
My interview given to Sharon Rondeau, editor of “The Post and e-mail”


corruption in main stream media: now 658 news papers and magazines write about Rubio’s eligibility and not one of them writes about Obama’s use of a stolen CT SSN ID 042-68-4425 on Obama’s use of computer generated forgery instead of BC

Birthers: Florida Senator Marco Rubio is not a Natural Born …‎ Dos Lives Mother Jones UPI.com – MiamiHerald.com all 658 news articles »

Extremely important! Proposed order by Deputy Attorney General of Hawaii egregiously misrepresents the case and the law

Letter from Nagamine 10.19.2011 See attached letter from the Deputy Attorney General of Hawaii Jill Nagamine. (it was reported to me, that this deputy attorney General Jill nagamine is married to Obama family personal attorney Todao Nagamine, who handled the divorce of Obama’s half sister Maya Soetoro from her first husband. Nagamine refused to deny […]

Orwellian Fascism in hiding citations of Minor v Happerstt from 25 decisions of the Supreme Court

Orly, The courts are corrupt.  Where do we go from here??? Steph 25 ‘Natural-Born’ Supreme cases REMOVED by Justia.com prior 2 ’08 Election https://twurl.nl/w3qe1s   Stephanie Flater “In the beginning of a change, the Patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, however, the timid join him, for then it […]

WAPO and the rest of our corrupt MSM go after Rubio and his Social Security info but are criminally complicit in covering up Obama’s use of stolen CT Social Security number 042-68-4425

 The media knows if they address Rubio’s they will be forced to address Obama’s. OBA MAO— BORN A BRIT-NEVER LEGIT ============================================================= https://obamareleaseyourrecords.blogspot.com/2011/10/wapos-lynne-sladky-probes-rubios.html WAPO’s Lynne Sladky Probes Rubio’s Parents Social Security Numbers But Ignores Obama’s ObamaRelease YourRecords on 10:41 PM Washington Post’s Lynne Sladky Probes Marco Rubio’s Parents Social Security Numbers But Ignores Obama’s Connecticut Based […]

Now 135 news papers run articles on eligibility and quote Minor v Happersett. Please, contact Rubio, urge him to file a legal action to clarify his eligibility, which would trigger examination of Obama’s eligibility. This is a perfect case for us

Birthers: Florida Senator Marco Rubio is not a Natural Born … ‎ You +1’d this publicly. Undo Dos Lives – 1 day ago Prominent birther, Orly Taitz recently met with Sen. Rubio’s staff during a visit to Washington. “We need the court to finally adjudicate this issue, … Highly Cited: Birthers ask: Is Marco Rubio eligible to […]

now 131 papers are writing about Rubio eligibility, but not a word about Obama’s use of a stolen CT Social Security number 042-68-4425 and his use of of a computer generated forgery instead of a valid long form birth certificate

Birthers: Florida Senator Marco Rubio is not a Natural Born … ‎ You +1’d this publicly. Undo Dos Lives – 20 hours ago Prominent birther, Orly Taitz recently met with Sen. Rubio’s staff during a visit to Washington. “We need the court to finally adjudicate this issue, … Highly Cited: Birthers ask: Is Marco Rubio eligible to […]

Now 66 papers write about Rubio, but nobody is writing about Obama’s stolen CT SSN ID and a forged HI BC

Birthers: Florida Senator Marco Rubio is not a Natural Born … ‎ Dos Lives – 17 hours ago Prominent birther, Orly Taitz recently met with Sen. Rubio’s staff during a visit to Washington. “We need the court to finally adjudicate this issue, … The Birthers’ Next Target: Marco Rubio‎ Mother Jones Birthers now after Sen. […]

Now there are 16 articles on the issue, though liberal media is not writing about Obama

MiamiHerald.com Birthers: Florida Senator Marco Rubio is not a Natural Born Citizen and Not … Dos Lives – ‎12 hours ago‎ Prominent birther, Orly Taitz recently met with Sen. Rubio’s staff during a visit to Washington. “We need the court to finally adjudicate this issue, who is a natural born citizen,” Taitz, a California dentist and […]

from TampaBay.com


Orly Taitz for Senate flier draft 3

Important constitutional issues regarding Rubio: does a child of political refuges have split allegiance?

Birthers: Florida Senator Marco Rubio is not a Natural Born Citizen and Not … Dos Lives – ‎3 hours ago‎ Prominent birther, Orly Taitzrecently met with Sen. Rubio’s staff during a visit to Washington. “We need the court to finally adjudicate this issue, who is a natural born citizen,” Taitz, a California dentist and lawyer told […]

My interview is in Sankt Petersburg News, Miami Herald and TampaBay on line

Birthers ask: Is Marco Rubio eligible to be president? ‎ You +1’d this publicly. Undo Tampabay.com – Alex Leary – 3 hours ago “We need the court to finally adjudicate this issue, who is a natural born citizen,” said Orly Taitz, a California dentist and lawyer and the most prominent … MiamiHerald.com  

An interview for Miamai Herald


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