
After 16 hours of “processing” this, 10.26.2013, edition of Taitz report is finally on the Internet, make it go viral. Demand investigation of disbursements of700 mil contract of Obamacare web site, demand investigation of Obama’s invalid SSN, failed E-verify

Looks, like I am really hitting the nerve. It has been 9 hours and Google-YouTube are still blocking my latest video in “processing”

How do you get rid of a lemon? is there a kickback in 700 mil Obamacare web site? I  recorded the latest edition of Taitz report at 4 am, it is being blocked by Google-YouTube for 9 hours. In my latest report I argued that 700 million contract for Obamacare website made by Sibelius with […]

Reminder: please, be in court this Wednesday, October 23, 9 am, 601 Santa Ana Blvd, Santa Ana, CA, Taitz v Obama. Please, contact veterans, bikers, truckers, tea party, ask people to be in court

Will Judge Lamberth seek a special prosecutor in ObamaForgeryGate similar to Archbald Cox and Leon Jaworski in Watergate?

Taitz report: Judge Lamberth is asked to treat Obama employees, who lied to cover up his bogus IDs, the same way he treated Clinton employees. -Extortionists and left wing extremists Harry Reid and Barack Obama demand a trillion dollar credit card as a ransom for Obama to reopen the U.S. government.

Truckers deliver to Congress a demand to remove Obama from office due to bogus IDs, dog eats documents at Department of Justice, eats $650 billion at Treasure and eats the back bone and other important parts of Republicans who believe a bogus NBC poll and ready to surrender, when they have all the cards in their hands. Call Sen Collins and the rest, demand they stand strong and do not offer anything until after October 17th. Don’t be a moron, let the Dems and Obama come to you with offers

Now Obama can be legally impeached. Boehner and Issa have to schedule a prime time press conference and explain to the public why today’s speech by Obama represents grounds for impeachment

 21:00 Taitz report 10.07.2013 1 day ago 547 views How do you reopen the U.S. government? My solution Where did the 650 billion of additional taxes go? Was it stolen, embezzled? What is the em…  19:06 Report 0919 2013 FBI is used as NAZI Gestapo 2 weeks ago 2,245 views Sworn declaration of an investigator […]

Americans are rising against Obama regime and breaching the barricades in front of the National monuments as the crowds cheer. Time to erect the barricades in front of Obama’s golf course and the restaurants Obama goes to. Time for the GOP to call Obama’s bluff and announce to the public and financial markets that we do not need to raise the borrowing ceiling in order to pay the debt. We take in 6 times more than the debt and interest on the debt.

Americans are rising against Obama regime and breaching the barricades in front of the National monuments as the crowds cheer. Time to erect the barricades in front of Obama’s golf course and the restaurants Obama goes to. While Obama is staging this laughable government shutdown, the real problem is in the Shutdown of American economy, […]

A little more progress. The call from you-tube to my cell phone finally was unblocked, however the total number of views on DrOrlyTV is still locked at 61,512 and the counter on the video below is still blocked. I bet somebody does not like the inconvenient truth on this video, as it is evidence that will send some high ranking officials of the DOJ and FBI to prison

More evidence of malicious sabotage and tampering by the regime as mounting evidence for my RICO case

The public can see more evidence of malicious tampering, sabotage, disinformation of the public by the regime. tampering with my web sites, e-mail accounts, my mail, my phones, my car and now the you tube channel. 1. I have reported previously that the regime had a lock on my videos and it was reported to […]

Taitz v Colvin reply to opposition is on the docket, awaiting ruling by judge Hollander

Taitz report. FBI is used as NAZI Germany Gestapo to harass whistle blowers and hide Obama’s use of a stolen Social Security number 02-68-4425 of Harry Bounel born in 1890

Shocking: Without any explanation and reason the hearing in Taitz v Obama et al G047746 was postponed from September 26 to October. No electronic notice was sent to Attorney Orly Taitz. By October US will be mired in war in Syria and attention will be deflected from Obama’s use of fabricated IDs and his use of a stolen Social Security number

o1/31/2013 To court.     Aplt.s’ motion to reinstate the appeal 01/31/2013 Filed letter from:     Dr. Taitz dated January 18, 2013. Letter deemed filed as of 1-18-2013 and entered on the docket sheet this date. 02/04/2013 Default notice vacated.     Appellant’s motion to vacate the dismissal, reinstate the appeal, and be relieved […]

Obama blinks, pushes Syrian debate towards mid September as a distraction from budget, Obamacare, immigration and PPT, which he plans to push through quietly. GOP should not take the bait and should call Obama on his bluff

  Press release from Dr Orly Taitz, ESQ 08.31.2013 Orly Taitz Obama blinks, pushes Syrian debate towards mid August as a distraction from budget, Obamacare, immigration and PPT, all of the programs  he plans to push through quietly. GOP should not take the bait and should call Obama on his bluff. Today Obama issued a […]

Press Release: OrlyTaitzESQ.com is in top 50 Conservative Internet magazines/ web sites according to Ranking.com

Press Release: OrlyTaitzESQ.com is in top 50 Conservative Internet magazines/ web sites according to Ranking.com Ranking.com was used, as it is believed that large companies like Google, Alexa might be connected to the ruling establishment and their ranking might be  skewed. TOP 50 MOST READ CONSERVATIVE WEB SITES/INTERNET MAGAZINES Top ranked conservative web sites/ Internet […]

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