
Today I was on KABC nationally syndicated Larry Elder show, heard by millions of people

At the Larry Elder KABC show I was able to bring forward following issues: 1. Announced to the listeners that the next hearing is November 30th with judge Nishimura 2. discussed with Larry my run for the U.S. Senate  3. discussed not only forgery of the birth certificate, but also fraudulently obtained Social Security number. […]

Very important! PDF of the Court copy of the November 30 hearing in Taitz v Fuddy, Onaka

Orly Taitz Petiton for Hearing 11-30-11[1] You will not find any reports about this hearing, you will not find the pleadings  in our corrupt main stream media or even WND, or Birther Report/Obama Release your Records who claim to cover eligibility and ObamaFraudGate. This is the only web site, which provides you with the reports and actual pleadings of […]

Help needed

I will need to travel to HI again on November 29th for the November 30th hearing. Please, let me know, if you can donate Frequent Flyer miles or hotel miles or car rental miles. Each trip of only a couple of days ends up costing $1,000 or more (between air, hotel, car rental and other expenses). […]

I need people, who got long form birth certificates from HI to testify at the hearing in Hawaii on November 30th at 10 am

Dear Dr. Taitz:::::      My name is Bill Monahan, my grandson was born in Hawaii in 1991. At the time of his birth my daughter was informed she could pick up a “Certificate of Live Birth” in a week or two. Further that this document will serve to satisfy “Birth Certificate” requirements to play in […]

November 30, 2011 hearing against Director of Health Fuddy and Registrar Onaka has been docketed

nearly 5,000 articles on eligibility, many are in left wing media

Sunday Talk: The air up there Daily Kos – 20 minutes ago Candidate for US Senate Orly Taitz, DDS, Esq. found herself surrounded by like-minded people at an Arizona town hall hosted by Sherriff Joe Arpaio. …   Rick Perry Tells Parade Mag ‘I Don’t Have Any Idea’ If President … Mediaite – 6 days […]

FOIA sent to Secretary of State Clnton on Obama’s passport records, pleadings sent to HI and DC

Trump on CNN, states that Obama’s birth certificate is probably a forgery

Trump Interview with Piers Morgan on CNN https://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2011/10/26/trumps-birther-prediction-for-perry/

1st video of me addressing Sheriff Arpaio, there should be 2 more videos with a better sound

  Orly Taitz Presents Sheriff Joe Arpaio With Paperwork About Obama At A Tea Party In Sun City West Arizona On 10-25-11 from Arizona Patriot on Vimeo.

more hacking, Google search manipulation and defamation of my character

It looks like there was hacking into my Yahoo again. Someone sent e-mails selling Roles, supposedly from my account. Please, disregard those e-mails, they did not come from me. Manipulation of Google searches continues. Some 600,000 articles with link to “Orly Taitz” were either scrubbed or delinked from Google searches. The most despicable slander and […]

WOW! nearly 1,400 articles on on Obama’s forged birth certificate all over the world

Rick Perry Tells Parade Mag ‘I Don’t Have Any Idea’ If President … ‎ You +1’d this publicly. Undo Mediaite – Tommy Christopher – 1 day ago Just when you thought it was safe to take Orly Taitz off of your producer’s speed-dial, Texas Gov. and … Rick Perry hints he doesn’t trust Obama’s birth certificate‎ […]

#1 story on Drudge report: “Perry unsure of Obama’s birth certificate”

PERRY UNSURE OF OBAMA’S BIRTH CERTIFICATE… https://www.latimes.com/news/politics/la-pn-perry-obamas-birth-20111024,0,4493311.story

Taitz v Fuddy Motion for Rehearing, tentative date November 16, 2011, 8:30 am, Honolulu HI

Taitz v Fuddy motion for Rehearing

from my supporter Paul Humber

   Reply |PAUL G. HUMBER via yahoo.com to Prudence show details 8:01 AM (0 minutes ago) Help Dr. Orly Taitz take on Diane Feinstein. I have written my check ($100) and plan to mail today. Do I think she’ll win? I don’t know. I do know this that I have not given a penny to […]

now 56 news papers and magazines write about Rick Perry’s doubts about Obama’s eligibility

Rick Perry Tells Parade Mag ‘I Don’t Have Any Idea’ If President … ‎ You +1’d this publicly. Undo Mediaite – Tommy Christopher – 5 hours ago Just when you thought it was safe to take Orly Taitz off of your producer’s speed-dial, Texas Gov. and … Highly Cited: Rick Perry Isn’t Sure If Obama’s Birth Certificate […]

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