
I am on pins and needles, still no answer from HI, whether they will comply with the July 5, 2011 subpoena signed by the court

July 5, 2011 subpoena to allow inspection of Obama’s original birth certificate was received by the office of Attorney General in Hawaii on July11, 2011. They had 2 weeks to respond and let me know, if they will refuse to comply. Today is 2 weeks. I expect, that they will file today  a motion to […]

I got a phone call from DC court Reggie Johnson. He stated, that a new order from Judge Lamberth will be posted today, stating that he reconsidered his prior order and they will give me 2 weeks to resubmit my redacted opposition to summary judgment. Apparently they could not find the prior redacted opposition, that was delivered by Fedex

 I was told by the clerk of the court, that Judge Lamberth reconsidered his prior order, issued today in the morning, and the new order will be posted today. They will give me 2 weeks to file a redacted copy of the MSJ.  Apparently the redacted copy, that was delivered to them by the FedEx (I even […]

Letter to Brian Schatz, Lt. Governor of HI

Deputy Attorney General Jill Nagamine ignoring a Federal court ordered subpoena X InboxX  Reply |Dr. Josh Backon to brian.schatz, hawaiiag, raymond.hulser, Jill.T.Nagamine show details 2:23 AM (2 hours ago) The Honorable Brian Schatz Lieutenant Governor, State of Hawai`i Sir, Are you aware that your Deputy Attorney General  Jill Nagamine is flouting and ignoring a Federal […]

I need your help

DC court got the first copy of my opposition to motion for summary judgment in case 11-402 on Thursday 11.14.2011 by Fed Ex and they got the second copy, also by Fed EX on 07.15.2011. They are not docketing my opposition. Please, help me by calling the clerk of the court and asking to docket […]

Help in research needed. Help me brake the wall of silence and corruption in DC

This is the last page of the book by Bill Ayers. Look at the names. I need to find people, who were involved in forgery, in preparing forged birth certificates and forged social security numbers. I was wondering do I hit this wall of silence. There had to be a wave of outrage over Obama’s […]

Now the office of AG of HI says that Deputy Atty Gen Nagamine, in charge of subpoena to Fuddy is on leave. Fuddy left the island. I am talking to the walls there. Can someone check, when Nagamine returns and who is handling her cases, while she is on leave?

Florence Stone Submitted on 2011/07/15 at 1:25pm Today I called and asked to speak to Dep AG Nagamine and was told she was currently on leave, but I could leave a message, which I did. I identified myself, and stated that I was calling from Oregon. I left her an extensive message explaining no privacy […]

Taitz v Astrue final Opposition to motion for summary judgment

  Taitz v Astrue final opposition to MSJ Taitz v Astrue Opposition to MSJ, exhibits 1-6 Taitz v Astrue opposition to MSJ exhibits final 7,8 taitz v Astrue opposition to MSJ exhibits 9-12 Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ 29839 Santa Margarita Parkway, STE 100 Rancho Santa Margarita CA 92688 Tel: (949) 683-5411; Fax (949) 766-7603  E-Mail: […]

please, call any and all media, let them know, that AttyGen of HI and their client, Director of Health Loretta Fuddy, were served with a subpoena, signed by the clerk of the court. We need to know, if they will comply and allow inspection of Obama’s original BC. Call Trump and everyone else you can think of

Leilani Submitted on 2011/07/14 at 7:17pm It’s true. Citizens have many more rights than they think they have. They can call ANYONE in the goverment. And you don’t have to live in the state you are calling. Having worked for the government, I can tell you that bureaucrats are afraid of the media more than […]

update on the subpoena issued for Loretta Fuddy, director of Health, to allow me and my experts to inspect the original birth certificate of Barack Obama

As you know, I served Attorney General of Hawaii, who represents director of Health, Loretta Fuddy with a second subpoena. The second subpoena is signed by the clerk of the court. So far I did not hear from them. Yesterday I called the office of Attorney General of Hawaii and asked to talk to the […]

How many corruption scandals will it take, to criminally prosecute Obama?

 Flag this message Fw: BLACK FARMERS DOING WELL: PIGFORD V GLICKMAN – A NATIONAL DISGRACE Tuesday, July 12, 2011 10:09 PM From: This sender is DomainKeys verified “Ralph” THIS WILL SHOCK YOU AS YOU READ DOWN ABOUT FRAUD AND WHO INSTIGATED THE LEGISLATION THAT WAS PASSED Ralph(ED) Pigford vs. Glickman “In 1997, 400 African-American farmers […]

a press release from birther summit condemning Philip Berg and Gary Kreep for harassing me with a frivolous law suit and wasting my time and money

Latest Press Release (7/11/2011): BIRTHER SUMMIT STATEMENT ON UNITY AND SUPPORT BIRTHER SUMMIT STATEMENT ON UNITY AND SUPPORT FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, July 11, 2011 [click here for a PDF] Contact: Dean C. Haskins 434.426.7202 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              434.426.7202      end_of_the_skype_highlighting dean@birthersummit.org This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it The Birther Summit recognizes […]

An article about me in “Tea Party Nation’. They have 3 pages of comments within hours

All Discussions My Discussions Add No award for Orly Posted by Judson Phillips on July 8, 2011 at 5:58am in Tea Party Nation Forum Send Message   View Discussions   The American Bar Association frequently gives awards to lawyers who show a commitment to justice.  Unfortunately, the ABA is about as far left as the Communist […]

from supporter Bart

Bart Submitted on 2011/07/06 at 4:46am Orley, Your accomplishments thus far have left all of us breathless. “Tenacious Taitz” should be your campaign slogan Although it seems that there is a step forward, there are still many steps to mount before obama puts on any black and white prison suits. The big players in this […]

Motion to compel the subpoena “to grant access to the original long form birth certificat of Barack Obama, memorandum of points and authorities, proposed order. PDF and DOCX versions provided

Taitz v Astrue motion to compel the subpoena, proposed order DR. ORLY TAITZ, ESQ ATTORNEY PRO SE 29839 SANTA MARGARITA PARKWAY, STE 100 RANCHO SANTA MARGARITA CA 92688 TEL: (949) 683-5411; FAX (949) 766-7603  E-MAIL: ORLY.TAITZ@GMAIL.COM UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE  DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Dr. ORLY TAITZ, ESQ, PRO SE                        §                              Plaintiff,                         […]

Enlarged PDF of the SS-5 for Ann Dunham, that shows that her application was forged as well

I am cautiously optimistic, as the latest letter from the SSA shows, that the government is starting to cooperate. After nearly 3 years of my unrelenting e-mails, phone calls, letters and law suits different governmental agencies are starting to comply, cooperate and provide information. The fact, that in the latest case I was given standing and […]

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