
A new idea for T-shirts “Carnival Barker Barack Soebarkah, his forged HI BC and stolen CT SSN ID”

“Carnival Barker Barack Soebarkah His  forged HI BC And Stolen CT SSN ID” Underneath we need a picture of his HI Birth Certificate with big red FORGERY across it and Nordyke valid, not forged birth certificate  next to it as a comparison. On the back of the T-shirt we need the same verseon top  and underneath it  a […]

from my supporter Florence

Florence Stone Submitted on 2011/05/17 at 10:29pm They keep sending me snail mail, asking for money, and I keep mailing back a copy of Orly’s letter to Obama after the AZ shooting, and my cover letter telling them they don’t get one red cent from me until they put their support behind Orly to remove […]

forward this far and wide

AOL message board writes about forgery in Obama’s birth certificate

FORGERY:OBAMA’S BIRTH CERTIFICATE – The Political Conundrum – AOL … 21 hours ago – CA REP CENTRAL COMMITTEE LISTCAMPAIGN FLIER for Orly Taitz as CA SOS CAMPAIGN FLIER for Orly Taitz as CA SOS, 2 Per Page How to contact public Integrity … messageboards.aol.com/aol/en_us/articles.php?…func…

Breaking News [BREAKING:] Donald Trump Abandons Presidential Run By Matt Coker, Mon., May 16 2011 @ 10:43AM Comments (1) Categories: Breaking News, Politics, TV Share  0diggsdigg ​Donald Trump earlier this morning announced at the NBC Upfront event in midtown New York City that he is not running for president in 2012, New York magazine reports. […]

More evidence of forgery in Obama’s Birth Certificate. Please, write to every attorney general of every state, every congressman, DA, Governor, Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff, Secret Service, FBI and demand immediate criminal investigation and prosecution

new interview with investigator Susan Daniels, more information about Obama and his friend Bill Ayers using stolen birth certificate numbers and stolen social security numbers of the deceased

The Post & Email Speaks with Susan Daniels, Private Investigator … May 16, 2011 … Editor’s Note: The Post & Email contacted Dr. Orly Taitz to inquire about whether or not the affidavits have been included in any of her … www.thepostemail.com/…/the-post-email-speaks-with-susan-daniels-private- investigator/ – 2389 39 minutes ago

listen to this interview with Susan Daniels. I submitted her affidavits in multiple courts. Our judges are as corrupt as our politicians and media. they refused to look at the evidence, they allowed a criminal to stay in the WH and one judge, Clay D. Land even sanctioned me $20,000, saying this evidence is frivolous

We have massive corruption everywhere. We have a pre-set corrupt elections system,. where electronic scanners can be pre-set any way our rulling mafia wants them preset. As a result we have a corrupted product: corrupt elected officials  on both sides of the isle. We are worse than Egypt. I don’t believe Egyptians would allow a […]

I never played chess, but I believe this is called a check-mate. Order by judge Wilkinson from Hornbeck v Salazar and evidence of forgery of Obama’s BC is in front of judges of the 9th Circuit

Cases 09-56827 and 10-55084 Submitted on behalf of  all 40  Plaintiffs in Barnett et al v Obama et al 10-55084 Attorney Taitz represents all plaintiffs in 10-55084 Barnett, Keyes et al v Obama et al UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS   FOR THE NINTH CIRCUIT ____________________   Pamela Barnett, Alan Keyes et al.,   Plaintiffs-Appellants, […]

nearly 2 million current articles under “Orly Taitz” show tremendous interest to the issue of uttering and forgery of Obama’s birth certificate and SSN fraud committed by Obama

Google × Advanced search Language tools   Google Instant is unavailable. Press enter to search. Learn more Google Instant is off due to connection speed. Press Enter to search. Press Enter to search. Press Enter to search.   orly taitzRemove I’m Feeling Lucky » orly taitz tom hartmanRemove I’m Feeling Lucky » orly taitz dentist […]

Demand criminal investigation of attorneys and other governmental employees involved in obstruction of justice in terry Lakin trial

Certified mail FOIA requests received by the registrar and dirctor of health dep. in HI on May 9. Answer is due within 20 days

LTC Dr. Lakin is finally free. We now need to work really hard to put criminal and fraud Obama in the cell, that Lakin occupied. Prison is a generous punishment for one getting in the WH with a forged BC and stolen SSN ID. Please, work hard to remove Obama from office and have him criminally prosecuted!!!

        SOCIAL MEDIA:  LIKE us on FaceBook  *  JOIN us on Twitter TERRY LAKIN IS FREE See the pictures and story Look for postings later at WND, Post & Email, Greeley Gazette, and others. *** CLICK HERE FOR TERRY’S RELEASE DATE AND HOMECOMING DETAILS  **** Click here for all news stories. The countdown […]

Summary of the pleadings and oral argument in Hornbeck v Salazar, my motion to intervene, more will be posted later

Yesterday I had a an oral argument in Hornbeck v Salazar. This case deals with the fact that Obama administration de facto destroyed oil and gas industry in the gulf of Mexico by placing a moratorium and later, when the federal judge placed an injunction on the moratorium, Obama regime contimued destroying the oil and gas industry by refusing to […]

Freedom of information request sent to Loretta Fuddy- director of HI Dep. of Health

DR.  ORLY TAITZ ESQ 29839 SANTA MARGARITA PKWY, STE 100 RANCHO SANTA MARGARITA CA 92688 ph. 949-683-5411 Loretta J.  Fuddy,  ACSW, MPH Director of Health state of Hawaii Department of Health 1250 Punchbowl str., Room 325 Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 05.07.2011 REQUEST TO ACCESS ORIGINAL 1961 TYPEWRITTEN BIRTH CERTIFICATE OF BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA (IF IT EXISTS) […]

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