Press release on Kansas challenge against Obama
Press release by attorney Orly Taitz. Report on Kansas challenge against Obama. Today as I entered the assembly I saw the “Occupy people” with signs, ready for fight, and fight it was. At the hearing I brought 2 main points: 1. Original objector to Obama’s candidacy Joseph Montgomery withdrew his objection under duress. It was […]
E-mail sent to the Sec of State of KS and his counsel Ryan Kriegshouser
Orly Taitz 2:57 PM (0 minutes ago) to kkobach, Ryan.Kriegshau., David, Brad, Vincent, Sheriff, Susan, michael.jablon., kwainscott, bcc: Secretary of State Kris Kbach Counsel to Secretary of State Ryan Kriegshauser Attorney Genral of KS Derek Schmidt LT. Governor of KS Jeffrey Collier Gentlemen, Here are 2 more e-mails received from (e-mail of the […]
Elections challenge submitted to AG of KS
LAW OFFICES of Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ 29839 Santa Margarita, ste 100 Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 ph.949-683-5411 fax 949-766-7603 09.14. 2012 Attention Mr. Derek Schmidt Attorney General of Kansas Kansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt 120 SW 10th Ave., 2nd Floor Topeka, KS 66612 (785) 296-2215 1-888-428-8436 Fax: (785) 296-6296 Urgent Elections challenge to […]
Obama- is the greatest embarrassment to the U.S. Obama issues an apology to thugs, who attacked U.S. embassy in Egypt, torched U.S. flag, replaced it with a black Muslim flag, bombed and torched U.S. consulate in Lybia and murdered the U.S. ambassador and 3 other diplomates. Attorney Orly Taitz will argue injunctions banning Obama from the ballot. Upcoming hearings in MS, IN, TX, CA. Some of the pleadings and evidence attached
U.S. ambassador to Libya killed in Benghazi attack By Tamim Elyan and Omar al-Mosmari | Reuters – 19 mins ago Related Content Enlarge PhotoThe U.S. Consulate in Benghazi … Article: Libya deputy PM condemns killing of U.S. ambassador26 mins ago BENGHAZI, Libya (Reuters) – The U.S. ambassador to Libya and three other embassy staff were killed in a […]
On the eve of the hearings in MS and IN Obama regime is attempting to add pressure and intimidate me through their mouth piece “Daily Kos”. (as if I am not under enough pressure already ;-)
(sorry for the formating, something happened to the blog) Daily Kos: Orly Taitz might be setting herself up for a smackdown in ……/-Orly–Taitz-might-be-setting-herself-up-for-a-… You +1’d this publicly. Undo 16 hours ago – Later this month, Orly Taitz is due to challenge President Obama’s spot on the ballot in Indiana and Mississippi. A federal judge […]
Attorney Orly Taitz will be challenging Obama in two states in two days: September 24 MS and September 26 in IN. Other states to follow at later dates.
Press release Law offices of Dr. Orly Taitz Honorable Sherry K. Reid granted a motion by Attorney Orly Taitz to conduct an emergency hearing for injunction preventing Candidate for the U.S. President in 2012 Barack Hussein Obama to be on the ballot in the State of Indiana due to fraud committed by Obama and due to his use […]
there is more sensorship and cover up in CA and Atlanta GA during Obama regime, than there was in Tbilisi GA during Stalin regime
Every time I have a case in front of Judge Carter in CA, OC Register publishes an article, stating how Judge Carter is going to other countries to help them set up a rule of law and independent Judiciary. Yesterday they ran an article (attached below) about Judge David O.Carter going to Tbilisi, capital of the […]
Great news Judge Wingate in the US District Court in MS is prepared to hear my case. It will be either on Septemeber 24 or 26. I would appreciate donations and frequent flier miles to travel to MS
Taitz v. Democratic Party of MS; et al; 3:12cv280HTW-LRA 12:36 PM (23 minutes ago) to me, sbegley1, scottjtepper, hpizz, jmath To all parties: Judge Wingate is prepared to hear oral argument on the motions pending before this Court in the above styled case. We are available September 24 and 26. Please advise whether […]
CA Election challenge: filed default was cancelled due to nature of the case. The case proceeds
Press release Law offices of Dr. Orly Taitz Deafult against defendants in Taitz v Obama, Feinstein and Emken in the elections challenge in CA was cancelled by the court due to the nature of the case. (see attachment). The case proceeds. CA Taitz v Obama Default cancelled due to nature of the case Further pleadings will […]
Press release: Supreme court of Indiana granted CA attorney Orly Taitz pro hac vice to proceed in Indiana
Press release from the law offices of Orly Taitz CA attorney Orly Taitz together with several other plaintiffs filed a legal action in Indiana challenging the decision of the Secretary of State of Indiana Connie Lawson and the Elections Commission to place Obama’s name on the ballot in light of the evidence provided to them, showing Obama […]
A very powerful article from the founder of the Tea Party Nation attorney Judson Philips.
Scaring the left – Tea Party Nation Shared on Google+. View the post. You +1’d this publicly. Undo 19 hours ago – The left claims that birthers are a joke and they like to point to people like Orly Taitz, the attorney who will file a law suit over the issue anywhere she can […]
from a retired military pilot Neil Turner. Thank you Mr. Turner
Orly; I just watched your excellent interview with DemocastTV yesterday at the Beverly Hills Tea Party meeting (with Pat Boone in attendance, no less), and was most impressed. The Obots who post on his site are once-again at a complete loss for any kind of intelligent response. Crime of the century: gov’t obstructions against […]
ObamaForgeryGate for dummies (explanation of SSN fraud, Columbia records fraud,SSS fraud, BC fraud)
Orly Taitz- How will the forged birth-certificate & stolen SocSec # be … 17 hours ago – Pursuing criminal prosecution of Barack H. Obama. 175146.
More evidence of treason in high courts. Help me reach congress and demand a hearing on Obama’s stolen SSN and impeachment of Federal judges committing treason
DC – Taitz v Astrue Appeal – 2012-08-09 – ORDER Denying Petition … › Research › Law 21 hours ago – Filed On: August 9, 2012 Orly Taitz, Dr., Appellant v. Michael James Astrue, Commissioner of the Social Security Administration, Appellee. BEFORE: Sentelle … DC court of Appeals filed Petition for Hearing En Banc […]
Great news in Indiana, Judge Reid reverses her prior ruling and allows me to proceed on 3 out of 4 causes of action against the Sec of State and Elections Commission: Fraud, Breach of Fiduciary duty and Negligence for allowing Obama on the ballot with forged IDs
Small note before I provide the hearing report. It looks like one of 4 members of the elections commission, Sarah Steel Reardon, resigned from the commission. This was a hectic day, but things are looking up! I got up at 4 am yesterday and drove to LA and flew to Phoenix and from there to […]
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