
tell candidtes and organizations: not a cent for your campaigns until you demand pcriminal investigation and prosecution of Obama for use of a stolen CT SSN 042-68-4425 and for use of a forged BC and Selective service ID. Prosecute all of his accomplices in high places. Hit them where it hurts, in their pockets!

ken 76 approved Submitted on 2012/08/02 at 9:48 pm I think we all know it is not about the economy.. This is what it is about.. I relayed that to M Bachmann’s camp yesterday when they called me for support… I did mention I am supporting Orly Taitz when I can and that they should […]

Please, write to every congressmen, explain that a letter from a crook like Alvin Onaka does not represent release of anything, we need the original BC, original SSN application and origina Selective Service application, demand that congressman subpoena the original documents or resign and stop committing treason

I wanted to thank my friend Miki Booth for sending to me this letter that she got from Senator Coburn. All of the US Congressmen act like zombies on baths salts and copy the same script. They are saying that Alvin Onaka, registrar from HI sent to Secretary of State of AZ Bennett a letter saying […]

ObamaForgery for dummies

Original ‘birthers’ at work scouring John McCain ‘s  LFBC… Orly Taitz’s  revenge…                             Pls circulate across the  USA. 1 Attached file| 19KB

Fight fire with fire. Anti- boycott in response to Obama mafia boycott of Koch industries

Obama mafia is calling for a boycott of Koch industries, which were instrumental in fighting Obama regime. While I personally never got any donations from Koch brothers and could not even get in touch with them, never the less, they need to be supported for their courage to fight Obama regime and to fight the […]

Obama’s campaign called Romney a felon. Time to speak up the truth: Obama is a thief, who stole the U.S. Presidency with forged and fraudulently obtained IDs. Challenge to Obama: sue me for defamation if you are not a thief and if your BC, SSN and SS certificate are not forged!

Boston Globe Publishes False Bain Story, Obama Campaign Calls Romney  a Felon, Vindicated Romney Campaign Demands Apology In a conference call with reporters this morning, the Obama campaign focused  on this morning’s Boston Globe story arguing that Mitt Romney remained at Bain  through 2002. The Romney campaign has called the story “not accurate.” “Either Mitt […]

Extremely important! Attorney General of Indiana stipulates (admits) that my causes of action against the Sec of State and Elections commission were never heard on the merits and should not have been dismissed. After 4 years of struggle this is the first such admission by the chief law enforcement officer of a state!!!

Press Release Attorney General of Indiana stipulates (admits) that causes of action of fraud, breach of fiduciary duty and negligence against the Sec of State of Indiana Connie Lawson and Elections Commission brought by attorney Orly Taitz were never heard on the merits and should not have been dismissed. They stipulate that these causes of […]

Just as media reports that Holmes has a CA issued SS number, they need to report that Chicago thug Barack Hussein Obama is using a CT SS number 042-68-4425, issued to a resident of CT born in 1890. Write to every media outlet and every judge and bureaucrat, demand that they stop this usurpation of the US Presidency, end this crime of the century and treason

From: https://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/07/20/Exclusive-Dark-Knight-Shooting-Suspect-James-Holmes-Registered-Democrat?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+BreitbartFeed+%28Breitbart+Feed%29&utm_content=Google+Reader The James Holmes for whom Breitbart News has obtained documentation is 25 years old (the suspect has been reported as 24 years old). He has links to addresses in both Colorado and San Diego, where his mother has been reported to be from, according to news reports. He was issued a traffic citation […]

Urgent!!! I need your help in calling the Supreme Court of the US. More evidence of tampering with the docket, my application for stay sent to justice Thomas and resubmitted to justice Roberts was deleted by somwone from the docket

This is the second case where my case is being deleted from the docket of the Supreme Court. The first case, application for stay Lightfoot v Bowen was submitted by me on December 12, 2008, right before the electoral college meeting, which formally elected Obama. The case was read by Chief Justice Roberts and referred […]

Don’t believe Obama’s operatives. US President or congressman or federal judge can be sent to prison even if Congress did not impeach them. Read below to understand, why I am bringing RICO causes of action and demanding a jury trial against Obama, Pelosi, Holder, “Obama for America”, Schatz, Onaka, Astrue, Chatfield and others

Obama’s operatives are trying to tell you that a sitting president can’t be tried in a court of law and can’t be convicted of a crime.This is a complete lie. There is a difference in removing an official from office by impeachment and criminal charges and prosecution. There are several positions, where officials can be […]

Corrupt and treasonous Dep Attorney General of IN Gans and AS. Attorney General Shelby demanded sanctions against plaintiffs challenging Obama. Judge Reid denied all sanctions against the Plaintiffs (see order below)

IN order requests for sanctions denied – Copy Additionally, I filed a motion for a re-hearing, it is called rule 60 motion for Relief of judgment. It will be heard on August 8. We have a perfect case because according to Indiana law one has to have the same name on the ballot as in […]

legalnews/findlawcom publishes my recent press release

If Justice Clarence Thomas does not grant a stay or referral to full … legalnews.findlaw.com/article/0eH66FN6mig9v?q=Barack+Obama You +1’d this publicly. Undo 2 hours ago – Donations no matter how small will help pay for airline and travel expenses. Mail donations to: Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, c/o Dr. Orly Taitz 29839 Santa …

Amazon.com, 10th highest Internet site with 157 million links runs a reader discussion on my latest case against Obama Tax. It is ranked third in Obama challenges ahead of Fast and Furious discussion. Please, write to Amazon.com in support of my case

Amazon Your Amazon.com (What are Customer Discussions?) Customer Discussions Where’s the Birth Certificate?: The Case that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President forum Showing 1-25 of 1023 discussions Discussion Replies Latest Post Why do so many of you hate Obama so much? 119 40 minutes ago Obama: Natural Born Citizen or Alien? (the […]

Taitz v Sebelius Motion hearing August 10, 9:30 U.S. District Court Los Angeles

Taitz v Sebelius Motion to recuse-2

WOW!!! Within hours of filing my Taitz v Sebelius et al challenge of Judeo-Christian ObamaTax, it became one of the top topics on USA Today, one of 5 top US publications!

USA TODAY Topics From the Web Ruth Marcus: Out of tragedy, hope 58m agoFlorida Today lobbyists: Jacobs younger brother Ben, Jacobs school friends. Brianna Commerford, a 13-year-old survivor, recruited Nancy Pelosi and Ron Paul as co-sponsors in a single day. Despite the heart-tugging subject, the measure was an uphill climb. The FDA wasnt Hypocrisy can’t […]

Breaking news! New 113 page complaint with exhibits class action filed on behalf of Christian and Jewish US Citizens:Healthcare Obama Tax is illegal as it violates Equal protection clause, Due Process Clause, Establishment clause and Free exercise of religion clause of the US Constitution, as it exempt Muslim citizens and places a heavy tax burden on Christian and Jewish U. S. Citizens to pay a de facto Judeo-Christian Obama Tax not only for themselves, but also for Muslim citizens, who are exempt

  Press Release Sent to 30,000 U.S. and International Media outlets For Immediate Release Breaking news! New 113 page complaint with exhibits  class action filed on behalf of Christian and Jewish US Citizens:Healthcare Obama Tax is illegal as it violates Equal protection clause, Due Process Clause, Establishment clause and Free exercise of religion clause of […]

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