inbox   x                 caed_cmecf_helpdesk@caed.uscourts.gov This is an automatic e-mail message generated by the CM/ECF system. […]

Press Release 14 U.S. Congressman and House Judiciary committee were served with subpoenas with attached Urgent Demand for Verification to be provided within 2 weeks by March 19th. If they do not comply, they are in contempt of court.

  Press Release  14 U.S. Congressman and House Judiciary Committee were served with subpoenas with attached Urgent Demand for Verification to be provided within 2 weeks by March 19th. If they do not comply, they are in contempt of court. Most of the congressmen served are members of the Judiciary committee. Most of them are […]

Imelda Marcos, Elena Ceaucescu, Michelle Obama…

Obama regime does it again: self promotion by sticking an appearance of Michelle Obama in the middle of Oscars. ABC, which during the Obama regime stands for Aiding Bogus pres Corporation gave Michelle a staring role announcing the best picture during Oscars. All of the mainstream serious kiss …media like Huf Post and Politico had ready […]

Extremely important! E-mail the Judiciary committee at KathrynRexrode@mail.house.gov and call at 202-225-3951

Press release Law Offics of Orly Taitz Every law abiding U.S. citizen is urged to e-mail and call the Judiciary Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives c/o staff member c/o Committee staff member KathrynRexrode.  Kathryn.Rexrode@mail.house.gov   202-225-3951 and demanded immediate hearing on the issue of Barack Obama’s use of forged IDs and a CT […]

02.19.2013 order from the Supreme Court of the United States does not state whether the case was granted or denied, no answer yet, no treason yet by the justices of the Supreme Court. See the order at link below

SCOTUS 02.19.2013 order does not state yet whether the case was granted or denied, no decision yet

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