
More misrepresentation and twisting of the truth by ORYR and Article2superpac crowd

A  blogger by name Bob Nelson, who calls himself ORYR and the rest of the crowd at Article2superpac are at it again. Bob Nelson purports to tell the truth, while in reality he twists the truth and really is helping Obama. Case in point. I actually filed an appeal of Malihi’s decision.  Brian Kemp, secretary […]

I am the only attorney, who actually filed an appeal with the Secretary of State of GA Brian Kemp, he is reviewing it now. Other 2 attorneys are planning to appeal, but so far my appeal is the only known appeal of Malihi’s decision

Dr. Orly Taitz ESQ 29839 santa Margarita, ste 100 Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 ph.949-683-5411 fax 949-766-7603 orly.taitz@gmail.com Honorable Brian Kemp Secretary of State of Georgia 214 State Capitol Atlanta, GA 30334 via e-mail to Vincent R. Russo Jr.  ESQ VRusso@sos.GA.gov and via Federal Express overnight delivery EMERGENCY APPEAL PETITION TO SET ASIDE RECOMMENDATION ISSUED […]

Do not despair, we will break free

Jordan Submitted on 2012/02/05 at 5:52am I am beginning to believe we may never know who may be behind these Judicial decisions, not to mention the direction of the country itself. It just seems that no matter what, Democrat or Republican, we just keep going down hill. I do not believe there is any stupidity involved […]

Very important!!! Emergency appeal to the Secretary of State of GA, please call Brian Kemp, Sec of State of GA in support of Farrar appeal

Appeal to Secretary of State Kemp Farrar final proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law Farrar v Obama Transcript of the 01.26.2012 hearing Farrar v Obama Exhibits in case file

I am asked about the decision by judge Malihi. Check this site from time to time. I will post it here, when I get it.

Farrar v Obama Proposed summary of facts and law

Farrar corrected proposed summary of law and fact

Judge Malihi gave me a leave of court to petition the Superior court for Letters Rogatory to the Circuit Court of HI seeking local subpoena for Obama’s original birth certificate in lieu of the alleged copy attached to 01.25.2012 letter from Jablonski

Farrar v Obama Emergency Request for Leave of Court to petition Superior Court for Letter Rogatory X InboxX Orly TaitzDear Ms. Beal, please forward to Honorable judge Malihi this emergency reques… 7:58 AM (23 hours ago) Orly TaitzLoading…7:58 AM (23 hours ago) Reply |Orly Taitz to Kim, michael.jablon. show details 7:58 AM (23 hours ago) […]

All of my exhibits are in the record, I sent an e-mail to the court reporter, stating that I will pay again for the amended transcript. I want to make sure all errors are corrected. I want to make sure the record is 100% correct, as it is a historic trial

from Kim Beal redacted to Peggy Warren redacted Orly Taitz , “michael.jablonski@ redacted dateTue, Jan 31, 2012 at 6:28 AM subjectRE: Trial exhibits moved into evidence mailed-by osah.ga.gov 6:28 AM (32 minutes ago) We cannot alter the transcript now that it has been produced. Judge Malihi has agreed to put the exhibits in the record. […]

Video of my case in GA: Opening statement, testimony of 7 witnesses, my testimony as a witness and a closing statement

  Here are all the exhibits in the evidence in the case file of the office of the Administrative Hearings, as confirmed to me and Mr. Jablonski, Barack Obama’s attorney.  Case files X InboxX  Reply |Kim Beal to me, michael.jablon. show details 2:16 PM (8 hours ago) Attached is the file with the exhibits from the […]

Transcript in Farrar et al v Obama

Farrar transcript there are a couple of errors in the transcript, those will be corrected. For example, 1. instead of letters Rogatory,  it says Letter interrogatory 2. there is no separation. There are times, where I am telling the operator of the computer and projector to move the exhibits up and down and stop. There […]

Press conference after Obama eligibility trial in Atlanta Part 2

Part of the press conference, that I gave to all the major networks after the trial in GA

Arpaio felt that testifying in GA was too much of a “burden”. Refused to appear

There was a lot of talk about sheriff Arpaio. WND was promoting him and his investigation and seeking donations for him and his posse. Keep in mind: even if a sheriff  comes up with a report, suggesting a need for prosecution, it is up to a District Attorney, whether to file charges and further it […]

Obama and his attorney are acting like frightened 5 year olds. In his letter he ignores the other 2 attorneys, but is pretty much saying ‘I am afraid of Orly”.

See the letter attached. What Obama is asking now, is totally insane. He is asking the Secretary of State of GA to take the trial away from the judge on the eve of the trial. He is mostly crying on the shoulder of the Secretary of State of GA and saying that Orly is bad, […]

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