
Remind corrupt Congressmen, Senators, US attorneys, military leaders and judges that they took an oath to uphold the Constitution. We need a Constitutionally eligible president, not a fraud sitting in the WH without a valid SSN, valid long form BC and allegiance to and citizenship of 3 other countries

Thomas/PatriotofPast Submitted on 2010/12/24 at 4:14pm When writting to Mr. Lakins superiors, PLEASE REMIND THEM : They SWORE an Oath, An Oath to uphold THE CONSTITUTION! Not an Oath to The Commander in Chief… It is The Constitution that the Men and Women are laying in Arlington… Remind them of this, The Constitution IS OUR […]

Here is a link to Los Angeles Times article. Please, write and call governor Abercrombie of HI and demand the earliest possible date for the eligibility debate. Explain to him that an army hero is sitting in jail because he is not willing to serve under a usurper. There is a total demoralization of US military and it will only get worse until the issue is resolved

Fwd: Birther Article InboxX  Reply |George Miller to colony14, me show details 9:13 AM (3 hours ago) Regards, George Miller https://venturacountyteaparty.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Don’t you just love the LA Times?   https://www.latimes.com/news/politics/la-na-obama-birthers-20101224,0,3744847.story

Governor Abercrombie of HI and arrogant usurper Obama: put up or shut up and go home. POW LTC DR Lakin is a political prisoner in US because of your fraud

For Hawaii governor, discrediting anti-Obama ‘birthers’ is a top … Dec 24, 2010… live birth … you don’t find the name of the doctor, hospital or signature,” said prominent “birther” Orly Taitz, a California lawyer and … blog.bitcomet.com/post/268415/ – 2965 49 minutes ago

New governor of HI wants to use his office to counter my view. No problem. we can have a debate on the issue tomorrow, but I doubt he has the guts and other parts to face me

 Flag this message la times trying to reach you Thursday, December 23, 2010 10:39 AM From: “Dilanian, Ken” Add sender to Contacts To: “‘dr_taitz@yahoo.com’” <dr_taitz@yahoo.com> Dr. Taitz, Just left you a phone message.  I am trying to reach you to talk to you about a story we have out of Hawaii quoting Gov. Abercrombie saying […]

Free Republic writes about my case. (one correction-the article misquoted me: I stated that the 11th circuit refused to hear the case, refused to allow oral argument and denied with one word response without any explanation)

Free Republic Browse · Search   Bloggers & Personal Topics · Post Article Skip to comments. Lakin Goes To Prison – And Here Comes The Next Eligibility Lawsuit Here’s The Right Side Of It ^ | December 18, 2010 | John L. Work Posted on Saturday, December 18, 2010 4:14:32 PM by JLWORK With thanks […]

I need help with WIKI

My petition to the Supreme Court for writ of Certiorari will be heard on January 7, 2011, but Wikipedia has written that it was already denied, this disinformation was forwarded to all the media. There are a lot of mistakes and inconsistencies in the wikipedia article. For example, they claim that only 15-20 people came […]

Today’s World Net Daily lead article

BORN IN THE USA? Supremes facing eligibility challenge to Obama, again Taitz’s case distributed for conference among justices on Jan. 7 Posted: December 18, 2010 12:35 am Eastern By Bob Unruh © 2010 WorldNetDaily It just doesn’t appear to be going away. The idea that Barack Obama’s eligibility to occupy to Oval Office, and do chores such […]

African-American Pastor James Manning, a political dissident against illegitimate Obama regime, was illegally arrested, detained for 3 hours at Fort Meade, interrogated and pressured to sign a statement without an attorney present

Alexander Gofen to me show details 10:52 PM (6 hours ago) (Not for posting)        Dear Orly,        I guess you are well informed about that unlawful arrest of Pastor Manning and his team: https://atlahmedianetwork.org/?p=11907

As the queen of the birthers I am delighted to welcome comedian Jay Leno in my kingdom

Nearly 2 million articles appear in 30 seconds on Google under the title Orly Taitz, which shows interest of the public at large in anticipation of decision on my cases by the Supreme Court on January 7 and by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. Visit to U.N. and recent European documentary increased the traffic and public interest in general

Google orly taitz × Advanced search Language tools Instant is onInstant is offInstant is off (slow connection) ▼ Google Instant is off due to connection speed. Learn more. › On (type to search)› Off (press Enter to search) More about Google Instant Google Instant is unavailable. Press Enter to search. Learn more Google Instant is off […]

Please, patriots make an effort to come to Fort Meade Dec 14-15 at 9am to support LTC Dr. Terry Lakin- an American Hero standing up for U.S. Constitution, which many high officials failed to do

McInerney: “Congressional Investigations If Lakin Imprisoned” CMDR Kerchner & Orly Taitz To Be At The Court Martial Tuesday — Know Anyone In Maryland, Get Them There InboxX  Reply |Jeff LICHTER show details 5:55 PM (1 hour ago) LAKIN WILL BRING DOWN OBAMA YET…OBAMA IS BACKING HIMSELF INTO A CORNER BIG TIME IF LAKIN IS FOUND […]

Supreme Court distributed my case for conference of all 9 justices to be held on January 7, 2011

No. 10-541   Title: Orly Taitz, Petitioner v. Thomas D. MacDonald, et al. Docketed: October 25, 2010 Lower Ct: United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit Case Nos.: (09-15418) Decision Date: March 15, 2010 Rehearing Denied: May 14, 2010 ~~~Date~~~ ~~~~~~~Proceedings  and  Orders~~~~~~~~~ Aug 12 2010 Petition for a writ of certiorari filed. […]

Major General Vallely calls the department of justice Court Martial system corrupt, calls to relive military judge Denise Lind of her duties as a judge and have her court martialed, calls on everybody to support LTC Lakin. Join me on December 14-15 at Fort Meade and support Lakin, join Major general Vallely in calling to court martial a corrupt military judge Denise Lind

 Flag this message Major General, US Army (ret): Military Courts Martial System guilty of Treason? Wednesday, December 8, 2010 6:31 AM From: “Arnie Rosner” Message contains attachments 3 Files (4078KB) | Download All Lakin-03Vallely.mp3 Lakin-03Vallely.mp3 Voila_Capture2031.jpg No virus threat detected File: Lakin-03Vallely.mp3Download File Retired General speaks out on treason of government and military courts martial […]

From Major General Childers on how many cowards are there in Congress, military and the Supreme Court. Please, burn the phones and write to any and all official you can think of. We have only a few days before Dec 14, LTC Lakin’s court martial. An American hero will be rotting in jail for at least a year, so that a frAUD CAN SEAT IN THE wHITE hOUSE WITHOUT A VALID SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER AND WITHOUT A VALID LONG FORM BC

From:  Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 2010 4:27 PM To: Subject: letter via Taitz Good Letter to Senator Wyden You challenged him to ask some tough questions; which he probably won’t do. I offer you this quote from Abe Lincoln:  “To Sin Through Silence, When They Should Protest, Makes Cowards Of Men.” I think we have […]

More on Siddharth Velamoor, Obama defense attorney, who was planted as an attorney-law clerk for judge Carter to defame me and derail my case. No answer from the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals on my appeal and demand to reverse Carter decision due to clear bias, lack of impartiality and improper influence by the White House

Siddharth Velamoor on the editorial board (in 2008) of a law journal ? show details 1:22 AM (6 hours ago) Something doesn’t make any sense. Someone graduates a 3rd rate law school (Comenius University in Slovakia) in 2008 and is ALREADY serving (in 2008) on the damn editorial board of a prestigious law journal ??? […]

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