
With KABC syndicated talk show host Larry Elder at yesterday’s rally in Palmdale with congressmen Buck McKeon and Alan West

Holder attacks sheriff Arpaio! You fight fire with fire! It is time to sue Holder for violation of our civil rights and for Fast and Furious!

Holder Quo warranto 1,2 James v Obama quo warranto application This is the second time I am posting this article.  There is more tampering with my web site. Important articles disappear and the site is flooded with garbage and SPAM articles which show as pending. I have now over 2,000 pending articles. I believe it […]

Rick Amato show interview is now everywhere

Already a member? Login here Home About Rick Live Member Login Amato For Liberty RightSideWire Listen Live Podcasts Advertise Contact F.A.Q. Exclusive: Orly Taitz Discusses Obama’s Fraudulent SS# w: Rick Amato

Federal government defaulted for the second time in my case against the Commissioner of the Social Security Michael Astrue. The court of Appeals has to grant me a judgment after the second default. They also sealed my motion.

If you view the you will be charged for 2 Pages $0.20   General Docket United States Court of Appeals for District of Columbia Circuit Court of Appeals Docket #: 11-5304 Docketed: 10/31/2011 Nature of Suit: 2895 Freedom of Information Act of 1974 Orly Taitz v. Michael Astrue Appeal From: United States District Court for […]

extremely important Bar complaint against attorneys for Democratic party for submitting to court forged documents. Demand for sanctions

Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ 29839 Santa Margarita pkwy, ste 100 Rancho Santa Margarita CA 92688 ph. 949-683-5411 fax 949-766-7687 05.07.2012   BAR COMPLAINT Bar Prosecutor Mississippi Bar gwaddle@MSbar.com COMPLAINT FOR MORAL TURPITUDE, UTTERING OF FORGED DOCUMENTS WITH AN INTENT TO DEFRAUD THE COURT AND WITH AN INTENT TO DEFRAUD THE PUBLIC   AGAINST ATTORNEYS SAMUEL […]

If Joseph Farah and Jerome Corsi of WND really wanted Obama out, why are they promoting my opponent in the Senate run and stay sulent about my RICO case?

I got a lengthy e-mail from a reader Carol Hugenberg, who wrote that that she believes that Farah and Corsi, who are running WND,  are really  working to remove Obama. I would like to know if anyone believes that if they were serious about removing Obama, would they do what they are doing now? Would […]

Notice of Deposition William Jefferson Clinton, Hillary Rodham Clinton

notice of deposition Hillary Rodham Clinton corrected notice of deposition William Jefferson Clinton

My response to the editor of Leagle.com

updates@leagle.com  7:49 AM (1 hour ago) Dear Orly Taitz: Today we published the case TAITZ v. DUNN on Leagle.com. As an attorney representing one of the parties in this case, we welcome any comments you would like to make via the “Comment” tab found above the case caption. Leagle provides public online access to primary […]

With friends like these, who needs enemies

As always, Obama Release your Records, who clams to be on our site,  does  nothing, but attacks  me. Of course, he did not write a word about the fact that I filed a RICO action or that I am the only attorney who had an answer in her complaint and who can do discovery. But he also […]

Call this program now. I just called this radio show in IN and provided millions of people with information of Obama committing elections fraud and Secretary of State Lawson and the elections commission being criminally complicit

To: Bob Kern Subject: Re:   what time it is this there On Tue, May 1, 2012 at 10:33 AM, Bob Kern  wrote: call 317-239-1310 www.1310thelight.com      Amos Brown Show call asap 1-3pm, Connie Lawson is not as of yet. But she will be on at 2:00pm -3:00pm Call til they answer. 317-426-5607

Obama regime is in default on Obama’s fraudulent use of CT Social Security number. More tampering by the clerk of the court

Case Search Calendar Opinions Orders/Judgments Briefs XML TXT Logout Help     If you view the you will be charged for 2 Pages $0.20       General Docket United States Court of Appeals for District of Columbia Circuit Court of Appeals Docket #: 11-5304 Docketed: 10/31/2011 Nature of Suit: 2895 Freedom of Information Act […]

good news from Europe, people are rising there against the Bielderberg, CFR, Trilateral Commission mafia and their puppets in the positions of power

 Corruption in Europe Antonio Bassi 11:35 PM (5 hours ago) Dear Orly, I will be short because I have to run to work but I had to say this. Even if Obama will be re-elected (and he most likely will be), don’t give up your cause because sooner or later you will prevail. Here in […]

Jerome Corsi is destroying the case on which I worked for 4 years 24/7/365. He is gratuitously making up an American father for Obama. What is his motivation to do so? Tell WND and Corsi to stop this.

BHO Jr. Biological father Inbox Viktor Karlsohn   3:28 PM (7 minutes ago) Miss Orly: What is you take on: President’s father not Barack Obama Sr. https://www.wnd.com/2012/04/film-presidents-father-not-barack-obama/ by Jerome R. Corsi comment from Orly This is too much. WND and Corsi claimed to support this issue. However their actions as of late show the opposite. They […]

Thug-ocracy regime of the usurper Obama is celebrating 1 year anniversary of the release of BC forgery. How many corrupt and dirty judges, US attorneys, AGs and congressmen were invited to the party? How many of them will ultimately go to prison?

  Obama’s lap dog media, such as Daily Kos is celebrating 1 year anniversary of Obama’s posting on line of the computer forgery, which he claims to be a copy of his BC. They attack decent Americans, who demand removal  of Obama from office and his criminal prosecution for use of forged documents. But what […]

Interview given by US Senate candidate Dr. Orly Taitz during CA CRA convention. Interview highlights new racketeering causes of action filed against Obama, Pelosi, Obama for America, Fuddy, Onaka, Astrue and others

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