
Did White House counsel, Robert Bauer, get an early warning of the order by Judge Lamberth on June 1st, which prompted his resignation on June 2nd???

Activity in Case 1:11-cv-00​402-RCL TAITZ v. ASTRUE Scheduling Order X InboxX  Reply |DCD_ECFNotice@dcd.uscourts.gov show details 8:27 AM (1 hour ago) This is an automatic e-mail message generated by the CM/ECF system. Please DO NOT RESPOND to this e-mail because the mail box is unattended. ***NOTE TO PUBLIC ACCESS USERS*** Judicial Conference of the United States […]

Report Richard C. Rockwell to the President of the university of Connecticut. Report all of these subversives to authorities for aiding and abetting Obama in SSA fraud, IRS fraud, elections fraud. Report them for harassing law abiding citizens and attorneys, who are trying to investigate and prosecute ObamaFraudGate

I got her! IRS attorney Mitzi Lynn Torri is the one, who attended my oral argument and who used pseudonim “Butterfly Bieldeberg” and posted defamatory statements about me and threatened repercussions against me using her position with the federal government. Proper complaints will be filed shortly

Regarding an article in WND about a criminal complaint sent to FBI

Don’t get me wrong, everything helps,a complaint to FBI against Obama is a good thing,  but here is my experience with the FBI and the department of Justice (or should I say injustice). From 2009 I sent multiple criminal complaints about the birth certificate, all of the complaints were burried and no response was ever received. […]

from my supporter Tim Powers

Hmmmm     SOME OF YOU WILL APPRECIATE THIS AND SOME OF YOU WILL NOT. I DO NOT APOLOGIZE FOR SENDING THIS BECAUSE ALL OF IT IS TRUE.   If any other of our presidents had doubled the National Debt, which had taken more than two centuries to accumulate, in one year, would You have […]

Imam convicted of con spiracy to attack JFK airport

May 29th, 2011 8:18 am ET Jim Kouri Law Enforcement Examiner   A federal jury ended a four-week trial by convicting Kareem Ibrahim in the Eastern District of New York for a conspiracy to attack John F. Kennedy International Airport in Queens, New York, by exploding fuel tanks and the fuel pipeline under the airport, according to a report obtained […]

from Barbara Coe, president of OCIR

REMINDER to California/O/C AMERICAN PATRIOTS:     PLEASE send your message to these O/C Supervisors, URGING them to DEFUND the Orange County Human Relations Commission (who is trying to censor OUR Free Speech rights in opposition to THEIR Pro-radical Islamic Muslim efforts) AND these Supervisors allocated $300,000 of OUR tax dollars to fund these anti-American radical […]

this is frightening, you have to resist federalization of the police, or you will be a part of the most oppressive police state

Hey,  – This is pretty bad stuff.  Especially how they are working out tax assessments to property owners to pay for UPD ‘services’.  This is a long read, but comprehensive.  More Agenda 21 – public/private partnership crap.  And, of course, it’s all spun by the media to sound like a great thing for all the […]


What can you do to remove our “squatter in chief”. Evidence of forgery of Obama’s birth certificate and his fraudulent use of Connecticut Social Security number

I believe, we need to continue on multiple fronts, e-mail me at orly.taitz@gmail.com or call me 949-683-5411, if you can help with any of  action items below: 1. continue in all courts and seek criminal conviction of Barack Obama  for felonies, that  he committed. As we know, felon cannot serve as a president. Please, form lobbying groups […]

Yes, Obama is in default in Taitz v Astrue. Government has to provide me with the original application to CT SSN 042-68-4425, that Obama is illegally using

Activity in Case 1:11-cv-00​402-RCL TAITZ v. ASTRUE Summons Returned Executed as to Federal Defendant X InboxX  Reply |DCD_ECFNotice@dcd.uscourts.gov show details 7:13 AM (7 minutes ago) This is an automatic e-mail message generated by the CM/ECF system. Please DO NOT RESPOND to this e-mail because the mail box is unattended. ***NOTE TO PUBLIC ACCESS USERS*** Judicial […]

My supporters are correct, my goal, as well as Trump’s and Corsi’s, all along was to force Obama to release his forged birth certificate and prosecute him based on evidence, that he, himself, provided. It worked, he took the bait. Now it’s to prosecute him.

Veritas Submitted on 2011/05/22 at 3:22pm Here would have been a fertile topic for discussion. Did OBAMA release his fraudulent B.C. and himself right into “birthers’” hands? Did Trump, Orly, Corsi, et al, just make mega progress, because what some knew or suspected existed as a Fraudulent document all along, was released for all to […]

Read the WND article below. Please, spread the awareness, that North American Union, Dream Act, Immigration reform- are acts of treason against the United States of America and against the people of the United States of America

  WikiLeaks doc: ‘North American Initiative’ no ‘theory’ A document posted online by WikiLeaks reveals that there were strategy discussions regarding the adoption of a “North American Union” – called the North American Initiative in this case – at the ambassadorial level in the United States government. Read the latest now on WND.com.

The squatter in the White House calls the state of Israel a squatter, and tells Israelies to go… I say, the squatter in the White House, sitting there with a forged birth certificate and an invalid CT Social Security number needs to lead by example and needs to go first!!!

  Jeff Dunetz / YID With LID: SLAM!!  Bibi Diplomatically “Slaps” Obama During White House Press Op  —  It was a stunning tableau, a President of the United States sitting back and glaring while the Prime Minister of Israel pushed back against the words made by the POTUS yesterday.  Both parties made their presentations … […]

Additional information was delivered today by FedEx to the US dostrict court on Taitz v Astrue

Below is the information on Fedex package. Additional information was delivered today to the US District court for the district of Columbia  in regards to Taitz v Astrue 11- CV-402 presiding judge is Chief Judge Royce Lamberth. This information contains receipts, showing that the first amended complaint was received by the Commissioner of the SSA on March […]

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