
Aaron Klein, Host of WABC show and best selling author of manchurian president, is now my friend of Facebook

72 friends in commonSee All ObamaRelease YourRecords Michael Reagan Report/Block this PersonShare Aaron Klein (Aaron Klein Show Wabc)  Friend Request ConfirmedRespond to Friend Request

Don’t go to the web sites impersonating me

 Clear flag Impersonating Orly Taitz Friday, May 14, 2010 10:31 AM From: This sender is DomainKeys verified “Gen Rajska” View contact details To: “Orly Taitz” <dr_taitz@yahoo.com> https://www.facebook.com/pages/Orly-Taitz/111233562237940?v=desc&ref=ts I reported this site for impersonating Orly Taitz. It’s anti-Orly Taitz and impersonates the real page of Orly. Chito

7 Stars next to the name of the web site signify very heavy traffic. A large number of readers all over the country and all over the World are following my work and my pleadings. We just need one judge with strength of character to act.

  45 unique top-ten pages selected from at least 1,459,747 matching results   Did you mean: orly tait   Tip: Ixquick offers more accurate results >> Learn more       Dr. Orly Taitz Esquire Orly Taitz, the Czarina of the “Birther” Movement, is not saying anything zanier … The Orly Taitz phenomenon illustrates that […]

For a year now I’ve included issues of Barack Obama’s, Michelle Obama’s and Ann Dunham’s (Obama) Social Security irregularities in my pleadings and dossiers. Recently with the help of senior writer John Spokes I posted a full page ad in Wash Times, explaining the matter. It caused an explosion. Now hundreds of writers and talk show hosts are talking about it. More will come in upcoming pleadings and legal actions.

The ‘birthers’ are back with a brand new Obama conspiracy theory » Los Angeles Times – ‎16 hours ago‎ The quixotic saga of the “birthers,” the same bunch of uh, tenacious folks recently rebuffed by the state of Hawaii for pestering government employees there … An Obama Social Security Number Conspiracy Theory Controversy CNM News Network – […]

My interview with John Rothman, who audience of millions of listeners

https://vaca.bayradio.com/kgo_archives/?d=4# Go to the 11pm time slot..  The interview starts after 11:05 (estimated).. On the picture next to me is the talk show host John Rothman, President of San Francisco Republican Alliance Gail Neira and one of Republican candidates for the position of the Superintendent of Public Schools Dianne Lenning. I have to state that […]

This admission of Obama’s birth in Kenya made by an ambassador of Kenya was seen and heard by over 177,000 citizens, only corrupt judges, US attorneys and members of Congress refuse to hear

As a Sec of State I will fight EPA and Fed Gov in court to switch on water to Central Valley of CA

Remove Michael Chartier Dr. Taitz, FYI, please help this video go viral as all Californians are suffering from this abusive intrusion into CA constitutional territory by the B.S./B.O. admin. thugs in DC! Sean Hannity exposes the man-made drought in California www.youtube.com FROM THE GREAT AMERICAN BLOG: Let me be honest: When I get hungry, I […]

Docket with motion to Consolidate

PROSE-NP, TYPE-F U.S. District Court District of Columbia (Washington, DC) CIVIL DOCKET FOR CASE #: 1:10-cv-00151-RCL TAITZ v. OBAMA Assigned to: Chief Judge Royce C. Lamberth  Case:  1:09-mc-00346-RCL Cause: 28:1331 Fed. Question Date Filed: 01/27/2010 Jury Demand: None Nature of Suit: 890 Other Statutory Actions Jurisdiction: U.S. Government Defendant Plaintiff ORLY TAITZ represented by ORLY TAITZ […]

Motion for consolidation with the case filed and now in front of chief judge for the District of Columbia Lamberth

Motions 1:10-cv-00151-RCL TAITZ v. OBAMA PROSE-NP, TYPE-F U.S. District Court District of Columbia Notice of Electronic Filing The following transaction was entered on 3/25/2010 at 7:00 PM and filed on 3/25/2010 Case Name: TAITZ v. OBAMA Case Number: 1:10-cv-00151-RCL Filer: ORLY TAITZ Document Number: 17   Docket Text: First MOTION to Consolidate Cases by ORLY […]

On Second Thought TV show reporting on my speech at the Freedom Fair banquet


NBC creates a mock campaign video for me, lying about the issues and facts. Please contact NBC, demand equal time and demand that they stop committing journalistic malpractice and report the truth

Paul James Submitted on 2010/03/20 at 7:19pm The woman Rachel Maddow has posted a hate crime against you Dr. Taitz. Watch here: https://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26315908/vp/35957815%2335957815 Flier 1 #

I need your help and cooperation

Rand Paul — 143 mutual friends  Add to List    Send Message People,I need your help and cooperation. Currently Ihave a maximum of 5,000 friends, 600 people on the new fan page and 551 on a waiting list. I need you to help me by de-linking  from the old friend page and transferring, re-linking on the new fans […]

Please Contact Blackhawk Republican Women committee and demand that they reconsider their invitation or provide equal time for me to provide truth ful info. Please demand apology and retraction from Boots Republican Candidates block author, who seems to be a Marxist, masquerading as a Republican.

 Damon Dunn, Republican candidate for California Secretary of State, will be the guest speaker of the Blackhawk Republican Woman, March 10, beginning at 5:30 p.m., at the Blackhawk Cuntry Club, located at 599 Blackhawk Club Drive, Danville CA. Dunn says he’s a Republican, “because I know how I got out of poverty. It wasn’t government […]

Criminal Complaint filed with the office of the Registrar of voters of Orange County, CA

Dr. Orly Taitz ESQ 29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, ste 100 Rancho Santa Margarita CA 92688 03.12.10 Attention Mr. Neal Kelley Registrar of Voters, Orange County CA Via e-mail to Neil.Kelley@rov.ocgov.com Via fax 714-567-7556              714-567-7627 Via mail Registrar of voters 1300 South Grand Avenue, Bldg C Santa Ana, CA 92705  Criminal Complaint regarding voter fraud […]

PorkRoll Submitted on 2010/03/12 at 5:19am The reason an Obot plant is running as a Republican for SOS is because Obama/Soros are “stacking the deck” in their favor. From Joseph Farah’s G2 bulletin “How Team Obama plans to steal 2010 election” – “Planting operatives in America’s statehouses: A subversive, Soros-backed group called the Secretary of […]

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