Looks, like I am really hitting the nerve. It has been 9 hours and Google-YouTube are still blocking my latest video in “processing”
How do you get rid of a lemon? is there a kickback in 700 mil Obamacare web site? I recorded the latest edition of Taitz report at 4 am, it is being blocked by Google-YouTube for 9 hours. In my latest report I argued that 700 million contract for Obamacare website made by Sibelius with […]
Reminder: please, be in court this Wednesday, October 23, 9 am, 601 Santa Ana Blvd, Santa Ana, CA, Taitz v Obama. Please, contact veterans, bikers, truckers, tea party, ask people to be in court
Will Judge Lamberth seek a special prosecutor in ObamaForgeryGate similar to Archbald Cox and Leon Jaworski in Watergate?
Now Obama can be legally impeached. Boehner and Issa have to schedule a prime time press conference and explain to the public why today’s speech by Obama represents grounds for impeachment
21:00 Taitz report 10.07.2013 1 day ago 547 views How do you reopen the U.S. government? My solution Where did the 650 billion of additional taxes go? Was it stolen, embezzled? What is the em… 19:06 Report 0919 2013 FBI is used as NAZI Gestapo 2 weeks ago 2,245 views Sworn declaration of an investigator […]
More evidence of malicious sabotage and tampering by the regime as mounting evidence for my RICO case
The public can see more evidence of malicious tampering, sabotage, disinformation of the public by the regime. tampering with my web sites, e-mail accounts, my mail, my phones, my car and now the you tube channel. 1. I have reported previously that the regime had a lock on my videos and it was reported to […]
Taitz v Colvin reply to opposition is on the docket, awaiting ruling by judge Hollander
Taitz report. FBI is used as NAZI Germany Gestapo to harass whistle blowers and hide Obama’s use of a stolen Social Security number 02-68-4425 of Harry Bounel born in 1890
Shocking: Without any explanation and reason the hearing in Taitz v Obama et al G047746 was postponed from September 26 to October. No electronic notice was sent to Attorney Orly Taitz. By October US will be mired in war in Syria and attention will be deflected from Obama’s use of fabricated IDs and his use of a stolen Social Security number
o1/31/2013 To court. Aplt.s’ motion to reinstate the appeal 01/31/2013 Filed letter from: Dr. Taitz dated January 18, 2013. Letter deemed filed as of 1-18-2013 and entered on the docket sheet this date. 02/04/2013 Default notice vacated. Appellant’s motion to vacate the dismissal, reinstate the appeal, and be relieved […]
IB times, Haaretz report that Syrian army hacked the web site of the U.S. Marine corps, wrote that Obama is a traitor helping Al Qaeda, that Syrians and Marines are brothers in arms fighting Al Qaeda. 100% censored Lap dog US media is largely silent about this unprecedented hacking
https://www.ibtimes.co.uk/articles/503037/20130902/syrian-electronic-army-hacks-marine-website-hacked.htm Syrian Electronic Army Hacks Marines Website Wall Street Journal – by Julian Barnes – 48 minutes ago Syrian Electronic Army hacks US marines site | neurope.eu www.neurope.eu/article/syrian-electronic-army–hacks–us–marines-site 35 mins ago – The Syrian Electronic Army (SEA) has hacked Monday themarines.com website, Russian Izvestia reported. The SEA is often depicted as a … Syrian Electronic Army Cyber Attacks Continue With US Marines Hack A screen-grab of the official marines.com website, […]
Obama blinks, pushes Syrian debate towards mid September as a distraction from budget, Obamacare, immigration and PPT, which he plans to push through quietly. GOP should not take the bait and should call Obama on his bluff
Press release from Dr Orly Taitz, ESQ 08.31.2013 Orly Taitz Obama blinks, pushes Syrian debate towards mid August as a distraction from budget, Obamacare, immigration and PPT, all of the programs he plans to push through quietly. GOP should not take the bait and should call Obama on his bluff. Today Obama issued a […]
Press release: Judge Ellen L. Hollander gives Department of Justice additional time till September 16 to respond to my motion for Summary judgment
Press release Law offices of Orly Taitz U.S. district Judge Ellen L. Hollander granted the request of the Department of Justice, who on behalf of their client, United States of America, asked for additional time to respond to a 2 page motion for summary judgment filed by Attorney Orly Taitz in a case Taitz […]
Press release: DOJ asks for more time for the United States of America to respond to a 2 page motion by Attorney Taitz seeking Summary Judgment for release of a Social Security application of Harry Bounel, whose CT SSN 042-68-4425 Obama is fraudulently using in his tax returns
Press release Law Offices of Orly Taitz DOJ asks for more time for the United States of America to respond to a 2 page motion by Attorney Taitz seeking Summary Judgment for release of a Social Security application of Harry Bounel, whose CT SSN 042-68-4425 Obama is fraudulently using in his tax returns. Today Attorney […]
It is clear that Canadian TV is a 100% censored, just as the U.S. major TV networks. The whole interview that I did with Joy Malbon was cut out of the report. Joy Malbon is the chief of the Wash DC office, she called from 202-775-0358 at 12:56 EST and the interview was recorded on Skype. Recording started at around 2 pm EST. Call Joy Malbon and ask, whether my interview was censored out due to my reference to evidence of Barack Obama’s lack of legitimacy and Obama’s use of fabricated IDs?
It is clear that Canadian TV is a 100% censored, just as the U.S. major TV networks. The whole interview that I did with Joy Malbon was cut out of the report. Joy Malbon is the chief of the Wash DC office, she called from 202-775-0358 at 12:56 EST and the interview was recorded on […]
Demand for a correction of an article and my quotes sent to U.S. News
U.S. News link News for orly taitz ‘Birther’ Orly Taitz: Ted Cruz Has ‘Basically the Same Issue as Obama’ U.S. News & World Report - by Steven Nelson - 54 minutes ago ‘Clearly there is an issue of eligibility,’ anti-Obama activist says. Nelson, Steven 10:11 AM (36 minutes ago) to me Orly, Thanks for speaking with me. Here’s a link:https://www.usnews.com/news/blogs/washington-whispers/2013/08/19/birther-orly-taitz-ted-cruz-has-basically-the-same-issue-as-obama Orly […]
Russia provides further explanation that Obama regime will not like
For 5 years we have seen corrupt judge after corrupt judge coming up with the most idiotic excuses, why did they refuse to address on the merits the issue of Obama’s use of a stolen Social Security number 042-68-4425 of an immigrant from Russia Harry J. Bounel, as well as his use of laughable forgeries […]
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