
MS Response by plaintiff to 06.14.2012 notice of supplemental authority

MS Response by plaintiff to 06.14.2012 notice of supplemental authority

Another disastrous result of Obama’s myopic foreign policies

Brotherhood claims victory in Egypt president vote  

from a supporter Bart

Bart 16 approved Submitted on 2012/06/14 at 5:10 am Great work Orly. Your trip to Indiana was not in vain. Sheriff Joe at least got his affidavit sworn to and is now before several courts. You do have a lot of legal work to separate the cases and clarify the issues that may bring those […]

Letter to Luis Del Castillo, Presidnt of the International Criminal bar

Letter to Luis Del Castillo, President International Crinminal Panel Dr. Orly Taitz, ESq 29839 Santa Margarita pkwy, ste 100 Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 ph. 949-683-5411 fax 949-766-7603 Luis Del Castillo President International Criminal Panel luisdelcastillo@bpi-icb.com Barreau Pénal International Criminal Bar Barcelona Secretariat: Avenida Diagonal 529, 1º2ª 08025 Barcelona, España Tel.+34 +93 405 14 24, […]

Regime is concerned about Tuesday hearing and intensifying hacking, slander, scrubbing of the Internet and other attacks on me

Usually, when the regime is concerned about an upcoming hearing, they engage in massive scrubbing of the Internet, slander and hacking. About a million articles about my work were scrubbed from the Internet within a couple of days. Garbage was posted everywhere, defamation intensified. My yahoo account was hacked again and someone using my yahoo account […]

from a supporter Henry tisdale, who gave me a very generous campaign donation of $1,000. Thank you mr. Tisdale, it will help retire the campaign debt

Henry Tisdale 184 approved Submitted on 2012/06/06 at 5:00 am Orly, it may not have occurred to you, but think about this. George Soros could not possibly allow you to be active in any congressional seat, but especially in the U.S. Senate. And he probably did not have to lay out much green stuff, since […]

We expect 10% less turnout, more efect for my supporters, who are more motivated than others

Mail ballots indicate low-turnout election June 1st, 2012, 1:22 pm by Martin Wisckol, Politics reporter Neal Kelley with mail ballots in 2008. Mail ballots arriving at the Orange County elections office indicate a low-turnout for Tuesday’s primary, with voting on pace to see less than 30 percent of registered voters casting ballots in the county. […]

To end the controversy, I authorize the Dep of Homeland security to confirm my naturalised US citizen status. They will be authorised to show the original papers, when Obama’s original papers are produced. What’s good for the goose, good for the gander!

I, Orly Taitz, authorize the Department of Homeland Security to release a confirmation of my naturalized US citizen status. Department of Health in HI, Passport agency, SSA and Selective Service refuse to provide for examination any original documents of Obama. A couple of bureaucrat crooks are telling us: you do not need to see the original papers: […]

This is really funny. Pro Obama camp launches an attack: where is Orly’s certificate. When Obama allows inspection of his original papers on file, I will allow inspection of mine. Deal?

Where’s Orly’s Certificate? June 1, 2012 By Dan Chmielewski A hat tip to the right-leading OC Political blog on this post that asks the question, why hasn’t Republican US Senate candidate dentist/lawyer/realtor Orly Taitz released a copy of her U.S. Naturalization papers? Taitz was born in the former Soviet Union and says she was naturalized […]

Court signed subpoena with the raised seal for Obama to appear in court on June 12 and present all of his identification records. (Forgery that he posted on line does not constitute a valid record, not admissible in court)

A new article in Salon.com regarding ObamaForgeryGate

https://www.salon.com/2012/05/29/birthers_cheer_for_trump/singleton/ Birthers cheer for Trump – Salon.com www.salon.com/2012/05/29/birthers_cheer_for…/singleton/ You +1’d this publicly. Undo 47 minutes ago – Orly Taitz and Joseph Farah tell Salon they’re thrilled with the attention the mogul has brought to their theory.

Major Endorsement for Dr. Orly Taitz for US Senate from publisher of Libertarian Republican, Founder of Republican liberty caucus, senior aid to Congressman Ron Paul

 Eric Dondero 10:28 AM (3 hours ago) Hi Orly, We spoke briefly yesterday.  Twas a pleasure.  You have my official endorsement for your US Senate race.  Eric Dondero, Senior Aide, US Congressman Ron Paul 1997-2003 Founder, Republican Liberty Caucus Publisher, LibertarianRepublican.net  “Yes, when she first burst on the scene, many conservatives and libertarians were a little […]

Unbelievable, outrageous attack on me by Bill Carrick, campaign manager for Senator Diane Feinstein. Demand from Senator Feinstein a debate on the issues before the June primary instead of mud slinging by her campaign manager

Re: Progress Bill Carrick noreply@diannefeinstein2012.com via bounce.bluestatedigital.com 10:22 AM (5 minutes ago) Images are not displayed. Display images below – Always display images from noreply@diannefeinstein2012.com Friend — Dianne is right. Karl Rove and his special interest buddies on the radical right have pledged half a billion dollars to bring down the President, and all those […]

Vote Orly Taitz for 2012 US senate- a better California awaits made it on the viral Video chart!

Viral Video Chart – VOTE ORLY TAITZ FOR 2012 US SENATE ~ A … 3 hours ago Watch VOTE ORLY TAITZ FOR 2012 US SENATE ~ A Better California Awaits, if Our Support Is With Dr. Taitz! at ViralVideoChart now viralvideochart.unrulymedia.com/youtube/VOTE_ORLY_TAITZ… – Cached This video was made by my supporter Tracy Fair. as you know, […]


OBAMA LIT AGENT SHOCKER: ‘BORN IN KENYA AND RAISED IN INDONESIA AND HAWAII’ https://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/05/17/The-Vetting-Barack-Obama-Literary-Agent-1991-Born-in-Kenya-Raised-Indonesia-HawaiiRecently discovered Obama’s 1991 bigraphy, published by his literary agent, lists him as born in Kenya. Now we need to find one judge, who is not corrupt and who will finally rule on a mountain of evidence and will remove him from the […]

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