
Is Obama’s decision to destroy 80% of our nuclear arsenal, a payoff to an Iranian Muslim judge, who had Obama cornered with no identification papers and let Obama got scot-free???

Farrar corrected proposed summary of law and fact Farrar v Obama Transcript of the 01.26.2012 hearing Farrar v Obama Exhibits in case file Appeal to Secretary of State Kemp Farrar appeal to Fulton county As you know, Barack Obama was cornered in the state of Georgia on January 26, 2012. I issued a subpoena for […]

Demand written response from the Sec of State and Elections board in Indiana

Election challenge Secretary of State Indiana Farrar corrected proposed summary of law and fact Farrar et al v Obama First amended complaint Farrar v Obama Transcript of the 01.26.2012 hearing Farrar v Obama Exhibits in case file Urgent regarding election fraud complaint X InboxX Reply |Orly Taitz to elections, Charles, jerbonnet, oig.hotline show details 5:32 […]

New York Times comments on my questions to Newt Gingrich

From Pasadena Sun

Pasadena Sun:”Orly Taitz, an attorney who has filed a lawsuit claiming President Obama is not an American citizen, asserted the president uses a fake Social Security card and demanded to know when someone would do something about it.” https://articles.pasadenasun.com/2012-02-13/news/31056308_1_campaign-ninth-circuit-president-obama

Yesterday I addressed Gingrich and demanded answers, why a person, who is not eligible to pick tomatoes and clean toilets, is still sitting in the WH?

Redd Yesterday I was invited by some TeaPac leaders to attend a meeting with Newt Gingrich. I actually missed picture taking and the beginning of the speech, as I was busy making sure the Superior court in GA has all the documents for the appeal and I actually had to work with my patients prior to […]

Our appeal was timely filed in Fulton county GA Superior Court (election appeals are supposed to be filed in Fulton county Superior Court). The case was assigned to the Chief Judge Cynthia D. Wright

In the SUPERIOR COURT Fulton County, Georgia Case No. 2012CV211398 DAVID FARRAR, LEAH LAX, CODY ROBERT JUDY, LAURIE ROTH VS. BARACK OBAMA, SECRETARY OF STATE Filed on 02/13/2012 Case Type: APPEAL Judge: Cynthia D. Wright Current Status: Filed Farrar, David 2059 CAVESPRINGS ROAD CEDARTOWN, GA 30125 Taitz, Orly 29839 SANTA MARGARITA PARKWAY SUITE 100 RANCHO […]

My phone is full with 125 messages with the most horrendous cuss words sent by activist obots.

Transcript Farrar Farrar final proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law Farrar v Obama Exhibits in case file I am too busy and do not have time to erase all of these vial messages, so you can’t text me, the phone is full. You can leave a comment here. If it is important, send […]

Update on challenges around the country

a couple of my supporters filed challenges in MA and PA. So far the Secretaries of State are non-responsive. Will keep you updated. so far I filed challenges in NH, HI, GA, IN, LA, MS, there are ongoing cases in CA and DC. In AL Mr. Hendershott asked me to represent him. I submitted pro […]

You can block e-mail addresses of people, who send you unwanted e-mails

Recently a couple of bloggers were sending mass e-mails attacking me.  After Carl Swenssen issued a public apology, asking me to accept his apology for attacking me, he is at it again. A couple of bloggers, such as Dean Haskins, Sam Sewell, Bob Nelson(ORYR) and Arlen Williams are spewing insane accusations. Let’s look at the […]

My latest interview on ObamaForgeryGate and corruption in GA

from Lieutenant Colonel Earl Graef to Chief justice Roberts

Another letter to Roberts X InboxX Reply |David Earl-Graef to me show details 7:33 AM (29 minutes ago) Orly, Please feel free to use this as you see fit. I have pasted it to this email and included as an attachment. My plan is to get this to as many sites and persons as possible […]

Great news!!! According to the FBI Hussein Obama/Soebarkah/Soetoro/Bounnel (or whatever he is) can be arrested as a domestic terrorist: he is using fake IDs, committing white-collar crimes and holding illegal courts. Call Robert Mueller, director of the FBI, demand immediate arrest of Obama on all of the above charges

Domestic Terrorism The Sovereign Citizen Movement 04/13/10 Some examples of illegal license plates used by so-called sovereign citizens. Domestic terrorism—Americans attacking Americans because of U.S.-based extremist ideologies—comes in many forms in our post 9/11 world. To help educate the public, we’ve previously outlined two separate domestic terror threats—eco-terrorists/animal rights extremists and lone offenders. Today, we […]

More misrepresentation and twisting of the truth by ORYR and Article2superpac crowd

A  blogger by name Bob Nelson, who calls himself ORYR and the rest of the crowd at Article2superpac are at it again. Bob Nelson purports to tell the truth, while in reality he twists the truth and really is helping Obama. Case in point. I actually filed an appeal of Malihi’s decision.  Brian Kemp, secretary […]

I am the only attorney, who actually filed an appeal with the Secretary of State of GA Brian Kemp, he is reviewing it now. Other 2 attorneys are planning to appeal, but so far my appeal is the only known appeal of Malihi’s decision

Dr. Orly Taitz ESQ 29839 santa Margarita, ste 100 Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 ph.949-683-5411 fax 949-766-7603 orly.taitz@gmail.com Honorable Brian Kemp Secretary of State of Georgia 214 State Capitol Atlanta, GA 30334 via e-mail to Vincent R. Russo Jr.  ESQ VRusso@sos.GA.gov and via Federal Express overnight delivery EMERGENCY APPEAL PETITION TO SET ASIDE RECOMMENDATION ISSUED […]

Do not despair, we will break free

Jordan Submitted on 2012/02/05 at 5:52am I am beginning to believe we may never know who may be behind these Judicial decisions, not to mention the direction of the country itself. It just seems that no matter what, Democrat or Republican, we just keep going down hill. I do not believe there is any stupidity involved […]

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