
Breaking News! Chief District Judge to rule whether there will be a Temporary Restraining Order enjoining certification of Obama’s election by Congress pending adjudication on the merits of the issues of Obama’s use of forged IDs and fraudulently obtained CT SSN 042-68-4425, which Obama used on his tax returns, but which was never assigned to him according E-Verify and SSNVS

Press Release Law Offices of Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ Chief U.S. District judge for the Eastern District of California Morrison C. England to rule whether the U.S. Congress will be enjoined from certifying the Certificate of electoral Vote  for Candidate for the U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama, aka Barack (Barry) soetoro, aka Barack (Barry) Obama soebarkah, pursuant to a […]

A letter from “Proof Positive” is a hoax to waste more of your money

There is a letter going around from someone under a name “Proof Positive”. In this letter they are asking for more money for Arpaio to show him that the nation is behind him and wants him to file a criminal complaint against Obama. This is a trick for dumb people. Arpaio already collected 7 million dollars […]

Justice Anthony Kennedy in the Supreme Court of the U.S. is set to rule any day on Noonan, Judd, MacLeran v Bowen filed December 11, 2012, 6 days before the electoral college meeting

  Press Release Law offices of Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ Justice Anthony Kennedy in the Supreme Court of the United States is expected to rule any day now on Noonan, Judd, MacLeran, a case filed by several presidential candidates seeking to stay certification of 55 electoral votes for Barack Obama due to fraud committed by Obama, due […]

Breaking news! A class action law suit filed on behalf of Presidential Electors and Presidential candidates seeking to stay Certification of vote for Obama by the Electoral College and by Congressdue to fraud and use of forged IDs by Obama

Grinols complaint Grinols Complaint Exhibits Complaints and Other Initiating Documents 2:12-at-01587 Grinols et al v. Electoral College et al CREDIT_CARD U.S. District Court Eastern District of California – Live System Notice of Electronic Filing The following transaction was entered by Taitz, Orly on 12/12/2012 at 1:46 PM PST and filed on 12/12/2012 Case Name: Grinols […]

Notice of Default of the Commissioner of Social Security was docketed in court records. Complimentary chambers copy was delivered to U.S. district Judge Henry Wingate

MS Notice of Default with Exhibits  https://www.scribd.com/doc/116569103/MS-Notice-of-Default-of-Commissioner-of-Social-Security-Michael-Astrue-in-RICO-case-Obama-s-fraudulent-use-of-CT-SSN Activity in Case 3:12-cv-00280-HTW-LRA Taitz et al v. Democrat Party of Mississippi et al Motion for Default Judgment Inbox x cmecfhelpdesk@mssd.uscourts.gov 11:17 AM (3 minutes ago) to Courtmail This is an automatic e-mail message generated by the CM/ECF system.  Please DO NOT RESPOND to this e-mail because the […]

Breaking News! Commissioner of Social Security defaults in a RICO case involving Obama’s use of a stolen CT Social security number 042-68-4425

Affidavit Chito Papa Social Security SSNVS verification Affidavit Linda Jordan Obama’s SSN Press Release From the offices of Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ Michael Astrue, Commissioner of Social security defaulted in a RICO (Racketeering ) case Taitz et al v Democatic Party et al 12-cv-280 US District Court Southern District of MS case involving Obama’s use […]

Breaking news! Supreme Court of CA to rule whether Obama should be declared illegitimate for the U.S. Presidency due to his use of forged IDs and a fraudulently obtained CT Social Security number. Loss of 55 CA electoral votes will certainly mean new elections in the U.S.

Press release from the Law Offices of Dr. Orly Taitz Breaking news! Supreme Court of CA to rule whether Obama should be declared illegitimate for the U.S. Presidency due to his use of forged IDs and a fraudulently obtained CT Social Security number. Loss of 55 CA electoral votes will certainly mean new elections in […]

Egyptians fight for their freedoms, while Americans are frightened and allow corrupt judges and bureaucrats to make a mockery of their freedoms by covering up for a usurper with forged IDs sitting in the White House!!!


Second communication from the Inter-americancommission on Human Rights. I am submitting a supplemental brief in the requested form of the official petition. PS. UN commission on civil rights defendants acknowledged my petition as well, but no resolution yet .I need a paralegal preferably in CA to help with my pro bono work, I am getting really exhausted after 4 years of 24/7 non stop work

Message from the Executive Secretariat of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights about your communication Inbox x CIDH Registro CIDHregistro@oas.org 7:33 AM (1 hour ago) We acknowledge receipt of your communication, received in the Executive Secretariat of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, by means of which you provide informationconcerning human rights.   It does […]

a milestone victory in Indiana, Judge Reid granted my motion to vacate tomorrow’s hearing

49D14-1203-MI-12046 Orly Taitz et al v Elections Committee et al Inbox x Short, Julia Julia.Short@indy.gov 12:19 PM (11 minutes ago) to me, jefferson.garn, Kate.Shelby, gwblack.blackl. Dr. Taitz,   This is to confirm that Judge Reid vacated the hearing on Rule to Show Cause that was set for 11/27/12 at 11:00 on the above cause.  This […]

Treason and Racketeering by employees of the Supreme court of the U.S.

Letter to William Sutter regarding Taitz v Astrue https://www.scribd.com/doc/114509036/Letter-to-William-Sutter-Regarding-Taitz-v-Astrue I called supreme Court of the US again. I asked to talk to the office of the Chief clerk William Sutter. I explained that my case was dismissed in august of the 2012, that the rehearing order and Mandate were issed on August 28, 2012 and […]

Q and A on the case in MS: Will Romney lose votes if the election is not certified in MS?

I was asked whether Romney will lose votes if elections results are not certified in MS. No. If Judge Wingate will show integrity and issue a STAY or Preliminary Injunction or Declaratory Relief stating that Obama’s votes cannot be certified due to evidence of fraud and forgery in IDs he is using as a basis for his […]

Supplemental brief and exhibits sent to Judge Wingate in MS

MS supplemental brief https://www.scribd.com/doc/114328775/MS-Supplemental-Brief Docx version of the brief without the exhibits PER ORDER OF THE COURT PLAINTIFF SUBMITS THIS SUPPLEMENTAL BRIEF I. PRECEDENT ON STAYING CERTIFICATION OF ELECTION 1. Originally this case was filed under MS code 23-15-961, later 23-15-963. Originally defense stated that the case was filed 1 day late, however above statutes […]

Emergency petition for STAY of certification of election results filed with the Supreme Court of CA. I don’t believe they will do a thing, but from here it goes to Anthony Kennedy at SCOTUS. He is rather mad at what is going on in the last 4 years, particularly Obamacare, he might grant a stay, we’ll know soon enough. I need people to look through their statutes and seek emergency stay provisions in their Supreme Courts. We need to send similar Applications for stay up to Alito, Thomas and Scalia

Dr. Orly  Taitz ESQ 29839 Santa Margarita ste 100 Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 Phone 949-683-5411 fax 949-766-7603 Orly.taitz@gmail.com Counselor for the Plaintiffs   SUPREME COURT OF CALIFORNIA Edward C. Noonan, Thomas Gregory MacLeran,)Case # Keith Judd in their  capacity as                               )Petition for candidates  for the U.S. President                         ) Extraordinary  Emergency Writ of Dr. Orly […]

ObamaNazis are removing this message. Please, call all the media, university students, tea party in Jackson MS, tell people to be there for November 16, 1pm hearing in ObamaforgeryGate before judge Wingate

Please, help me by contacting all media outlets: TV, radio, papers, university students, tea parties. Every citizen has to know how our corrupt establishment is covering the crime of the century, Obama’s forged IDs and a stolen SSN. Please, call Hannity, Limbaugh, all of the MSM, let them know that it’s time to end silence and they […]

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