
latest article about my work by Bob Unruh “WorldNetDaily”

Case seeking light on Obama SSN says privacy concern irrelevant ‎ You +1’d this publicly. Undo WND.com – Bob Unruh – 10 hours ago The attorney behind the case, Orly Taitz, told WND she is asking a court to compel compliance. The California attorney contends the state’s “privacy” … WND.com  

An article about me in “Tea Party Nation’. They have 3 pages of comments within hours

All Discussions My Discussions Add No award for Orly Posted by Judson Phillips on July 8, 2011 at 5:58am in Tea Party Nation Forum Send Message   View Discussions   The American Bar Association frequently gives awards to lawyers who show a commitment to justice.  Unfortunately, the ABA is about as far left as the Communist […]

Motion to compel the subpoena “to grant access to the original long form birth certificat of Barack Obama, memorandum of points and authorities, proposed order. PDF and DOCX versions provided

Taitz v Astrue motion to compel the subpoena, proposed order DR. ORLY TAITZ, ESQ ATTORNEY PRO SE 29839 SANTA MARGARITA PARKWAY, STE 100 RANCHO SANTA MARGARITA CA 92688 TEL: (949) 683-5411; FAX (949) 766-7603  E-MAIL: ORLY.TAITZ@GMAIL.COM UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE  DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Dr. ORLY TAITZ, ESQ, PRO SE                        §                              Plaintiff,                         […]

Enlarged PDF of the SS-5 for Ann Dunham, that shows that her application was forged as well

I am cautiously optimistic, as the latest letter from the SSA shows, that the government is starting to cooperate. After nearly 3 years of my unrelenting e-mails, phone calls, letters and law suits different governmental agencies are starting to comply, cooperate and provide information. The fact, that in the latest case I was given standing and […]

Enlarged applications of Ann Dunham’s SS-5, showing non-existent revision date and a clear sign of forgery

enlarged pdf ss-5 for Ann Dunham

Letter from SSA shows an invalid application form for Ann Dunham

I received today a letter from the Social Security administration. It provided years when social security revised its forms. As you can see, there was no revision in 1955, however the form allegedly  submitted by Stanley Ann Dunham to the Social Security administration, shows on the bottom non-existent revision date of 1955. As I provided […]

Update on FOIA legal actions in DC and HI and thanks to Ms. Tckly (I don’t know her real name)

Dear Ms. Tickly, thank you for your help and information. I assure you, that things are in the works and the legal actions are moving along  in spite of all the attacks from Philip Berg and Gary Kreep and an army of Obots, who even created additional sites and pages on Facebook, calling for my disbarrment  and need to waste […]

What are GOP leaders waiting for? Are they timing Obama impeachment hearing to the end of the 2012 election race?

If you read carefully the letter from Congressman Goodlatte, published a couple of days ago, it makes you wonder, what are the Republican chairs of the House committees waiting for? Goodlatte is saying that they are waiting for more evidence and experts for the official hearing regarding Obama’s eligibility, but if you look closely, you can see, that […]

Enemies attack the ones, who are perceived as the biggest threat, but at the end cream rises to the top

OBAMA’s Case in 9th Dist. # 2, Orly TAITZ get … 15 min – May 10, 2011 – Uploaded by williamwagener Atty. Kreep finishs, Dr & Atty. Orlly TAITZ compares Judicial buse and Undue pressure as like the Soviet Union, and mentions that … youtube.com Remember the attacks and the ridicule, that were launched against […]

Antidote to Obama’s poison, Barack Obama Soebarkah-Carnival Barker bumper stickers are given away with your donation to DOFF for $9.99 or higher

TPMDC Obama Campaign Selling Birth Certificate-Emblazoned Merchandise Jon Terbush | May 18, 2011, 12:37PM   President Obama’s reelection campaign is turning a conspiracy theory that had long dogged the president into a snarky fundraising tool, selling merchandise depicting Obama and his complete long form birth certificate. For a $25 donation, you can get a t-shirt […]

from supporter Paula Hoehn regarding stolen CT SSN 042-68-4425, which is being illegally used by Obama

Paula Hoehn pshoehn@yahoo.com Submitted on 2011/06/24 at 4:04pm June 24, 2011 e-mail to Rep. Goodlatte: Subject: Please investigate Obama’s forged BC and stolen SSN. Dear Rep. Goodlatte, I have read about your e-mail response of June 23, 2011 to your constituent Dean C. Haskins, posted on the internet at: https://giveusliberty1776.blogspot.com/ and https://www.orlytaitzesq.com/ in which […]

Breakthrough! Congressman Goodlatte acknowledges Congressional investigation of ObamaFraudGate!!! Keep burning the phone lines. Demand meetings with chairs of committees ASAP, Pronto!!!

We need urgent meetings with: 1. Sam Johnson- chair of subcommittee for the Social Security 2. Lamar Smith- chair of the Committee on the Judiciary 3. Darrell Issa- chair of the oversight committee 4. Dana Rohrabacher- chair of the subcommittee on intelligence of foreign relations committee 5. Mike Rogers-chair of House intelligence committee (former FBI […]


I finally got a response from Congressman Johnson, chairman of house subcommittee on Social Security. I talked to his assistant Jet Thompson and was directed to e-mail the scheduling assistant Lindsay Ray at Lindsay.Ray@mail.house.gov, which I did. As I am extremely busy, I am asking my supporters to follow up with her and schedule an […]

Correction: Attorney, who accused me of being a racist is April Blackman not Blackwell, her info is below

Notorious Obot rakasha.elemental@yahoo.com Submitted on 2011/06/22 at 10:42pm Hmm. Interesting. According to the CA Bar there is no lawyer named April Blackwell currently licensed to practice law in CA. Also, Orly, which Superior Court Bldg. were you at? I ask because you had nothing scheduled today in any court, you haven’t posted anything about […]

My motion to strike was docketed today in Taitz v Astrue, see the link

Taitz v Astrue filed motion to strike

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