
Motion for reconsideration Taitz v Astrue. Unredacted exhibits are being posted now

Taitz v Astrue Motion for reconsideration, Draft 3 Exhibits p1-30 Taitz v Astrue unredacted Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ pro se 29839 Santa Margarita Parkway, STE 100 Rancho Santa Margarita CA 92688 Tel: (949) 683-5411; Fax (949) 766-7603  E-Mail: dr_taitz@yahoo.com, orly.taitz@gmail.com   UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE  DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Dr. Orly Taitz, in pro […]

Important! The case in the state court in HI scheduled for October 12th

A hearing before judge Rhonda Nishimura in the first circuit court of the state of  HI is scheduled for  October 12th, 8:30 am. I will be flying to HI around Oct 11th. Court address 777 Punchbowl str., Honolulu, HI. First circuit court, judge -Hon. Rhonda Nishimura. The hearing is related to the Writ of Mandamus […]

What do you think about this letter? Do you think, we really have a system of justice, is it worth it to go to court, or is it up to people to rise against the government?

Stephen Giessinger Submitted on 2011/09/06 at 1:01am The Truth & William I understand and share your concern. However unlike yourselves I have no faith in the American Court System on this issue. More than enough opportunity has been availed upon the Courts to address this issue and they have chosen not to. We are not […]

What is wrong with Oregon and other “mail in” vote states

Florence Stone Submitted on 2011/09/06 at 12:12am There are no machines in Oregon. Every registered voter is mailed their ballot ahead of voting day. In the privacy of your home, you fill out your ballot, place it in a privacy envelope (included), insert it in the return envelope, which must be signed by you on […]

my take on candidates: the only one who speaks the truth on jobs now is Buddy Roemer, former gov. of Louisiana, contact him and every candidate, demand that they speak up the truth about ObamaForgeryGate and about ending free trade with the third world countries

Jon M. Carl (Navy Vet) Retired Submitted on 2011/09/02 at 5:46pm Go Orly, I have supported you in the past, and will support you in the future. I once called your phone number to tell you something, and was literally shocked, that you answered, and was cordial, and listened to me. Thank-you for that. I […]

Happy thanksgiving Mr. Obama!

Not long ago Obama was fighting GOP not to have public hearings in November on the issue of raising debt ceiling due to Obama’s insane spending. Now he wishes, it was debt ceiling on the agenda in November. Why so? Federal Judge for the US district court for the District of Hawaii Susan Oke-Mollway moved […]

some 500 readers posted remarks of outrage over ruling of a judge, who stated, thatUS citizens have no interest in knowing, whether their president is using a stolen Social Security number from a state, where he never resided

CERTIFIGATE   Judge rules on Obama’s Social Security number   Tells attorney: ‘Today is not your lucky day’ Posted: August 30, 2011 6:30 pm Eastern By Bob Unruh © 2011 WND   President Obama   Announcing it’s “not her lucky day,” a federal judge in Washington, D.C., has told an eligibility attorney he has dismissed her case […]

I need your help!

Obama had a lot of unpaid traffic tickets, when he went to Harvard. even then he thought he was above the law. I need certified copies of all of his tickets, as well as tickets of his illegal alien uncle Omar and his illegal alien aunt Zeutuni

Update, motion to compel producion of Obama’s original BC was postponed to November 21, 9:30 am

Today at 5:15 pm PST we had a hearing with the District Judge Susan Oke Mollway. She supervises magistrate  judge Puglisi. She gave me ECF privileges to file electronically. Deputy atorney General of Hawaii Jill Nagamine and assistant Attorey General Rebecca Quinn were there and demanded to dismiss the case and the hearing in light of […]

from pro-Obama attorneys on Fogbow. Really classy act

 Flag this message Happy Birthday! Tuesday, August 30, 2011 10:25 AM From: This sender is DomainKeys verified “Mary Adams” <maryadams1776@yahoo.com> Add sender to Contacts To: dr_taitz@yahoo.com Message contains attachments 2 Files (142KB) | Download All Bday.jpg Bday2.jpg No virus threat detected File: Bday.jpgDownload File Dear Orly,In honour of your birthday, we got together and contributed […]

Obama’s illegal uncle has the same birthdate as Obama’s illegal aunt. Can someone check: are they twins or are there more problems with papers? Was he legally awarded a Social Security number?

PAPER: Obama’s illegal alien uncle has valid Social Security ID, driver’s license… Had previous deportation order… Did he call White House for bail?

some harsh words from Atlah ministries and reverend Manning

Representatives of birher summit will be in HI Sept.14 to support me

BIRTHER SUMMIT DOUBLES HAWAIIAN NEWSPAPER OFFER TO $10,000, AND WILL BE IN HONOLULU TO SUPPORT ORLY TAITZ ON SEPTEMBER 14 https://www.birthersummit.org/news/45-birther-summit-doubles-hawaiian-newspaper-offer-to-10000-and-will-be-in-honolulu-to-support-orly-taitz-on-september-14.html

Romney owns Clear Channel communications, which was criminally complicit in ObamaForgeryGate

Carl Manning Submitted on 2011/08/22 at 8:06pm When I was getting ready to respond to this article, my first thoughts were why on Earth wouldn’t they contact someone with a big , big audience like Rush Limbaugh with this charity offer, but then I remembered reading on here that one caller tried to bring up […]

Why is WND promoting Kreep, while i am doing most of the work on eligibility, and Berg and Kreep are harassing me with their bogus law suit?

 Clear flag Re: Info about Phil Berg representing a 9/11 Truther Monday, August 22, 2011 3:13 AM From: This sender is DomainKeys verified View contact details To: “Dr. Orly Taitz ESQ” <dr_taitz@yahoo.com> Thank you for writing back, Orly. Thank you for the information. Just what I thought he would do. WHY is Gary Kreep part […]

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