
Please, call me at 949-683-5411, let me know, where this picture was published for the first time, where did it come from? It is definitely doctored, grandpa’s left hand is floating, not attached to the arm

Please, look at this certificate, that I was able to get  from the ‘Student clearing house?”. It shows Obama attending Columbia university from 09.01.1982-to 05.31.1983 only 9 month. How did he get a Columbia university degree with only 9 months attendance? Where was he from 06.01.1981 to 09.01.1982? Was the picture photoshopped in order to […]

Download these documents go to every townhall meeting, confront every elected official, every candidate in front of TV camers with this evidence and demand immediate criminal prosecution of Obama for Social Security fraud, for use of a stolen Social Security number

Video from the tea party with Pat Boone

What to write and how to write, don’t waste time on lengthy research findings

When you write to the senators and representatives, don’t waste their time with lengthy legal research, it will go over their heads. We’ll deal with it later. At this time we need something very short and simple. Send to them only my latest motion for reconsideration with Obama’s tax return, my affidavit, selective service certificate and […]

from Sharon Rondeau, editor of “Post and E-mail”, second part of the interview

SECOND HALF OF INTERVIEW JUST OUT X InboxX  Reply |Sharon Rondeau to me show details 9:08 PM (5 hours ago) https://www.thepostemail.com/2011/09/26/orly-taitz-they-are-all-aware-that-crimes-are-being-committed/

This recently retired officer is going to DC unarmed, I hope that the secret service will not be shooting at him

First, of all I don’t agree with everything this man is saying. Some of his talk is very inflammatory, but one thing is clear: just as Commander Walter FitzPatrick, officer Daryn Moran is exasperated with the unprecedented level of lawlessness and corruption in the White House, in Congress and in the Judiciary. The fact that for […]

Politico article about my meetings with legal counsel and chiefs of staff of Congressmen made it as a story #5 in the World according to Google news

  Dalai Lama Warren Buffett Michael Arrington Ron Paul Vladimir Putin Wangari Maathai Kristin Cavallari Silvio Berlusconi Hip fracture Muammar al-Gaddafi Greater Los Angeles World Orly Taitz U.S. Business Technology Entertainment Health Spotlight Science Top Stories USA TodaySenators reach deal to avert government shutdown USA TodayObama brings jobs plan to Silicon ValleySan Jose Mercury News – […]

a response was sent to Ben Smith from Politico

September 26, 2011 Categories: Congress No birther embrace from Rubio Justin Elliott reported today that California lawyer/dentist Orly Taitz, whose theories about Barack Obama’s birth are rather loopy even by the standards of the fever swamps, got meetings with aides to Steve King, Allen West, Jim Inhofe and — perhaps more surprisingly — Marco Rubio.  […]

from Tea Party Tribune

Message body https://www.teapartytribune.com/2011/09/26/12-us-senators-agree-to-meet-with-orly-taitz-about-obamas-allegedly-fraudulent-social-security-number/     Thank you all for your truly extraordinary contributions. Stay well. Gil

please read my interview given to the editor of “Post and E-Mail” Sharon Rondeau. It contains a full report of my congressional meetings

Sharon Rondeau to me show details 9:30 PM (2 hours ago) Thank you for a great interview! https://www.thepostemail.com/2011/09/25/exclusive-orly-taitz-on-her-meetings-with-congressional-staffers-and-legal-advisors/ I’ll get Part 2 out tomorrow…or rather, later today!

Join TN resident Fran MacLeran, demand congresswoman Marsha Blackburn to petition committee chairs and allow me to testify before Congress on SSA fraud committed by Obama. Demand your local sheriff to file charges.

Fran MacLeran to Margaret, me, Sharon show details 8:51 AM (5 minutes ago) Dear Ms. Tipton,   I am writing to let you know that I accept your acknowledgement, and that of Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn, that you have been informed of a felony being committed by the Federal Employee named Barack Hussein Obama and you […]

Letter from Linda Jordan to Obama, demanding to explain mismatch in his Social Security number. Please, add your name in the thread to this post. I am adding mine

Letter from Linda Jordan to Obama I concur with Ms. Linda Jordan. Mr. Obama owes the whole nation some answers, why is he  using in his recent tax returns and his selective service certificate a Social Security number 042-68-4425, which was issued in the state, where he was never a resident and which according to […]

Now the left calls me the mouthpiece for Lamar Smith and “Numbers USA”. This interview was done by a far left reporter and, as she admits in her e-mail, was changed.

 As you can see by the e-mail below, this interview was changed and manipulated. In her e-mail the reporter warns me, that the interview might not be what I remembered it to be. She inserted parts and she removed parts. For example, I do not recall her mentioning in the interview Alberto Gonzales and Dick […]

from FOX news


Obama regime is not letting citizens report SSN fraud by Obama, demand a congressional hearing on this issue

dianna burton Submitted on 2011/09/23 at 2:43pm tried to leave a fraud report and the site crashed.what can i do now? tried to leave a fraud report and the site crashed.what can i do now?  When you write and call Congressman Lamar Smith, chair of the Judicial Committee and file a SSN fraud complaint in 2 […]

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