
Is there any connection between Mitzi Torri and other IRS executives? When did Savannah Guthrie graduate from Georgetown university Law School? Guthrie, NBC anchor, is the only reporter who claimed to have touched the raised seal on Obama’s birth certificate during April 27 press conference

  herman 7 approved Submitted on 2013/05/16 at 4:19 am Lois Lerner husband, Michael miles was Georgetown grad 1983 and had worked in IRS chief counsel office. Mitzi Torri is Georgetown grad 1984 and had worked in IRS office chief counsel 1986-94. https://www.sutherland.com/michael_miles/   Obama didn’t know? Mitzi Torri, IRS attorney, who posted threats, is running […]

More clarifications re discrepancy of Indonesian records of Barry Soetoro and HI records of Barry Obama and why Mike Zullo’s affidavit will not be considered in the actual appeal in the Supreme Court of Alabama

1. I was asked to clarify regarding descrepancy of Indonesian records. Please, see attached picture from Obama’s  classmate Scott Inouie. It states 1969. Now look at Obama’s school record from indonesia; it shows that Obama under the name Barry Soetoro went to school in Indonesia from January 1 1968. Based on this discrepancy there were 2 boys: […]

Press Release: Attorney Taitz is currently working with Rose Salantiri, director of the prior recall effort on a recall of corrupt U.S. Senators and Congressmen who are pushing for the mega amnesty, which destroys the U.S. national security, American jobs and bankrupts social services

Press release Attorney Taitz was able to get in touch with Rose Salantiri, the director of the prior recall effort  to remove Senator Menendez . Miss Salantiri is well aware of court proceedings as she has years of experience as a court reporter. Ms. Salantiri also knew who Attorney Taitz is, she is well aware […]

Press release: announcing a new campaign to recall corrupt senators and congressmen. Please, start recall petitions to recall each and every corrupt senator and congressman, who is committing treason by undermining the U.S. territorial sovereignty, U.S. borders and U.S. economy and pushing for legalization of the invasion of 42 million illegals. See guidelines to start the recall of corrupt senators and congressmen below. AZ tea party should lead the effort with the drive to throw out of office 2 gangsters out of the gang of 8: Jeff Flake and John McCain. They are committing treason against the state of AZ, they need to go.

Press release Law offices of Orly Taitz Attorney Orly Taitz is calling on U.S. Patriots and law abiding citizens to start a recall drive to remove from office all of the corrupt senators and congressmen who are voting for the Mega amnesty conceived by the Obama regime and the gang of 8 corrupt senators: Chuck […]

Press release: Federal Elections commission rules in favor of the candidate for U.S. Senate Orly Taitz

Press release Law offices of Orly Taitz For the past 5 years Attorney Orly Taitz was in the forefront of  the legal battle seeking to prosecute Barack Obama and his accomplices for elections fraud and for Obama’s use of all forged IDs and stolen CT Social Security number 042-68-4425, which was issued to Harrison J, […]

I placed an ad regarding Harrison Bounel in other publicatons as well. Need more info on Darren Hankins

I am looking at people, who were the most vicious attackers of me and other civil rights attorneys and civil rights leaders bringing forward info on Obama. For example, Obama’s personal attorney Scott J. Tepper attacked me, however I caught him submitting too Judge Wingate in MS Obama’s forged ID, submitting forgery of a forgery […]

Press release: Attorney Orly Taitz placed an ad in Bronx Times and other publication seeking information on Harrison J. Bounel, born in 1890, whose Social Security number 042-68-4425 Barack Obama, aka Barry Soetoro, aka Barry Soebarkah is fraudulently using

I am searching for an individual Harrison (Harry) J. Bounel,born in 1890 in Russia,immigrated to U.S. in 1912, Jewish. according to 1940 census he resided in Bronx at 912 Daly str, worked at a nearby fruit store of Sam Cohen. It is believed that he was in a retirement home or hospital in CT in […]

Reminder! please go to the offices of every senator and particularly Rubio, tell them to start investigation of Obama’s failed E-verify or resign. We do not believe pathological liars, like gang of 8 lying senators, who are covering up Obama’s failed E-verify and want us to believe that they will check the e-verify of millions of illegals. Rubio, speak the truth or go home!

FOX News censored/heavily edited my interview and removed all evidence of Obama’s use of all forged IDs and a stolen CT Social Security number of Harrison J. Bounel

  Please, see below the article by FOX News Latino.com I spent at least half an hour with the reporter for FOX News Victor Garcia. I begged him  not to remove from he article the evidence, the fact that Obama is not eligible not only because he had a foreign citizenship from birth, but also […]

Islamic jihad war in Boston. 2 Muslim brothers from Chechnia planted Marathon bombs. One is dead, One cop killed. One suspect is heavily armed with explosives, neighborhoods, Universities and mass transport on the lockdown. Tell the Senate to STAY the amnesty hearings. We can’t have an amnesty of millions of illegals, when we have an unknown number of terrorists in the country on lockdown.

  ‘Man in the White Hat’ at large; Black hat man dead… Massive manhunt underway in Boston suburbs… Watertown on Lockdown… Residents Told to Lock Doors… No Fly Zone in Place… ID’d as brothers from Russia region near Chechnya… Region ‘plagued by an Islamic insurgency’… Suspects’ Uncle: Men Lived In Cambridge Together For Decade; ‘Absolutely […]

Join law abiding Americans against corrupt Congress and usurper in the WH, who are pushing amnesty of 25-42 million illegals. these scoundrels are claiming they will use e-verify, but they refused to check the E-verify of the thief sitting in the WH

New World Order Mafia needed a Democratic party stooge like Bill Clinton to push WTO-GATT. Clinton pretended to be one of the people and robbed 20 million American workers of their jobs and wages. Now the same mafia is using other stooges, Rubio among them, to overcome the resistance of American people to give amnesty […]

Press release: Orly Taitz will be on Victor Topaller show Saturday April 13, 50 million viewers

Press release: Orly Taitz will be on Victor Topaller show Saturday April 13, 50 million viewers     ease Law Offices of Orly Taitz Attorney and Dr. Orly Taitz will be on Victor Topaller show this Saturday, April 13, 2013, RTVI network Topaller is knows as Russian Rush Limbaugh and is seen by estimated 50 […]

After 4 and a half years of struggle the first election commission is forwarding my complaint to the law enforcement for investigation of elections fraud and illegal activities. It looks like things started to move. Please, forward all of this evidence to your elections commissions, secs of state, sheriffs, police chiefs, DAs, AGs and US attorneys


Very important! Federal Judge Morrison C. England scheduled a new hearing for April 22, 10 Am, Courtroom 7. I am asking my supporters to come to the hearing. It will mean a lot to me.

  Press release Law Offices of Orly Taitz Chief U.S. District Judge Morrison England scheduled  a new hearing Monday, April 22, 10 am Courtroom 7 US District Court 501 I street Sacramento CA Grinols New Hearing April 22 Grinols opposition by Plaintiffs for April 22 hearing Attorney Taitz is asking law abiding citizens, who are able to […]

Press release: A notice of appeal of the denial of the Default Judgment against Defendant Obama is filed. An Appellant’s brief will be filed at a later date upon an order by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals

Activity in Case 2:12-cv-02997-MCE-DAD Grinols et al v. Electoral College et al Notice of Appeal Grinols Notice of Appeal and Ex Parte Expedited Motion0001 by orlytaitz1 caed_cmecf_helpdesk@caed.uscourts.gov 10:03 PM (4 hours ago) to CourtMail  This is an automatic e-mail message generated by the CM/ECF system.  Please DO NOT RESPOND to this e-mail because the mail […]

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